Celebrate Good Times Come On

Title: Celebrate Good Times Come On
Author: Jim "NewJedi00" Sells
Date: Aug 21, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Stuff (8) You Can Either Profit by This/ Or Be Destroyed Audience Chamber Jabba’s Palace Han W/ Blaster Heading for the Medical Frigate Do or Do Not Insurection Staging Area

Locations (7) Tatooine x 2 Cantina Mos Eisley Jundland Waste Docking Bay 94 Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Admirals Order (1) Concentrate All Fire

Weapons (5) Anakins Saber Obi’s Saber Luke’s Saber X-wing Cannon x 2

Starships/Vehicles (15) X-wings x 8 Sandspeeders x 7

Characters(14) Master Luke x 2 Jedi Luke Ben Kenobi x 3 Boushh x 2 Chewie w/ blaster Lando w/ blaster Han w/ blaster Boshek Orrimaarko Tawss Khaa

Effects (4) Tatooine Celebration Incom Corporation S foils Menace Fades

Interrupts (6) The signal x 2 Organized Attack x 2 Weapon Levitation All Wings Report In’

Strategy: ‘

Ok this is a basic Profit Deck using some of the new cards, which I hink work very well together. Start by pulling the Hoth DB and droping a guy or speeder there. This helps on a weakness to the deck which is early force generation. The deck sets up slow but once it is going it is unstoppable. The point is to Park all your x-wings on Tatooine and set your guys up on your sites, reacting with the speeders. Don’t use your Orgy’s to get the x-wings, save them for the battles so you don’t lose the wings. Try to set up incom as soon as possible, this will make setting everything else up much easier. Drop Master Luke unless vader comes down, then just persona replace him with Jedi Luke if they are dueling. With Ben Kenobi, Han should always stay on the table, Don’t worry about a little early force loss as you will eventually be retreiving with Celebration and a one time with x-wings. Plus Han is a nice 5 retreival. This works agains most startegies that are popular now. It could probably use a grimtash or two to keep the opponents hand down to a nonbeat down size, but It is very card tight. Oh, the Admirals order is great in this deck. Ever Character besides Han, Chewie and Lando,who are necessary for the objective has immunity to attrition. This AO gives them a plus two, making most immune to 5 or greater. Plus it adds 1 to each weapon destiny so you are adding 2 with sabers. Please only constructive critacism. All idiots will be ignored. Thanks Jim ‘