A Profit Elom beating

Title: A Profit Elom beating
Author: John "jpvz" Veasey
Date: Aug 28, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective You Can Either Profit By This… / Or Be Destroyed

Locations Home One Docking Bay Hoth Echo Docking Bay Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber (Start) Spaceport Docking Bay x2 Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace (Start)

Characters (30) Bothan Spy x2 Elom x10 Figrin D’an Han Harc Seff Kal’Falnl C’ndros Rennek Tamtel Skreej Tanus Spijek Tessek Ben Kenobi x3 Boushh x2 Chewie With Blaster Rifle Luke With Lightsaber x3 Orrimaarko

Effects (9) Bargaining Table Draw Their Fire Honor Of The Jedi Insurrection (SE) Order To Engage Scramble Staging Areas (SE) Uh-oh (SE) Wise Advice Mechanical Failure

Interrupts (11) Heading For The Medical Frigate (SI) The Signal x2 Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x3 Rebel Barrier x2 You Will Take Me To Jabba Now x3

Strategy: ‘

WHOOPS sorry bout that, didn’t realize I posted this under DS decks. Please don’t base your review on the fact that I screwed up.

This is a profit deck designed to battle it out against the new decks from Death Star 2 most of which feature Imperials. Using old Elom boosters a like Tanjus and Tessek along with kicken mains produces a tough force to take on almost anything the opponent sends at you.

This is a slow flip Profit deck. Wait until you have a few cards in the lost pile, a few mains out and on the table. Use Order to Engage to chase any pesky lounger in the AC, and then set upon them outside with a strong force. Now for the matchups

Rops try and invade early and prevent the flip

BHBM Pick your battles carefully. Try and catch them at a weak point with a swarm of Eloms is probably your best bet.

TIEs Spread and drain is the key here. Set up Tessek and throw down the Spaceport DB’s on his system to get drains of two all over. Hopefully you should outdrain them and get retrieve w/ Profit and Nar Shaddar.

Court will probably be your toughest matchup. Use OTE to get them scurrying out of the AC and if you see Mara wail on here with every Elom you can muster. Let the mains take care of their aliens and Profiting when you have them on the ropes.

As always suggestions and comments welcome. ‘