Brangus Glee Superstar Winkelhaus-Style

Title: Brangus Glee Superstar Winkelhaus-Style
Author: Bastian "Death Star" Winkelhaus
Date: Aug 22, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Set your course for Alderaan

Locations (11) Death Star Alderaan Wakelmui Death Star War Room Death Star Docking Bay x3 Cantina Hoth Wampa Cave Hoth Ice Plains Dagobah Cave

Characters (14) Brangus Glee x3 EPP Vader Darth Vader, DLOTS Mara Jade Sim Aloo IG-88 with riot gun Dengar with gun Jabba the Hutt Admiral Ozzel Prophetess Barquin Dan Myom Onith

Starships (6) Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Boba Fett in Slave 1 Bossk in Hounds Tooth The Emperors Sword The Emperors Shield Death Star Assault Squadron

Interrupts (16) Prepared Defenses Masterful Move Dark Maneuvers Twilek Advisor Imperial Barrier x2 A dangerous time Put all sections on alert x3 Frustration Unexpected Interruption Set for stun Id just as soon kiss a wookie Overload Monnok

Effects (12) Battle Order First Strike Mobilization Points There is no try Come here you big coward Imperial Decree Blast Door controls Reactor Terminal Broken Concentration Lateral Damage Sienar Fleet Systems Failure at the cave’

Strategy: ‘

***** UPDATE 1 ******** If youre really afraid of Brangus Glee dying to attrition, you missed something. Situation Brangus at the docking bay, opponent has a 5 stacked and attacks. Reaction As a react, deploy either the Sword or the Shield and retrieve 3 force Draw a destiny. Result Your squadron goes to the lost pile, your opponent looses his character. And what do I do with cards in the lost pile??? You got the point I guess. If they swing at Mr. Glee and hit, deploy the next one and get the first one back for a DB. Enjoy. **************** ******* UPDATE 2 ******* Due to popular demand, Janus Greejatus belongs in this deck. I dont own one yet, so I missed him. Hes going to replace Jabba. And Id just as soon kiss a wookie should be replaced by a second dangerous time. This card is just too damn good. ****************

This deck is not about draining your opponent into oblivion, its about controling the game and stop the opponent doing whatever he does.

This deck is all about Brangus Glees ability to exchange a docking bay from hand with the top card from lost pile. Set your course for Alderaan was most probably designed just for him because they match perfectly. First Death Star is a save haven for Mr. Glee as you cant take battle damage. Secondly you get the extra death star docking bays into hand where you need them. Put all sections on alert makes the circle complete as you can play it to get two DS docking bays from lost pile into hand. So you play Put all sections on alert, get two DBs back, then exchange one of them with the top card of lost pile which happens to be Put all sections on alert. So your net win is one card. Thats all? you might ask. But you can do it every turn Plus youre retrieving cards with first strike, Barquin Dan and the TIE-Squadrons with Sienar Fleet Systems out (retrieve 3 each time). Youre activation is killer, 5 force first turn, fetch Wakelmui, fetch the War Room, if youre lucky, deploy Brangus to the docking bay, thats 10 force second turn, not counting extra locations you might draw or force given to you by the opponent Starting effects will normally be Mob.Points, Battle Order to slow down the game and There is no try. If theyre Sensing or Altering something they loose 3 force total and your card goes to the lost pile. Exchange with a DB, play it again. Plus there are quite a few cards in here that need to be sensed or altered. Against A new secret base better start Decree.

This deck looks really fragile but every card can be used multiple times thats why there are so many different cards in it.

Some hints for some of the cards Frustration - anti-grabbler, just one but can be fetched with unexpected interruption Zuckuss plus Set for stun = zero destiny Overload - with a destiny of zero you can take out EPPs Prophetess - pure fun to clean the Death Star with her, predict youre gonna loose, shes only power one but it doesnt matter as you dont get battle damage Blast door controls - that one is really important, get it out quickly

This deck will certainly be a new experience for both you and your opponent. Have fun with it ‘