
Title: lund-sweden-990831
Author: Erik "erikaros" Hansson
Date: Sep 10, 1999

Lund (Toola region) 990831

I had travelled quite a long way to get to this tournament although I do have friends and
family in this region of Sweden.
The night before I exchanged an alter for R-3PO in my Tosche Mains deck and decided
not to include the Savrip. For my dark side I brought my Step down the Jedi, but it has been
modified once again. In other words I brought two decks that I like to play and that might
have chance against most decks if luck is on my side. So I burnt an Ewok to Odins honour
and prayed for good fortune.
I arrived to the place just before 18.30 and met an impressive amount of people compared
to the tournaments in my area. 12 people showed up and a bunch of them were rather new to
the game. I talked a bit with the peolpe who I only had had email communication with before.
They all seemed really nice. On to the games:

1. DS vs. Ivan Markus' Cloud City pot purri.
This was his first swiss tournament in years and when he started with a 2/1 CC site and
Planned for the Incinerator I figured I should have a chance. I had three Vaders in my
opening hand and threw one down first turn. He deployed Kessel and ***What Is Your
Bidding My Master (!)*** and deployed Biggs and Momaw Nadon against Vader. I hit
Biggs and lost a few to battle damage. He didn't move Momaw so I hit him with Vader,
AT-ST Pilot, Dr E and Focused Attack. He lost 17 force I think. He then went to space with
GL in G1 and got one drain in at Kessel before it was hit by the bus and a Dreadnaught. He
lost a lot in that battle too and it was all over in ten or fifteen minutes.

Conclusion: I don't really like winning with this much against a newbie, but he seemed like a
great sportsman and didn't seem to mind. I guess everything worked out the way I wanted
with a bit of luck.
Result:FW +39
Record: 2(+39)

2. LS vs. Emil Wallin's ISB Dark Deal.
He drew a lot of cards. I let Ben pick up some power converters and began looking for
DTF/Frozen Assets. When he flipped the objective and set up Dark Deal I had the EPP mob,
DTF and Frozen Assets (only have one of each(!)) in my hand. Some wimpy Imperial got
smacked for 14 force. I then spread out on CC and Nabruned Obi over (IAO was out). Next
turn I managed to flip back his objective. I had the game in my hand from then on and
became a bit too cocky. A drain of 4 slipped by my mains and EPP Leia got hit by a bunch of
ISBs. I did win in the end however.
Conclusion: Emil was a very nice guy. His deck is deadly so I guess I was kind of lucky to
win. Result:FW +20
Record: 4(+59)

3. LS vs. Bert-Olof Lundin's Rendili Stardrive.
Obi and Luke had a constant drain of three on the ground while Han, Leia in the Falcon and
GL in G1 with a Landing Claw had some control over space. He had a hard time finding his
systems and when he got them I had a rather big advantage. Two Grimtaash got rid of seven
cards and his massive spacefleet was crippled. Conclusion: B-O was yet another great guy
and we had a lot of fun playing. The landing Claw was very useful. Result:FW +28 Record:

4. DS vs. B-O's Ralltiir Freighter Captains with Asteroid Sanctuaries and Kessel Runs.
He started Local uprising on Ralltiir. I knew he was playing with Sanctuaries, but figured it
would be cheating to start with Come Here You Big Coward. This match was yet again just a
matter of my extreme luck. First turn I got Vader to his Farm and Altered his Bargaining
table. He lost an Asteroid Field from reserve deck and I went looking for CHYBC. He got in
one sanctuary before I found it. I deployed some AT-ST stuff to Endor: Forest Clearing and
had a constant drain of 5. He tried a Kessel Run -I drew a site. He tried to occupy two
battlegrounds -I came down with Executor, Tarkin, AT-ST pilot and Vader's Shuttle.
Everything I wanted came into my hand. Any deck would have a hard time against someone
with that luck. Conclusion: Basically a matter of luck. I'm still in the lead, but still no
self-confidence... Result:FW +34
Record: 8(+121)

5. DS vs. Magnus Larsson's Force Choke.
I thought I would at least have a chance with my three Evaders. He revolved first turn and
put a Nudj on his farm. I had Vader, Hoth: Def Per and JP in my starting hand so I got a
good activation rather quickly. Vader came down to Def Per on my second turn. He revolved
it and attacked with EPP Obi, Kal and some other punks. I lost from the reserve. I lost
Masterful Move among others which might have cost me the game. Next turn Obi hit Vader
and I lost another Vader from reserve. He deployed Mantellian Savrip and kept forfeiting
things from his hand when Vader came down. He activated a lot and could track his
destinies and my Vaders kept going to my lost pile. I never got a chance to duel his jedis
which was my last hope. Conclusion: great game with lots of joking, yet very concentrated.
Magnus is a very good player and he won quite easy. If I win my next game against him I
win the tournament. Result:FL -18
Record: 8(+103)

6. LS vs. same Magnus' Yavin IV occupation.
He deployed some locations and drew. I got EPP Luke to Tosche Station and drew. We both
played very defensive. I get Ben to his companion Luke. I activate a lot now. He plays a
Monnok I can't Sense since he has grabbed my Senses. Three Sense and two Obis are lost I
think. Eventually he deploys a Dreadnaught and a pilot to Yavin IV. RL get attached to it's
hull. He deploys Vader and Tarkin and deploys Rebel Base Occupation. I attack with Han
and Leia and Orri. A tracked 5 shot Tarkin down and another 5 got rid of Vader. He lost
some, but was soon back with Blizzard 2 with pilot at one site and Vader at the Forest.
Imperial Arrest Order was out, so I had no chance of hitting him big again. I revolved the
forest and Attacked EPP Vader with Han and Webb. Han survived and accompanied Leia
and Orri. He deployed some imperials. I came down with Chewie, R-3PO and Beezer and
almost cleared the site. I then moved Han to Chewie and Leia and Orri held another site. By
this time I had lost a lot to RB Occupation and he had lost a lot of his starships. The clock
was ticking. There was a crowd around us. We kept joking although it was such a tense
game. I sped up, he did the same. I took a chance and took Han and Chewie up to Yavin IV
in the Falcon. I figured that if I could cancel RB Occupation I would win the game. With
tracked destinies I managed to do this and when I finally found one of my Tunnel Visions
and could get one of my two Nabruns (which I hadn't seen for the whole game) to move Ben
and Luke to a Yavin site I knew I was going to win. Time was running out though. I drained
as quickly as I could and altered my LS Proficency for some greedy reason. He had ONE
force left and I went to my control phase and said:
'Force dr...rrrrriiiiiing!!'. The stupid clock rang before I had finished the sentence! I had to
put my cards down and see myself beaten by the clock. A timed win put me in third place
instead of first and I could do nothing but smile. I was the one who had been slow and it
was my greed (altering LS Prof) who brought me down. Magnus had sped up too and I had
no one to blame but myself. The Tournament Director: Hans Karlsson did the right thing
when judging the timed win. Conclusion: a fantastic game. I didn't care about not winning
and was happy with my third place. My luck didn't last (guess I need to have a talk with
Odin), but my good mood sure did. Result:TW +18
Record: 9(+121)

Final Conclusion: Emil Wallin won (again!) and Magnus Larsson finished in second place.
I think this was the best tournament I've ever attended. I met great peolpe, played
interesting games, didn't get a parking ticket on my mother's car, got a Falcon in my price
and finished in third place out of twelve.
The only annoying thing I can think of just now is that Lund is about 450 miles from my