Hunt down = beat down

Title: Hunt down = beat down
Author: Matt "MattSokol" Sokol
Date: Oct 24, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Charaacters dlots x3 vader x3 tarkin needa igar veers zuckuss boba w/blaster j’quille watts marquand ds-61-2 evax ozzel u-3po

locations back door defensive perimeter jundland wastes dark forest downtown plaza holotheatre med. chamber

objective hunt down

effects visage x3 secret plans come here you big coward iao ability, ability, ability security precautions battle order first strike

interupts shocking revelation you are beaten monnok advisor x4 limited resources i have you now masterful move evader x3

blue executor bossk in bus avenger blizzard walker blizzard 1 tempest 1 blizzard 2

green vader’s saber x2

creature bubo ‘

Strategy: ‘

The way i see it dark side is lagging right now. light side has so many good deck themes, that it makes it hard for the dark side to win. this can’t win all of it’s games but i have about 2 out of three with it. It has lots of high destiny that you can track.. playing six vader’s is always cool also. It has trouble beating opp’s and rev/nudj, but whatever. it is a good beat down deck that is cool to play.’