But Daddy

Title: But Daddy
Author: Russell "Bubo" Bartlett
Date: Aug 23, 2000 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (10) There Is Good In Him/ I Can Save Him Endor Chief Chirpas Hut Endor Landing Platform Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Lukes Lightsaber I Feel The Conflict Heading For The Medical Frigate Insurrection Staging Areas Your Insight Serves You Well

Locations (6) Home One Docking Bay Home One War Room Hoth Echo Docking Bay Kessel Kiffex Spaceport Docking Bay

Characters (20) ASP-707 x2 Bothan Spy Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Daughter Of Skywalker Elom x5 General Calrissian General Solo Leia With Blaster Rifle Master Luke Melas Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-wan w/ Saber Orrinaarko Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Blues (7) Defiance Gold Squadron 1 x2 Home One Red Squadron 1 Spiral Tantive IV

Effects (5) Honor Of The Jedi Legendary Starfighter Order To Engage Traffic Control Wise Advice

Interrupts (8) It Can Wait x3 Jedi Presence On The Edge x2 Sense x2

Weapons (4) Ewok Catapult x3 Obi-Wans Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, this is my new save Daddy deck. It works like all the others. If there playing imps get Luke to one ASAP. Protect Luke if you feel that he will need it.

I do the normal start, with Heading For.. and get out Insurrection, Staging Areas, and Your Insight Serves You Well. I do the docking bay dace so on the first turn get one out. There are two so when you have someone one theme you get 6 force and they get 0. Creat beat down eather in space or ground depending on what they do. You should have a nice win of about 20, and don’t forget to us the On the Eadge. That is why there are 3 Ewalk C-Pults. Just get a cycle going and you should do well.

IF you are playing RAL-Ops., you have 5 Eloms at your desposial. They are cheep and have a power of 4 each. Perfect for a beat down. You have plenty of ground power, and a nice amount of space. You have Home One and plenty of fighters. Don’t forget to use Legendary Starfighter when you win a battle with Gold Sq 1. You have everyone and there ships.

IF you are playing agenst a space deck, be carfull and look out. Force drain on the ground and send up everyone to battle in outer space. Good luck with them.

IF they are a type of ground, you have two big force drain systems, so use them. If they are ISB or Cort, get luke over and battle with everyone. You will have plenty of force.

IF they are Hunt Down watch out, be carfull if they get Luke with Vader, and try to win battles and bring him to the Light Side.

Don’t Forget to win Battles and Bring Vader to the Light Side Of the Force

All of the cards help eachother. Thanks for the review and any ideas would be welcomed.

Good Luck, and may the Force Be With You. ‘