
Title: tatooine-regional-w-rant
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Sep 27, 1999

One of these days I am going to learn to play my own freaking decks. I have spent the last three weeks metagaming for this tournament and what do I come away with.....zip, no seat at worlds, no glass, no even a winning record. This royaly sucked, but I had fun (too bad it doesn't count in my book).

So we took eight bazillion hours in getting to Albuquerque and stopped at a diner that just sucked. So we get there and get a room, fill out our deck lists and turn in. The posse that I was part of was myself, Josh Martin, and phenom Brian Garrison. Q&A reveals that they are going to allowed a last action take back rule which I personally think is totally stupid and there is nothing in the rules about this, but they are the judges and I am not. Again, they allow stupid good luck trinkets and crap like that on the playing table, yet I cannot take notes for a tournament report, whatever. And on top of it all, we have to turn in our decks at the end of each match...that is what I thought the decklists were for?? oh well, after being really ticked at some of the comments made we start.

My decks were:
Light side - Brentston's Beats - Mains and toys, opted for the MWYHL start instead of HB, made it more drazin-proof.
Dark side - Hak tech - Corulag ops with one of almost every hate card.

These are good decks, just not for me. We were supposed to start at 11 but the lazy guys from Colorado didn't show up until 11:30 and they let them play. Side Note - I feel sorry for Matt Reicks who didn't get to play because his tournament director didn't put his info in, this qualifier was back in June, there should be no fraking excuse. BTW, be prepared for more soapbox speeches throughout this article, I have a bunch. So at around 1215 or 1230 we finally start, I already have sweaty palms.

Game One - Aaron Watkin's Rops/sleens
I figure ok, this guy is pretty good from New Mexico so I'll be cautious, he is force choking me with his sleens so I drop the cantina and save. He drops Choke, LS, Djas, and random ability four alien. I drop with some guys and beatdown, vader remains, I am cleared. I instead opt for a sleen/trooper beatdown on rops, I drop a bothan spy and luke. I beat on the trooper he ghhks, stupid no draw their fire having...never mind. so his turn, he elises vader to random <> site where luke and spy are. He snipers luke (uhoh) and procedes to beat on the spy, he almost choked him (through persuasion from me..hehehe) but instead opted for beatdown. I lost 14 and that was pretty much game. Every turn I dropped one EPP at cantina, he would beat a vader back and another would appear....that sucks.
Full Loss by 24

Game Two - Jeff Lavigne 30 bazillion character ops deck.
Boy I thought I played fast. This kid is like hooked on crack when he plays. Well since he is packing nothing but characters, SAC, and a Hiding in the garbage, I lose to his massive defensive force on his planet.
Full Loss by 10

Game Three - Brian Garrison's Speeder Ops
He told me he should have played different decks...I said me too.
Full win by 14

Game Four - Jared Arthur's Bounty hunting 'stuff'
I beat down early, he drops bossk and beedo. I clash bossk, have epp luke, leia, han, skywalkers, dont get cocky....he loses
Full win by 36

So I am positive and I am happy for the time being.

Game Five - Tim Guzman's Resuce the Wench
first turn epp vader, grabs the wench and move. I have one force saved, he deploys luke, I imperial barrier...best play the whole day. Vader keep running and goes and hides with igar in tempest one. I massively atst the same site and when tim finally gives up, I spread and set up ops. The whole game was him trying to get luke killed so he could redeploy him, and me draining with blizzard two w/op (stupid surprise assaults). I retreive a bunch, time is called. I win modified 18-15
Modified win by 18

So at this point if I win I could have a chance at some glass.

Game Six - John Arndt's Girard Hate deck
Great just what I need, a tough last match. So we start out, first turn lose to visage ( i have luke, leia, obi in hand) so lose from the top....glancing blow...crap. On his turn, lose from visage....courage of a skywalker....good game.
Full loss by 26

So I finish three and three, jeremy finishes three and three. arizona takes spots four, six and seven. Josh learned how to play Drazin Manip the night before and we was undefeated until he ran into Thad which handed him his two losses. Now it is time for me to go on a little rant.

Last game Chris Shaner (from az) vs. Brian Hunter. Chris is kind of a shy guy that doesn't like to cause much of a ruckus. So Brian has a devastator with some forfeit fodder at a drain system, Chris has a yt1300 with a landing claw. Brian drains, Chris loses from hand. Brian then immediately deploys IAO and Secret Plans, Chris said wait, I want to attach. Brian said that it was his deploy and that the chance to attach had passed. A judge was called and was ruled in Brian's favor...whatever. Too add to the bull$hit later Shaner did a kessel run, retreived ten and began to pay ten force. Brian said that no it was canceled because he didn't pay for it, a judge was called and was ruled that he has to pay one then retreive one and continue like that. Last time I checked, it was pay amount then retreive amount, but that wasn't the problem. Chris said ok, I pay then retreive, Brian said no the action was already done. Chris said that he would take back one action and they wouldn't let him. These two plays cost him the freaking game and a shot at the finals. Personally I am really pissed that this kid was taken advantage of because piss and moan like someone like me. It was just ridiculous. I voiced my opinion and of course it fell on silent ears...whatever. I don't want to disrespect anybody individually and outside of the promptness of the games being finished and paired for the next round, this was the worst tournament I have been to. It had nothing to do with how I did, just some of the rules stuff that was called and overall, my opinion, was that it was poorly run. If you have a comment about this, please contact me privately through email, and don't spam anyone who doesn't care...

Michael Girard
FLGold 120