Evan s New Age Falcon

Title: Evan s New Age Falcon
Author: Evan "fizz247" Clemens
Date: Aug 19, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Mind What You Have Learned/Save You It Can

Locations (9) Dagobah Dagobah Training Area Dagobah Yoda’s Hut Dagobah Swamp Coruscant Kiffex Kashyyyk Kessel Spaceport Docking Bay

Characters (19) Captain Han Solo x2 Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Obi Wan With Lightsaber x2 Luke With Lightsaber x2 General Calrissian Chewbacca Wedge Antilles Biggs Darklighter Joroen Webb Kal’Falnl C’ndros Yoda Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa BoShek Melas

Starships (6) Mellennium Falcon x2 Gold Leader In Gold 1 Red Leader In Red 1 Tantive IV Spiral

Devices (2) Luke’s Backpack Han’s Toolkit

Jedi Tests (2) Great Warrior A Jedi’s Strength

Interrupts (13) Heading For The Medical Frigate Out Of Nowhere Punch It I Know Don’t Get Cocky Skywalkers Life Debt The Signal Tunnel Vision Fly Casual A Few Maneuvers Star Destroyer Hyper Escape

Effects (8) Your Insight Serves You Well Squadron Assignments Insurrection Honor Of The Jedi Yoda’s Hope Bacta Tank Order To Engage Legendary Starfighter ‘

Strategy: ‘

**Note** the <> docking bay should be tatooine docking bay 94

Ok, here we go. The start is MWYHL with dagobah and heading for the medical frigate to get insurection, squad assignments, and YISYW.

Basically, first turn, pull the training area and test one and yoda and yoda’s hope and luke’s backpack and deploy it all to dagobah. You can also get the docking bay first turn if you feel like it. If they are playing HDADTJ or BHBM ditch YISYW for Honor of the Jedi (before you activate). If they give you enough force, you may also be able to deploy an ability four scrub to dagobah with great warrior. Do this second turn if not possible first turn. You should be able to complete both tests in the first four or five turns.

The training aspect of the deck is mainly to slow down the opponent and make them more careful about deployment. Basically it will protect you from massive force drains and give you some quick activation to rely on. It can also seriously screw up decks relying on destiny adders (i.e. the emporors power, iggy, bossk in bus) becuase they don’t get destiny unless they got six ability. This is useful in space and on the ground.

The rest of the deck is to be played by ear. Depending on what they do, the strategy changes drastically. The basic strategy, if they don’t appear to be doing much, is deploy the super falcon in space using squad assignments to get a decent crew, and foce drain at kessel or kiffex or coruscant. Using destiny adders and sneaky interupts, space is usually easy to dominate. If they do do something on the ground, or if you get a basic feel for their strategy, your priority is to disrupt it, using order to engage etc.

Now for some specific card choices

Yoda’s Hut good activation and a place to stick Yoda when he’s done mentor-ing to give a boost to your immunity.

Docking Bay Mainly provides for a gateway onto a planet or a battleground site for battle plan. Plus I can pull it with Insurection.

Insurection Lets me pull my docking bay and boosts my forfeit of Biggs and Wedge. Also saves me from elis headaches.

Han’s Toolkit Cancil annoying stuff like gravity shadow, lateral damage and the like.

Star Destroyer, A few manuevers, Fly Casual track these high destiny interupts. nuff said.

Order To Engage follow them around in space with the falcon or on the ground with a beat squad. very effective.

Bacta tank fun for all occasions, keep your epps coming for more.

Legendary Starfighter All it takes is one win in space to make them hurt for the rest of the game, make them pay by sticking this on the falcon. Wins games.

Strats against common deck types

Rops-Test two helps agains their scrubs on Raltirr, and you shouldn’t have too much trouble dominating the system and one site to keep the objective fliped. use the tat docking bay to get there if necessary. This deck is easy to beat if they don’t expect you to have decent space power.

BHBM-Another easy win with Honor of the Jedi. Use the falcon in space to dominate, and don’t give them the chance to win battles. If they end up getting three battlegrounds, try to knock them off one or hand over luke. The flip side of their objective hurts them more than it helps them if they can’t win battles.

HDADTJ-Honor of the jedi helps here alot. Win a few space beats and force drain them out. Watch for dueling, probably one of the main threats to this deck. If Hunt down and duel is hip in your area, fish out some dueling adders and an uncontrollable fury from your box and toss em in.

Dark Deal of any sort-test one kills them, and you will dominate space. easy win.

Ties-a good match up, but if you keep them on the run and hold your own in space, you can fight off the swarm. (good trick is to use Don’t Get Cocky to kill good ties when they initiate a battle, like Baron Soonter Fel in Saber One).

Endor ops-don’t see this much, but it is pretty easy to beat if you keep pressure on them at endor sites and in space. Try to prevent a flip and you will be fine. Go in the bunker to avoid vehicles and stay there to prevent a flip.

Court-Grab Honor of the Jedi, and fly around in space. The super falcon will lay the beats on the indy fleet, and as long as you dominate up there, you will win. Try to fool them into spreading thin on the ground and then get some quick EPP hits in.

ISB-test one kills it. Usually don’t have much space, so you will win easily.

Mains and Toys-obviously the best matchup for this deck is a strait up mains and toys deck based on the ground with a decent space complement (such as Old School Meets New School). Out play them in space and get them overconfident on the ground and lay the beats. Legendary starfigher helps alot, as does tests 1 and 2.

Thats about it, im open to suggestions, this was basically a deck I built to replace my aging tat mains deck in the post DSII environment. I feel that the new set helps this style of deck alot, making it more efficient, streamlined, and more versital to cope with a variety of decks.