Planet Destroyer 1 5

Title: Planet Destroyer 1 5
Author: Brett "B.S." Severson
Date: Aug 21, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Objective Set your course for alderaan/ the ultimate power in the universe

12 locations Death star Alderaan fondor Rendili Yavin 4 Docking bay 327 War room Level 4 military corridor Detention block corridor Conference room Central core Detention block control room

23 characters Vader With Stick Dengar General Tagge Sergeant Major Enfield Sergeant Torent Officer Evax 4 death star troopers 4 death star gunners Lt. Suba Corporol Prescott Djas Puhr 4-lom with concussion rifle Admiral Motti Captain Needa Bane Malar Dengar with Blaster Carbine R4-M9

4 weapons/devices 1 Assualt Rifle 4 Superlasers

12 starships Executor Thunderflare Devastator Vengeance Death Star Assualt Squadron Boba Fett in slave 1 ig-88 in ig-2000 Mist Hunter Punishing one victory class star destroyer tempest 1 tempest scout 3

4 effects A day long remembered Death Squadron Reactor Terminal Battle Order

4 Epic Events 4 Commence Primary Ignition ‘

Strategy: ‘

First I’ll arm the death star with a superlaser. then all get as many sites out as I can. Then I’ll put a leader in the conference room, and I’ll deploy all my gunners to make sure I blow up Alderaan. I’ll also deploy other characters as they come through my hand to help defend the death star sites. I’ll deploy my patrol droid, im4-099, and battle against force drains. After I blow up alderaan I’ll flip my objective and start deploying battle ground systems. Then I’ll deploy all my star desroyers and my starships. If unpiloted I will add r4-m9 to pilot the ship.Then I will force drain my opponent to death, but just before they’er dead I’ll make an attempt to blow up yavin 4 (just for fun). ‘