Red Squadron Space Party

Title: Red Squadron Space Party
Author: Mark "Rogue Nine" Balderston
Date: Aug 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objectives (1) Hidden Base

Locations (10) (the Hidden Base) Coruscant Corulag Kashyyyk Kessel Kiffex Roche Rendezvous Point Cloud City Carbonite Chamber CC Lower Corridor

Characters (14) Epp Han x2 Epp Leia x2 Epp Luke 1 Epp Obi-Wan x2 Keir Santage Bren Quersey Theron Nett Elyhek Rue Derek Hobbie Klivian Luke Skywalker Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Starships (7) Artoo-Detoo in Red 5 Red 2 Red 7 Red 8 Red 10 Red Squadron 7 Red Squadron 4

Weapons (6) X-wing Laser cannons x5 Enhanced Proton Torpedoes

Admiral’s Orders (2) Concentrate all Fire x2

Effects (9) Slayn and Korpil Facilities Strikeforce Menace Fades Wise Advice Squadron Assignnments Traffic Control Honor of the Jedi Battle Plan Insurrection

Interupts (11) Rebel Barrier x3 Organized Attack x3 Slight Weapons Malfunction x3 Star Destroyer Heading for the Medical frigate’

Strategy: ‘

This Deck is Red Squadron all the way. The interrupts can sway a beatdown by your opponent in space or on ground to a resounding win by you. Slight Weapons Malfunction is awesome. I use it almost every battle. Rebel Barrier is a lifesaver, especially if they are playing with Star Destroyers. S and K facilities is like scum for Light Side, retrieving 2 every time you hit an opponent’s ship is great. Against Rall Ops, just take over Ralltiir because they can’t beat you in space. They might feel pretty smart when they pop down Zuckuss in Mist Hunter, but if you keep a big hand, this deck works great, and you’ll probably have a barrier. Cycle using Traffic Control, and keep lots of interrupts in your hand. Organized Attack is mainly useful for the immunity to attrition, but combined with Concentrate all fire, you can have huge power in space. There are four effects which hinge upon the battleground sites, Honor, Menace Fades, Battle Plan, and Strikeforce. Against Bring Him Before me, don’t start Honor because they are probably packing SAC. Wait until they deploy Vader, then pop down Insurrection and some guys on Cloud City, and they can’t even get there. That’s about all I have to say, I mainly made this deck for fun, but it turned out to be pretty decent. My friend was playing TIE interceptor swarm, and I crushed him by 27. I got power of 34 with Luke and Wedge on their ships. ‘