My God It s it s Flops

Title: My God It s it s Flops
Author: Brad "Uncle Chall" Vogel
Date: Aug 22, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Locations(11) Executor Meditation Chamber(S) Executor Main Corridor Executor Comm Station Executor Control Station Executor Docking Bay Executor Holtheatre Fondor Kashyyyk Endor Kessel Sullust

Characters(12) Admiral Piett 2 Commander Gherant 2 Commander Merrejk Admiral Ozzel Captain Godhert Admiral Chiraneau Admiral Motti 2 EPP Vader U-3PO

Starships(14) Flagship Executor 2 Dreadnaught Accuser Chimaera 2 Death Squadron Star Destroyer 2 TIE Vanguard The Emperor’s Sword The Emperor’s Shield 3 TIE Scout

Admiral’s Orders(1) We’re in Attack Position Now

Interrupts(10) 3 Imperial Command 2 Twi’lek Advisor 2 All Power to Weapons Ghhhk I’d Just As Soon Kiss A Wookie Imperial Barrier

Effects(12) Imperial Arrest Order(S) Moblization Points(S) Oppressive Enforcement(S) Lateral Damage Security Precautions Come Here You Big Coward 2 Flagship Operations 2 There’ll Be Hell to Pay Something Special Planned for Them Imperial Decree

Strategy: ‘

This is a fun deck I’ve been toying around with ever since DS2 came out (and I pulled 5 Flops in 4 boxes…). I’m just going to basically give you the gist of the deck, as this isn’t my tourney deck, but I felt like posting it here for everyone to see.

The start is the Executor Med. Chamber as it’s the only 2-0 site on the Executor along with PD for IAO, MP, and OE. Don’t tell me to use HD since I don’t want Visage killing me while the LS sits happy with HoTJ until I get set up. The idea is too pull the 5 Executor sites needed for Flops using Imperial Command to get the ball rolling. On the 1st turn, pull the Executor DB using IAO and drop someone there to activate more using MP. Once you find either Piett or an Imperial Command to find him, use his text to pull out Commander Gherant who can in turn pull out one Executor Site a turn. Once you have 5 out, use MP to pull out the Flagship Executor and drop it along with Flops to set up some big drains in space with some nice bonuses for your fleet. For some specifics

Locations The Executor ones are obvious. I play 6 in case one gets lost early. Kashyyyk, Sullust, and Endor provide drains of 2 while Kessel provides more force and cheaper deployment. Fondor is also a 2-1 system where I can drop the FE for 7 force It’s also a drain -1 for the LS.

Characters 1 Piett since I play 3 Imperial Commands. I play 2 Gherants since he’s instrumental to the deck as well as 2 Merrejk’s since he pulls out the systems. Ozzel, Motti, and Chiraneau can be used with Imperial Command and provide bonuses to your fleet as well. Godhert works with IAO and shuts down Landing Claw on a SD. I put in 2 EPP Vaders in case the LS spreads out on the ground as he can easily take out 2 characters with the insane destiny in this deck once you pull out every thing you need. U-3PO blocks drains…Nuff’ said.

Staships I wanted to balance the fleet to use Flops to its’ fullest advantages. The FE is obvious, while the Dreadnaughts provide power bonuses to the Ties. The Chimaera has built-in immunity while the Accuser comes down for 2 force as a react once Flops is out The 2 DSSD’s depoly less to the FE and also have built-in immunity. I use TIE Vanguard’s as the reacting capability can be deadly to an unprepared opponent while the Scouts can get around probing if needed and are also destiny 4 which gets boosted to 6 with Flops The 2 Emperor’s ships become 8 destiny with Flops (according to what I’ve been told anyway since they’re 3 TIES and each get the +2 destiny bonus although some feedback on this would be great) and are powerhouses with APTW to boot.

Admiral’s Orders WIAPN adds to the immunity your stuff already has, and provides it to the Dreadnaughts as well. The pilot deployment bonus is just a bonus to boot.

Interrupts Imperial Command is awesome. Stops the super falcon cold and pulls out your admirals to do your bidding. Add a destiny if they only have 1 to begin with in space battles, and remember, your destiny draws are +1 with Flops APTW can boost the Ties or fetch them if needed, while the advisors can pull out the needed effects. Imperial Barrier can set up a beatdown for you, while IJASKAW can wreck decks relying on Landing Claws and has other uses too. I have a Ghhhk in case they invade the Executor early and kill Gherant or Merrejk.

Effects Besides the starting stuff, Decree is easy to set up and shuts down their drain bonuses. I play 2 Flops in case one is lost early and to get it quicker. Lateral Damage is a must in any space deck, while CHYBC hurts Tarining decks and blocks drains on the Executor. There are 2 Grapplers since there is always lots of annoying stuff to grab(especially Sense). Security Precautions messes up HB while SSPFT hurts retrieval and shuts down Hyper Escape as well as forcing them to save force if they want to move away from your fleet.

Remember, this is a fun deck, and don’t expect to win any tournies with it, but it’s a blast to play, and I’m hoping that maybe this will inspire someone else to put their numerous Flops to use) Thanks for reading,

Brad ‘