HuntDown is not dead

Title: HuntDown is not dead
Author: Cullen "Sigmar" Burns
Date: Aug 22, 2000 Rating: 2.0



’ Starting Stuff 7 HDADTJ Eipc duel meditatian chamber holotheater visage of the emperor bad felling have i twi’lek advior

Locations 6 junbland wastesland tusken canyon dark forest keshyyk sullust endor

Characters 13 4 lord vader 2 grand moff tarken 2 maria jade ozzel u-3po 4-lom with gun emperor Ig-88 with gun

Interrupt 14 2 you are beaten 2 focused attack 2 trample 2 the circle is now complete 2 vader’s obsession 2 elis helrot weapon levtation evader

Effects 5 reactor terminal there will be hell to pay battle order crush the rebelion secrity precautions

Starships 8 4 dreadnoght bossk in bus zuckass in mist hunter dengar in punishing one boba fett in slave 1

Weapons 3 2 vader’s lightsaber 1 mara jade’s saber

Vehicles 4 Blizzard 2 blizzard scout 1 tempest scout 5 tempest scout 6’

Strategy: ‘

just react to whatever your opponent is doing.’