Rumors of the Rim

Title: Rumors of the Rim
Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Aug 29, 2000 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Endor Operations

Locations (8) Endor Bunker Endor Landing Platform Endor Fondor Kashyyyk Sullust Kessel Mon Calamari

Effects (12) Ominous Rumors Oppressive Enforcement Imperial Arrest Order Something Special Planned for Them Lateral Damage x2 First Strike Secret Plans You Cannot Hide Forever There’ll Be Hell to Pay There is No Try Perimeter Patrol

Interrupts (7) Gravity Shadow x2 Shut Him up or Shut Him Down Prepared Defenses Masteful Move Main Course I Have You Now

Admiral’s Order (1) We’re in attack position Now

Weapons (1) Mara Jade’s Saber

Vehicles/Starships (13) Blizzard 2 Tempest 1 Bossk in Hound’s tooth Dengar in Punishing One Fett in Slave 1 Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Dreadnaught Vengeance Flagship Executor Chimaera Thunderflare Death Squadron SD x2

Characters (17) Ephant Mon x2 Commander Merrejik Admiral Piett Admiral Chiraneau Admiral Ozzel IG-88 w/gun 4-L0M w/gun Darth Vader Lord Vader Emperor Palpatine Officer Evax Mara Jade Grand Moff Tarkin Captain Sarkli Commander Igar Captain Godherdt

Strategy: ‘

CARDS I RECOMEND BUT HAVE NO ROOM TO USE Alter x1 -So good for this deck Bubo Vader’s Saber Battle Order Trample Empire’s New Order Imperial Barrier Those Rebels won’t Escape Us The idea is of course a non-flip Endor Ops using the 2 starting locations to allow for hefty drains at systems that already give you high drains. Throw in Chiraneu aboard a SD and you just add more force to be lost. Thus the amount of Star Destroyers. Revolution is not dead but in the even of it’s use on the bunker, I pack 3 spies for a reason. As for starting, used prepared defenses to Start with IAO, Oppressive Enforcement and Cannot hide Forever always Then send Hide to the lost pile before you activate to pull an effect, unless you sense a numbers or possibly have the effects in hand. Main Course is wicked against eloms which are huge right now. And if Han is paired up with one, dang you get double smackage Let’s not forget it also cancels a certain frozen card… Usually put out Perimeter Patrol however on the deck type, you may choose to pick another effect. Ephant Mon is of course a secure bunker with them being unable to deploy or move to the bunker the whole game. If you can get Merrijek to join him, you’ll have no problem pulling those systems out and lowering the 0 destiny count in your deck. Your power will rely in space, I won’t deny it but you’re ground crew should hold thier own at a few sites. Now to the VS decks portion

Echo Base Ops This deck will counter it and the space will be filled with starship debris. They will have actiavtion jump on you but that’s why you amass the fleet. If it looks like they play with Hyper Escape, save Something special for them and drop a load of SD’s to battle those puny ships. Then let’s say they do move thier x-wing swarm away. Gravity Shadow and pick a little x-wing to return back to the system. (hey where’d everyone go? So alone) And the beating will commence. Your destiny in hear is average 2-4 so you shouldn’t worry of failing a draw. Battle, drain, retrieve a little with First Strike if you’re lucky enough to get it out. Utilize the AO in here to cause extra damage if you have Igar at the Endor DB and you Occupy the System. This game will be tight AND fun and with 2 lateral damage, you should still win

VS I Can Save Him This is tough. You’ll want to stop Luke’s activation, and of course perimeter patrol will put a huge crimp in anyone coming to endor to save good ol’ Jedi Luke. If Vader snags Luke, take them up to space and have the father and son sip tea in space. Don’t lose battles. With your power and Endor control that should come easy. You will drain, they will try to fight. That’s what this deck is supposed to do to. So if a couple of power cards like Main course (that ewok…) Have you Now and Lateral Damage chance along you lay a good smacketh down.

VS Ops You will outdrain them. Thier force will only give you more super power in space and then you can choose whenever to send a crew to the planet to battle. This will be a drain race and without the aid of Battle Order it’ll be close but nothing can stop the Chiraneau Rumors.

VS MWYHL The loss of your bonus may hurt but you can set up at leat 1 hefty drain. The rest is to hold onto Endor via system and perimeter control. Lateral Damage kills most any Superfalcon. Heck you start out at parsec 8. If you want you could visit Yoda or just wait for them to come to you. Preferably if they aren’t doing a tst 6 deck. You’ll still have a leap on them.

VS HB Read my EBO strategy nothing changes except I encourage you to probe.

VS RTP Should be intersting but secret plans and something special will stall thier draining. Your drains will be even more crimpy to them and there’s always the idea of just capturing Liea with iggy.

VS Profit Tight game but most profit does not see space. This is changing but it will be tough for them to keep up with your fleet and those space control cards. Be very wary of those dang Eloms. Race to the finish and use your space to gain the upper hand. You will make them hurt for using SAC and should they think it’ll hurt you, well Oppressive Enforcement is good for so many reasons.

VS Vampires What the hell are you doing playing vampires? Drop your cards and get a friggin’ wooden stake. Stupid people, do I have to tell you how to handle everything?’