Zett tu seet Jabba no tuzindy honkabee

Title: Zett tu seet Jabba no tuzindy honkabee
Author: justin "Grendal" abdallah
Date: Aug 27, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘starting COTVG/ISEWUD jabbas palaceaudience chamber jpdungeon jpgreat pitt of carkoon prepared defenses you cannont hide forever no bargain all wrapped up

character galid mara jade x2 iggy with gun ree yees dengar with bazooka fett (cc) danz borin bossk with sticky gun djas phur boelo elephant man myo jodo kast jabba du slut 4-lom with cancel stick ORS chall bekan

creatures rancor

starships; dengar in punishing one jabba’s space cruiser fett in slave one bossk in hounds tooth zuckuss in mist hunter

weapons jades shaft feltiperns sticky gun

locations tattooine tattooinejp tatooine docking bay tatooine mos eisley jprancor pit

interrupts none shall pass x2 hidden weapons x2 trap door x3 jabbas through wit u twilek my ballz hutt smooch double back oota goota solo?????

effects bad feeling have I tatooine occupation scum and villainy resistance we’re the bait search and destroy leave them to me CHYBC reactor terminal ‘

Strategy: ‘

just do the basic thang of deploying only 1-2 sites and slap down major posse of hunterz and thier colleagues. if they wont cum to yer planet deploy search and destroy using u cannot hide forever. believe me….THEY WILL COME DOWN IF THEY’RE LOSING FORCE FROM TATOOINE OCCUPATION, MY OBJECTIVE, GALID, AND SEARCH AND DESTROY.’