The New Set Your Course

Title: The New Set Your Course
Author: Matt "Ooryl_909" Woleske
Date: Aug 25, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Obj. (1) Set Your Course For Alderaan

Locations (15) Alderaan Kiffex Kashyyyk Sullust Endor Death Star Death Star Docking Bay 327 D Conference Room Death Star War Room Spaceport Prefects Office Spaceport City Spaceport Street Swamp Forest Desert

Characters (13) Emperor Palpatine Darth Vader w/ Saber Mara Jade DS-61-2 DS-61-3 Sergeant Torrent Death Star Gunner x3 Admiral Chiraneau Imperial Commander Baron Soontir Fel Captain Sarkli

Starships (11) Executor Bossk in Tooth Thunderflare Visage ZiMH D Assault Squadron Judicator VCSD x3 Chimera Dreadnaught

Vehicles (3) Tempest 1 Blizzard 2 Tempest Scout 6

Weapon (2) Mara’s Saber Superlaser

Interrupts (5) Alter x2 Sense Monnok Prepared Defenses

Effects (7) Opressive Enforcement Secret Plans Imperial Decree Presence of the Force Security Precautions ETE They’ll Be Hell To Pay

Epic Event (2) CPI x2

Strategy: ‘

Ok to those of you who are right now thinking what in the heck is this thing or He’s Messed up this is a clarification the deck is designed around draining with Palpy, Mara, and Vader the usual suspects as well as taking advantage of drain adders from the <> which pertain to scrub characters. Now your opponent is realling in the shock of seeing a SYCFA deck draining for 5-7 a turn on Alderaan so he says I’ve got to stop him. He then deploys beatdown crew of EPP’s or other mains while you keep a capital at Alderaan and then when the mains came last turn they killed some scrubs you lost about 5-10 force. They think ahhhh victory and next turn you laugh while you CPI to blow away Alderaan with the mains.

Now you are thinking what to do against different stratgies so here i go

Rebel Strike Team Now if you drain for enough they are hurting then they say the gotta stop the drains so they come with the mains and you blow em’ up although some smart people beatdown with cheap scrub scouts all you do is the same thing the more characters on Alderaan when it blows, the better.

QMC Now in the case they are playing QMC they don’t rely as much on EPP’s as they do Characters that can only deploy to Cloud City so you might have to resort to the alternitive strategy which is blow alderaan and flip as a normal deck would and get your big drains set up that way.

TIGIH I’ve only played against one of these decks that uses speeders as a sub strategy so what you do in that case is don’t go with the generic sites cause then they will beat you down majorly and you won’t have enough deck to blow them up so don’t use the <> sites

Hidden Base Now against the EPP main beatdown you’ve hit a gold mine but against a HBX or any other piloted starfighter strategy you’ve just gotta go with the normal Obj. text and exploit their weaknesses with the star destroyers.

ok other than the questions i answered before this deck has had a pretty solid performance and will be going to its first and last tourney september 2 so look for a tourney report on its performence and thanks

       -Matt "Ooryl_909" Woleske