But Daddy Im A Jedi

Title: But Daddy Im A Jedi
Author: Russell "Bubo" Bartlett
Date: Aug 27, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (10) There Is Good In Him/ I Can Save Him Endor Chief Chirpas Hut Endor Landing Platform Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Lukes Lightsaber I Feel The Conflict Heading For The Medical Frigate Insurrection Staging Areas Wise Advice

Locations (6) Home One Docking Bay Home One War Room Hoth Echo Docking Bay Kessel Spaceport Docking Bay Tatooine Cantina

Characters (21) ASP-707 x2 Admiral Ackbar Bothan Spy Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk Daughter Of Skywalker Elom x5 General Calrissian General Solo Leia With Blaster Rifle Master Luke Melas Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-wan w/ Saber Orrinaarko Tawss Khaa Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Blues (7) Defiance Gold Squadron 1 x2 Home One Red Squadron 1 Spiral Tantive IV

Effects (5) Honor Of The Jedi Legendary Starfighter Order To Engage Traffic Control Your Insight Serves You Well (Start in place of Wise Advice when playing numbers or Hunt Down)

Interrupts (8) It Can Wait x3 Jedi Presence On The Edge x2 Sense x2

Weapons (3) Ewok Catapult x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Deck Strategy

Ok, you have seen a deck like this before, but this has a few changes. This deck plays like all the other deck, get Luke to your opponent and make them loose some force. You have enough for some space drains and some ground drains.

Vs. RAL-Ops -Start the same and go beet them down with your Eloms. Get a docking bay to Ral and Home One Docking Bay. Deploy Rebels to HO Docking bay and move over for free. Drain on the ground and in the air. Dont forget to use your retrieval.

Vs. Court- Force drain and destroy them. You should be able to win you have lots of power. Good luck.

Vs. Space- You should be able to win a few space battles and force drain them in the Cantina. Force drain and retrieve until you win. This deck seems to work really well, I have only used it with my friends, no turnies. But when I played it, it won by about 25. This deck is great. I would like any advice you could give me.

Good Luck and My the Force be With You ‘