Father/Son Bonding

Title: Father/Son Bonding
Author: Alex "Squarmed" Heerman
Date: Aug 28, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Stuff There is Good in Him/I can Save Him I Feel the Conflict Heading For the Medical Frigate Staging Areas Insurrection Strike Planning Endor Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Luke’s Lightsaber Father/Son Bonding

Sites Endor Bunker Endor Dense Forest Endor Great Forest Endor Hidden Forest Trail Endor Rebel Landing Site (Forest) Kessel

Characters Chewbacca of Kashyyyk Chewie With Blaster Rifle Commander Wedge Antilles Corporal Midge Daughter of Skywalker x2 Elom x5 General Crix Madine General Solo Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol Ithorian Lieutenant Blount Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi x2 Sergeant Brooks Carlson Sergeant Junkin Wuta

Starships Gold Leader In Gold 1 Millennium Falcon Red Leader In Red 1 Red Squadron X-wing Spiral Tantive IV

Interrupts I Know Jedi Presence Life Debt Protector Sense Take The Intiative The Signal Warrior’s Courage Insertion Planning

Effects Bacta Tank Mantellian Savrip Projection Of A Skywalker Traffic Control Honor of the Jedi

Weapons Concussion Grenade Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘


Hey darkjedi2000 what are you smokin’??? I’m not starting with Honor.



You use Strike Planning to pull out General Crix Madine and General Solo during your opponents 1st turn so you make sure they are in there. Then deploy Crix to the landing Platform on your first turn. Use him to pull a scout (like COK or Midge) and deploy him with crix. Then move luke over. Do this so on your second turn you get a force drain of two and you activate at least 7 from yourself alone. Continue to pull scouts with Madine. Once you pull COK from reserve deck, pull Wuta and with wuta pull sites. Eventually you will only have high destinies left in your deck (becuase most of your characters are pulled and all of your endor sites are pulled. Use Midge to enhance your force drains and the destiny adders to win battles.

Against Hunt down- First turn pull Blount from your reserve deck and go cancel visage.

Against ISB- Start with your normal stuff. Blount should win you this game.

Against BHBM- A tough match-up. If you build this deck, maybe take out a couple of cards for Anikan Skywalker and NOOOOOO. If not, try to battle a lot. Turn Vader before he turns you.

Against ties- Set up a super falcon with chewie and han with gun or leia and han. You should have enough drains to out drain him.

Those are the only decks at the last few touneys. If you have any questions just drop me a line. Please review this with any suggestions and keep in mind that this is my first time posting something so try to go easy.