Soon You Will Call Me Master

Title: Soon You Will Call Me Master
Author: Brandon "Fett383" Chong
Date: Aug 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(5) Death Star 2Throne Room Death Star 2Docking Bay Cloud CityEast Platform TatooineDocking Bay 94 EndorLanding Platform

Characters(15) Emperor Palpatine Mara Jade, TEH x2 Darth Vader Darth Vader, DLOTS Lord Vader Darth Vader w/saber Janus Greejatus Sim Aloo Jabba the Hutt Grand Moff Tarkin Admiral Ozzel Admiral Piett Admiral Motti Admiral Chiraneau

Starships(6) Executor Chimaera Bossk in Hounds Tooth Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Dengar in Punishing One Boba Fett in Slave 1

Weapons(2) Vader’s Lightsaber Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Interrupts(20) Prepared Defenses Twi’lek Advisor Force Lightning Rise My Friend x2 Imperial Command x2 Imperial Barrier x3 Alter x4 Sense x4 Unexpected Interruption Young Fool

Effects(11) Insignificant Rebellion Your Destiny Imperial Arrest Order Mobilization Points Oppresive Enforcement Leave Them To Me Secret Plans Emperor’s Power Bad Feeling Have I First Strike There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Objective Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place’

Strategy: ‘

What I’m really looking for is what I should take out and what I should put in. I think I’ve got most of it covered, but I know there are some weaknesses. Profit should be fairly easy, hurry and grab Luke and start dueling asap. Drop Mara and Jabba quick to kill of mains. If it gets bad move the emperor over and force lightning ahn and play young fool. EBO shouldnt be too much of a problem, there space wont be overwhelmingly huge, and with the force you generate plus ships you have, you can go around doing damage. Hidden Base is the same story, hurry and probe and if they dont have Luke, theyll be in trouble. Mind What You Have Learned should be no problem, most test Leia, and if they dont want to lose to your destiny theyll drop their Luke so start dueling and make them lose. Rescue the Princess should be no problem either. Once they rescue Leia, move over with Emperor and try to force lightning and young fool her, then game over. There is Good in Him is the only deck I think will give you trouble. Try to grab Luke asap and begin dueling. Plan battles wisely because these decks have the potential for massive beat downs. It will be a good and close game. Well I think I’ve covered it all, if there is anything i should add or delete just let me know and dont grade too harshly.’