ISB is making it worse for the Alliance

Title: ISB is making it worse for the Alliance
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: Aug 27, 2000 Rating: 4.0



’ START(6) ISB ops Coruscant Imp Square Prepared Defenses Mobilization Points IAO Imperial Decree

LOCATIONS(8) Yavin 4 Yavin 4DB Hoth DB Cloud City DB Coruscant DB Tatooine DB Spaceport Docking Bay x2

CHARACTERS(21 Lord Vader Darth Vader with Saber Mara Jade Colenol Davod Jon Myn Kyneugh Royal Gaurd x3 Dannik Jerrkio 4-LOM with Concussion Rifle LT. Pol Treidum Chall Bekan Commander Merrejk Corporal Derdram Officer Evax Colonel Wulf Yuleran Captain Jonus 5D6-RA-7 Snowtrooper Officer x3

EFFECTS(5) You Cannot Hide Forever Battle Order Reactor Terminal Bad Feeling Have I Leave Them to Me

INTERRUPTS(9) Alter Twilek Advisor x2 Nevar Yalnal x2 Imperial Barrier x2 Its Worse Ghhhk

STARSHIPS(8) Flagship Executor Accuser Visage DiP1 BFiS1 ZiMH BiHT The Emporers Sword

WEAPONS(3) Mara Jades Saber Force Pike x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

2nd Turn Flip ISB put out Yavin 4 DB first Turn, then Hoth DB 2nd tun if they r not playing EBO. Nevar Yalnal is just murder to undercover spies Imp Decree hurt most drain decks Get out Coruscant DB to ship out the royal gaurds with force pikes to protect ISB agaents

AGAINST EBO kepp Imp decree going and get spaceport docking bays to their systems with ISB agents. tough but it can be won. be careful with battles try to go to hoth asap

AGAINST PROFIT put down Mara and Dannik Get big force there while getting ISB set up. If they beatdown on Tatooine, retreat or forfeit, then drain.

AGAINST MWYHL drain as big as u can and watch out for beatdown. Try to go to Dagobah on a ship.

AGAINST ANYTING ELSE get ISB going and Imp decree

this is a deck I made while looking for another design, but it turned out fairly well, hasn’t had a tourney loss of more than 9.

thx for your reviews. –Lewis’