DS 2nd place deck in states

Title: DS 2nd place deck in states
Author: Cullen "Sigmar" Burns
Date: Aug 19, 2000 Rating: 1.5



‘Hunt down and distory the jedi epic duel SITEs Excuter meditation chamber Excuter holoheathre 2 cloud citys casinos cloud city securit tower INTERRUPTs 4 elis helrots 4 alters 5 sences 5 cloud city sabaccs 3 focused attacks 2 vaders obsessions twi’lek advisor any methods necessary projective telepathy the circle is now conplete WEAPONs 2 mara jade’s lightsaber SHIPs Boba fett in slave one zuckuss in mist hunter denar in punishing one excuter EFFECTs bad feeling have I security prections Crush the rebillion reactor terminal Visage of the empire vader’s cape GUYs 4 vaders with saber 4 mara jades 2 lando calrissian 2 grand moff tarkin lobot boba fett with blaster rifle dengar with blaster carbine’

Strategy: ‘

you try go get out the CC sites and sabbac. it a very easy deck if you suck at starwars use this deck to get better. thats all i can think about right know message if you have to bitch about it.’