The Brahma Bull s Throne Room v2

Title: The Brahma Bull s Throne Room v2
Author: Alfred "ThaBraHmaBuL" Dong
Date: Aug 16, 2000 Rating: 4.5




Throne Room Farm Swamp Careful Planning


Lower Corridor Home One War Room Hoth War Room Rendezvous Point Yodas Hut

The Dream Team

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3 EPP Obi x2 Capt Han Solo EPP Han Bousshh EPP Leia Orrimaarko Melas Nien Numb General Calrissian Wedge Antilles, Red Squad Leader Tycho Celchu Lt Blount Lock


Anakins Stick Lukes Stick


Home One Tantive IV Spiral Red Squadron One Gold Squadron One Millenium Falcon Green Squadron Three


Tunnel Vision Rebel Barrier x2 Alter x2 Sense x3 The Signal x2 Grimtaash x2 Fly Casual


Bacta Tank Your Insights Serve You Well Battle Plan Order To Engage Frozen Assets Draw Thier Fire Goo Nee Tay Squadron Assignments Honor of the Jedi


Nudj x2

Admirals Order

I’ll Take The Leader

Strategy: ‘

NOTE Tunnel Vision has bit it for the Yavin 4 Headquarters. More activation is alot better than a single Tunnel Vision.

Revised version of my previous Throne Room. Im assuming everyone knows how to use Throne Room, so I’ll skip the intro on how to play it…..if you dont know it, dont play it.

Some changes

Tycho Took out KalFal for Tycho…..Tychos a spy, a Rogue Squad for Wedge, and hes got his own nifty starfighter. He’ll also draw destiny on Wedges ship if you need it that bad.

Anakins Mainly took out the second Lukes saber for Monnok protection…..there little difference between the 2, Lukes is slightly better, but Boussh and EPP Leia can handle this one.

Alter Tunnel Vision bit it for the second Alter. Lateral Damage hurts. Plain and simple.

Green Squadron 3 Threw in Tycho, minus well have his ship too. Immune to <4, possibly <6, and will help blow out that Death Star should the need arises. Youd never use Luke in Red 5 anyways.

Draw Thier Fire Ive always had Frozen in the deck, DTF completes the combo. Retrieval, and used against TIEs, this card is cool. None of the important effects in the deck can be Altered anyways, so Wise Advice bit it.

Cards explained

I’ll Take the Leader It doesnt rape TIEs entirely, but it makes it alot more bearable. Your ships get tougher to kill, and your drains at DBays are increased as well….this card is the @#$%.

Jedi Luke Hes got destiny 6, and hes easily affordable, no matter what you say. Stick him to the Lower Corridor with his saber and hes one bad mofo you dont wanna touch.

Lower Corridor A BG has saved me in many games. This ones the best one I see. Granted, it gives your opponent force, but theres no drain bonus for Decree to cancel and yove got a solid drain of 2. Obi cant be Circled in there, and Lukes power 10 with his sword…..and its interior, so walkers cant ruin your day.

Fly Casual Cheaper deploy for one ship, gives that ship spy ability, and its a used 6. If you want it can also get Tantive out for ya.

What to do vs.

RalOps If this isnt dead yet, it soon will be. Lock Frozen and Sense knocks reacts, beatdown squad arrives and lays the smackdown for game. Your fleet should get to Raltiir real easily with Fly Casual, and should dominate there all day. Easy game.

Endor Ops Spies to the Bunker, Run the dbay, and your fleet will do the rest. You get the early jump since you give them no force and they give you 3.

BHBM Its a hard game, but you can win it. Give Luke to Vader as soon as he hits table, and keep him there to make him lose 1 for the rest of the game. Honor to stop duel damage, stick Boussh to Vader to stop his drains. Send Obi everywhere else to prevent Circle, and watch your battles. If he has a fleet, crush it with yours.

This is a solid deck so rate it accordingly.

Alfred Dong The Brahma Bull