space deck

Title: space deck
Author: Matt "Sledder" Hanson
Date: Aug 29, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(8) Endor(1)SL Kashyyk(1) Kessel(1) Sulust(1) Kiffix(1) Endor Dark Forest(1) Endor Docking Bay(1) Endor Ewok Village(1)

Characters(15) Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith(2) Lord Vader(1) Emperor Palpatine(2) Mara Jade(2) Grand Moff Tarkin(2) Admiral Ozzel(1) Admiral Piett(1) Admiral Chiraneao(1) DS-61-2 DS-61-3 DS-61-4

Starships(19) Executer(1) Chimaera(1) Devastator(1) Thunderflare(1) Tyrant(1) Avenger(1) Dreadnaught(2) Bossk in Hounds Tooth(1) Zuckuss in Mist Hunter(1) Boba Fett in Slave 1(1) Dengar in Punishing One(1) IG-88 in IG-2000(1) Tie Interceptor(6)

Weapons(4) Vader’s Lightsaber(2) Mara’s Lightsaber(2)

Inturrupts(7) Prepared Defenses(1)Starting Inturrupt Twilek Advisor(1) All Power to Weapons(3) Short Range Fighters(2)

Effects(7) Mobilization Points(1)SE Battle Order(1)SE Something Special Planned for Them(1)SE Presence of the Force(2) Lateral Damage(2)’

Strategy: ‘

You play your ships on your drain 2 systems and drain away until they come to stop u and then beat down watever they play, if they are playing hidden base or strait space just play your characters on endor sites and drain there to.’