ELOM beatdown

Title: ELOM beatdown
Author: Matt "Sledder" Hanson
Date: Aug 29, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations(8) Dagobah Yoda’s Hut(1)SL Sullust(1) Kessel(1) Mon calamari(1) Tattoine Docking bay 94(1) Cloud City Platform 327(dockin bay) (1) Home One Docking Bay(1) Spaceport Docking Bay (1)

Charachters(17) Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight(2) Ben Kenobi(2) Boussh(1) Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol(1) Chewie with Blaster Rifle(1) Wedge Antilles(1) Orrimarko(1) Tawass Khaa(1) Admiral Ackbar(1) Kal’Fal C’ndros(1) Elom(5)

Droids(2) Artoo(1) See-Threepio(1)

Interrupts(9) Heading for the Meadical Frigate(1)SI The Signal(1) Sense(5) Alter(2)

Effects(11) Staging Areas(1)SE Insurrection(1)SE Battle Plan(1)SE What’re you Trying to Push on Us(1) Draw Their Fire(1) Honor of the Jedi(1) Lightsaber Profieciency(1) Projection of a Skywalker(2) Stone Pile(2)

Weapons(4) Luke’s Lightsaber(2) Anakin’s Lightsaber(1) Obi Wan’s Lighsaber(1)

Starships(9) Home One(1) Red Leader in Red 1(1) Tantive IV(1) Green Squadron A-Wing(3) Red Squadron X-Wing(3)’

Strategy: ‘

if you are playing space set up drain’s at the db’s as fast as u can while trying to take out the ships in space, if playing ground set up drain’s in space while u fight the characters on the table and takeover some good drain sites’