Next Generation Endor Ops v1 0

Title: Next Generation Endor Ops v1 0
Author: Brandon "Tantive XXX" Knapp
Date: Aug 19, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Endor Manip v2.0.deck - Fri Aug 18 141011 2000

Unknown Type

Death Star Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Executor Docking Bay Hoth Rendili Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Characters (19) Admiral Ozzel Bane Malar Brangus Glee Darth Vader With Lightsaber Darth Vader DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4 Ephant Mon (Only goes to the Executor Docking Bay with M’iiyoom) Grand Moff Tarkin Janus Greejatus Lieutenant Cabbel M’iiyoom Onith x5 Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand Sim Aloo

Starships (8) Avenger Bossk In Hound’s Tooth Chimaera Devastator Dominator Executor Vengeance Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (18) Alter x3 It’s Worse Masterful Move x2 Monnok x4 Operational As Planned x2 Prepared Defenses Sense x3 Set For Stun x2

Effects (6) Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Ominous Rumors Oppressive Enforcement There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Unknown Type Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost ‘

Strategy: ‘


Out- DS-61-4 / In- Captain Godhert

Starting (8) Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost Endor Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Prepared Defenses Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Oppressive Enforcement

1st Turn- Get out Rendili before Activating. Activate and then get out the Executor DB and Ominous Rumors. If you have a M’iiyoom in hand (which you normally do) deploy her to the Executor DB. If not deploy some other scrub there.

Against Popular Deck Types-

Profit- Start Mara and M’iiyoom. If you get an Operational As Planned use it and then scan their hand with M’iiyoom. If not, deploy some scrubs to help out Mara and get out the Executor DB. On your next turn get out the Tat DB and move M’iiyoom to the Executor DB and she should be safe. This is usually an easy win because M’iiyoom scans away almost all their characters. If they do happen to flip, use Set For Stun on Han and then M’iiyoom him away to the lost pile. If they use Shocking Information, Sense and Grab it if Scrambled Transmission isn’t on the table. If it is, grab it, loose M’iiyoom + 4 and then deploy her again. Then all you have to do is drain in space and keep M’iiyoom their characters away.

EBO- I’ve played this against 2 EBO decks so far and they’ve never been able to deploy EBO because I kept M’iiyoom their characters away. All you have to do is set up some drains in space and keep M’iiyoom them and they’ll never be able to deploy EBO.

HB- This is a tough match sometimes. The only HB decks that Ive seen in Tournaments are X-wing Swarm and a few Squadron Assignments decks. If you play an X-wing Swarm it should be pretty easy. Its funny when they loose 1 force to get 3 X-wings and then I lost-Monnok them for about 4-5 X-wings so in the end they loose about 6 cards. I also have SAC for S-foils, Rebel Fleet, used-Organized Attacks, etc. If it*s a Squadron Assignments deck try to M’iiyoom as many pilots away as possible and if they do get a few pilots out Set For Stun and M’iiyoom them away.

TIGIH- Capture Luke so you can set up Rumors and try to get him to Vader ASAP. All you have to do is set up some drains in space and M’iiyoom there characters away. If they*re playing Eloms, try to Monnok them away.