
Title: ISB/Manip
Author: Jeremy "BoShek007" Arak
Date: Aug 24, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (9)

Rendili CoruscantImperial Square (S) CC East Platform Yavin 4 Docking Bay Hoth Echo Docking Bay Endor Landing Platform D2 Docking Bay Coruscant Docking Bay Tatooine Dockey Bay

Characters (22) Brangus Glee U-3PO Commander Merrejk (ISB) Colonal Wullf Yularen (ISB) Snowtrooper Officer x4 (ISB) Navy Trooper Vesden (ISB) Sergeant Torent (ISB) Veers (ISB) Corporal Derdram (ISB) Captain Jonus (ISB) Fozec (ISB) Corporal Oberk (ISB) Colonel Davod Jon M’iiyoom Onith x4 Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith Mara Jade, the Emperor’s Hand

Starships (5) Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Bossk in Hounds Tooth Boba Fett in Slave 1 Chimaera Dengar in Punishing One

Interrupts (14) Scanning Crew x5 Prepared Defenses (S) Gravity Shadow Sneak Attack x2 Ghhhk x2 Twi’lek Advisor Monnok x3

Effects (8) Imperial Arrest Order (S) Presence of the Force Ability, Ability, Ability Imperial Decree (S) Mobilization Points (S) Come Here You Big Coward Oppressive Enforcement Reactor Terminal

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Objective (1) ISB Operations/Empire’s Sinister Agents

Strategy: ‘

Start Imperial Square, Prepared Defences, IAO, Mob.Points and Imp Decree. First turn, screw for a spy, Deploy a 1/0 DB from reserve, and try to get an imp scrub there for more activation. The manip is pretty self-explanitory, and just drop ISB agents and drain. No 5D6 because I couldn’t find my copy, and I don’t have any ORS. Try to hold Rendili and Coruscant for Imp.Decree, or the two Rebel Base DB’s. ‘