How to TIE a knot (Intercepters) V 2 0

Title: How to TIE a knot (Intercepters) V 2 0
Author: Alex "Squarmed" Heerman
Date: Aug 29, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting Oppressive Enforcement Mobalization Points Inconsequential Losses Prepared Defenses Kashyyyk

Locations Endor Kessel Sullust Kiffex Mon Calimari Nal Hutta Wakeelmui

Characters Commander Brandei Captain Godhart Janus Greetajus Lord Vader Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin Sim Aloo

Starships Tie Intercepter x11 Drednaught x4 Devastator Avenger Conquest Chimaera Visage Bossk in Hound’s Tooth Dengar in Punishing 1

Effects Sienar Fleet Systems x2 Well Guarded Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Return to Base Security Precautions

Interupts Twi’lek Advisor x2 All Power to Weapons x4 Short Range Fighters

Weapons SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x4 Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Admirals Orders Battle Deployment ‘

Strategy: ‘

Changes from the first version I took out a Dreadnought, 3 intercepters, a Short Range Fighters and Zuckuss in Mist Hunter. I added a Twi’lek Advisor, a Sienar Fleet Systems, a Oppressive Enforcement, a Mobalization Points, a Inconsequential Losses,and a Prepared Defenses.

Stratagy An average Tie Intercepter deck. I start with Inconsequential Losses because then if I lose a battle by 6 or less I can just lose a TIE and Gun and they BOTH go to used Pile Use Mobilization Points to pull Wakeelmui. Try to get a Sienar Fleet Systems early on by drawing, or using a Twi’lek. Use tie intercepters to retrieve and overpower the opponent into a wimpy little baby. Use the cannons to shoot everything in the sky down to the lost pile. Use battle deployment to screw anyone who doesnt play with capitols. Comm. Brandei pulls ties while on a star destroyer. If played correctly, this deck is unstoppable. All of the rest is self explanitory. If you do have any questions just drop me a line. ‘