
Title: az-gamer-phoenix-10-2-99
Author: Enrique "Max of Tat" Huerta
Date: Oct 6, 1999

Tournament Report
Tatooine Region (Phoenix!)

Real Life: Enrique Huerta
BBS Handle: Max Rebo of Tatooine
AIM: xaP Trav

Hello All!
You might have noticed up above that I didn’t play in Tucson this time. As it turns out, I was up in Phoenix for the day and I decided to play in a couple of tournaments. I wanted to test my skills against the “Big Boys from up North”. But seeing that I’ve never won a tournament in my small pond, should I really want to go to the big pond? But a few of the Phoenix players have come to Tucson, so I thought I’d return the favor.

The first tournament was at Arizona Gamer. I got there about 11:15 and found Mike Girard there working on a deck. I thanked him for the directions, which were excellent, and checked the store out. It was nice with lots of playing space, cards from every expansion, and even an old Gauntlet II video game. I talked a bit with Mike and a guy named Jared Arthur, and watched them play a game. Slowly people started coming in, but they were barely old enough to walk. Turns out there was a Pokeman tournament being held also. There must have been 8,000 of those kids there. Okay, so maybe it was only 30, but it was packed with the munchkins. Brian Garrison shows up, and we’re ready to play. Actually, we had to wait a bit for an eighth person and for Mike and Jared to finish.

LS: Hidden Base with X-wing Swarm
DS: Ominous TIEs – Endor Operations with Sienar Fleet Systems and lots of Space.

Game 1 - DS vs. Jason Rice’s Dagobah with Portable Scanners, Wyron Serper, and Baragwins.

He started with Dagobah and Careful Planning to pull Forest and Jungle. I wasn’t sure if he was allowed to do that, but I really didn’t want to start calling Brian over before we even drew our opening hand. I had pulled Come Back Here You Big Coward! as my starting effect. I kinda took too long to pull CBHYBC! and he had already pulled his extra sites. We had some discussion as to whether I could pull my Effect after I saw his sites. I offered to pull Battle Order instead, but he felt I would have pulled CBHYBC! as soon as I saw Dagobah anyways. So we started.

I had loads of force to activate. So when I looked for my Ominous Rumors it wasn’t there. I start to draw up, and my third card is Ominous Rumors so I stop there. His first turn he deployed some sites, and drew up his cards. So I activate, and deploy. Since I have a Ghhhk in my hand, I deploy Kashyyyk, TIE fighter, TIE fighter to Endor, Blizzard 2 with DS-61-4, and Admiral Motti to the Bunker. With his Force, he’s able to deploy Son of Skywalker, Encampent, Ben Kenobi, and Jedi Test #1. I figure I’m going to get on good drain in, to I hit him with 4 a Kashyyyk, 2 at Endor, and 1 at Landing Platform. I deploy a Black Squadron TIE and another TIE to Endor. I also notice that he’s losing Surprise Assaults so I hold up on my drains for a bit except at the Landing Platform. I finally get a Dreadnaught, grab my lone TIE at Kashyyyk, deploy DS-61-2 and move to Endor. I put my TIE fighters on the Dreadnaught, except the Black Squadron TIE and start draining there too. All this time, he’s deployed 2 Portable Scanners, a Baragwin, Wyron Serper, and 2 ASP-707 droids. I think Jason didn’t know about the latest CRD because Wyron Serper can no longer add to Portable Scanner destiny. I avoid the Surprise Assaults because the TIEs on the Dreadnaught aren’t present at the system, and drain away. I later get the Vengeance, and 2 TIE on board to Drain at Kashyyyk. Brian comes around to say we have just a few minutes left. He finally gets some characters to the Landing Pad, but deploys Yoda via Encampment too so no battles there. I get Kiffex out, and set up a drain there. He draws up, and I win by 15.

It was a good game, but with no interaction. It was kinda sad to see my Starting Effect completely wipe out his deck idea. I wish I had realized that the generic sites don’t add to Jedi Training on Dagobah. I would have avoided Jedi Test #1 a little while longer. 2(+15)

Game 2 – LS vs. Ben Wehunt’s Hunt Down and Destroy The Jedi.

This was my favorite game of the day. We didn’t have a lot of interaction, but it was definitely a race to the finish. He started with Hunt Down, and CBHYBC! while I went with HB and Yarna d’al’ Gargan. I start setting up HB while he deploys Endor sites to start draining me with. He’s got Vader, Vader’s Lightsaber, and Tarker at the Dark Forest, to I deploy Revolution to the Holotheater, and Melas to cancel Visage. I really need to start packing Transmission Terminated in this deck. I made the mistake of not deploying Kessel before I flipped, but I was still draining away. He hit me with an Imperial Propaganda when I drained at Coruscant so I moved away. In retrospect, I should have just kept on draining there. He played Elis Helrot to beat up on Melas, but I have a Houjix, so I was fine there. He later gets Dr. Evazan, and Ponda Boda to the Cantina, Tarkin to the Dark Forest, and Vader to Forest Clearing. I notice that Phoenix players use Elis Helrot a lot more than Tucson. So we continue to drain, and he Alters Rebel Fleet. Visage appears again and again I cancel it but this time with Tawss Khaa. A late All Wings Report In for 6 probably saves me. I get Rebel Fleet back, and I pull out a win by 7. 4(+22)

Like I said, not much action, but I tight drain race. I really shouldn’t have run from Imperial Propaganda.

Game 3 – LS vs. Chris Shaner’s Hunt Down and Destroy The Jedi with Number.

Another Hunt Down deck?! Oh well, maybe it will be a good game again. He starts Hunt Down, with Battle Order, and I start HB with Yarna again. He plays Defensive Fire and Fear for I ever start. He deploys a droid to the Executor, and draws up. I activate, and I get another dose of Fear and Defensive fire. That was basically the whole game. He inserted Numbers, and hit me for 8, 12 and 12. I was losing to Visage, Fear, and Location, Location, Location. It was a quick loss and that’s about all I can say. I have finally decided that I need to change this deck around to include ground to get around Battle Order. Full loss by 25. 4(-3)

Game 4 – DS vs. Da’ Man! Mike Girard’s Mains.

Well, I couldn’t avoid it any longer, I finally had to play Mike. He knew what to expect from this deck since I had e-mailed it to him asking for help. But this was the exact reason why I wanted to play in Phoenix this weekend. He starts Hidden Base, and Wise Advise. I start my Endor Operations, and Battle Order. First turn I search for Ominous Rumors, deploy it, and draw up. He searches for Dagobah, then Yoda’s Hut and deploys. I play A Dark Time for the Rebellion, and get my Dagobah. We have a quick discussion on why in the world I have Dagobah in my deck. I tell him it’s to slow the LS from pulling sites. This is the first time it actually worked! I’m feeling rather happy about myself since I’m hoping he’s going to try to spend time to test. I was wrong.

I deploy Vengeance to Endor with 2 TIEs, and Blizzard 2 to Landing Platform. You know you’re been playing operatives too much when you think anything you can deploy is safe from beatdown on your home planet. Han with Blaster, Luke with Lightsaber, and Wedge come down. Mike advises to not get Cocky, and 4 Battle Destiny later, I’m down an extra 19 or so Force. He later deploys the Falcon, and goes after my Vengeance. I deploy Dyer to the Bunker, and I think I’m safe. Tunnel Vision, Bothan Spy, Leia with Blaster, Obi-wan with Lightsaber, and I’m down another 12 Force. I finally get some pilots to the Vengeance, and some more TIEs. I battle the Falcon, and I take out Wedge! Yea! Okay, so it wasn’t much but I was flying high. I even get Luke a battle later. He move Tantive IV over, shuttle Leia up and waits. I deploy another pilot, lateral damage on Tantive, and battle. Mike says okay, I Know and hits me with 19 on Battle Destiny alone! That was all it took, and I was done. Full loss by 19.

I finished in 6th place out of 8. Not a great tournament for me, but at least it wasn’t like I was playing poorly. I was just playing against better players and better decks. Brian Garrison ran a great tournament, and Arizona Gamer is a great shop. My only regret, is not buying the EPP Leia when I had the chance. But after a bit of trading and getting ready, I pack up give Jared a lift, and follow Mike to Jester’s Court for the 6:00 tournament there. That however, is another Tournament Report, but keep an eye out I should have it soon. =)