
Title: vancouver-british-columbia-8-14-99
Author: James "Wraith One" Hsu
Date: Aug 27, 1999

Well, another Saturday comes along and I put my cards in my bag, and go down to the card shop to play Constructed. Turns out that there were a large number of players in this tournament--I think there were about thirty players (good in this area, I believe most players dropped out after Special Edition...). Nicholas Burke wasn't there, that was too bad because we usually have really tense, close games.
For this tournament, I played DS Corulag speeder ops and LS MWYHL with DOS.

The DS deck is designed to flip on turn two. I used many biker scouts in this deck, and they could react everywhere. Two choke Vaders--excellent because I usually draw lots of 3s for destiny :-) Remembered to put a couple of dreadnaughts and Vader's shuttle to combat Battle Plan. I left one card out of this deck, and that cost me a on to find out what a boneheaded move that was.

My LS deck is a really good deck. Train Leia to test two, use Battle Plan, It Could Be Worse, and Projection of a Skywalker to slow down the opponent. Scout opponent's hand with Grimtaash, use every ability 4 character (including the amazing Orimaarko). Then either go space (Coruscant, Kessel) or ground (Cantina, Lower Corridor). Use DTF/Assets for beatdown. I had a lot of faith in my LS deck, but DS deck was untested.

Game 1: DS vs. James M.'s Blow Up the Shield Generators

I flipped on turn three, while my opponent just deployed to Endor. Turns out he was just using the objective to deploy characters and sites. After flipping my objective, Vader went to Endor, choked Chewie of Kashhyyk, beat down a whole bunch of commandos and Ewoks. He tried to fight me on Corulag but he had little power and I was draining for about 10-12 a turn. Didn't have to use Ghhkk that much. Win by 35.

Game 2: LS vs. some kid's AT-ST deck (sorry, can't remember some of my opponents' names, I apologize.)

He started with Forest Clearing. I quickly trained Leia and along with Battle Plan and Projections I shut down his drains. After awhile he put down Mos Eisley and Tatooine: Jabba's palace with walkers. Obi-Wan w/ no lightsaber and Orimaarko went to Tatooine and battled back and forth. DTF was out so we both kept retrieving/losing force back and forth. In the end though, my immunity + It Could Be Worse + Kessel drain proved to be too much. Win by 25.

Game 3: DS vs. some kid's Dagobah trainer.

He was trying to train to test 5. Well that was somewhat of a mistake, because in my experience test 5 is too long and too little benefit. He did nothing in this game except play Battle Plan as his starting effect. Well it slowed me down for about three turns, then I just put Bossk in Bus and Dreadnaught at Corulag system and continued draining him for 1, 1, 1, 1...(you get the idea). He flipped his objective but Secret Plans was out and he retrieved nothing. Tried to go at me with General Solo, Chewbacca, and EPP Obi but my biker scouts and operative took care of them. Win by 22.

Game 4: LS vs. Ralltir ops

Basically, what he was trying to do was use Vader, stormtroopers, and Trooper Assaults. He played with only three sites so I shut down his drains to 1. Just for fun I sent out EPP Luke and BoShek to invade his base but he made me pay for it--I lost them in a battle, but not before slicing Vader. Nearing the endgame, I parked Captain Han w/ Falcon at Kessel and Obi w/ stick at Lower Corridor. Whenever he tried to Elis there I Nabruned away, and repeat. His drains just weren't enough. Win by 28.

Game 5: DS vs. Kevin W.'s Hibben Base + a gazillion Undercover spies

Unfortunately, this game was truly a disaster. I flipped on turn two, but on his turn two he put down all these non-droid spies with Undercovers, totally shutting down all drainage. I thought okay, I'll just have to get more sites out. So I get all my sites out, and he puts more Undercover spies at each site! By then he's flipped, and I can't damage him because I did not have Monnok OR THE ALMIGHTY BUBO!!!! Bubo would've destroyed him, but as it turned out I just started thinking. Hmmm...Ability x3...nope, he's got more cards (xwings) with ability than I do. Okay let's harass him in space...well that wouldn't do much against s-foils. So for most of the game I just do nothing but retrieve (deploying ops to dreadnaught at Corulag system) while he drains me for 3 a turn. Loss by 11.

Game 6: LS vs. David H.'s Walker Garrison + Clouds

He used Combat Readiness to start with Defensive Perimeter and the Hoth system. Then he played Decree and used Imperial Walkers at no LS icon sites to keep it going. After training and putting down Battle Plan I went at his ties with Han in the Falcon. I took control of the clouds and system. Harc Seff harassed Vader and Tarkin on the ground. He then played Failure at the Cave + Cave so he could drain. Walker Garrison...nope sorry, need to spend 3 force for each drain. When he Garrisoned it was already near the end. I love Battle Plan...this card seemed to singlehandedly win me my games. So I drained for 3-4 a turn and won by 23 I think.

Overall, not a bad day! I finished second overall, just behind the guy I lost my one game to. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading!

James Hsu -- ranked 9th in Hoth: North Ridge :-)