
Title: tr-who-got-game
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Oct 25, 1999

Big tournament yesterday and I was getting back on track with my winning ways. The Who Got Game? tournament was being sponsored by the Jesters Court and first prize was a set of Endor Foils, first prize for team was a set of Endor. Well, now is as good as time as ever to get in a good groove before DecipherCon. Well, not too many people showed up, we had about 21 people, but there was a lot of good competition. On to the tournament.

DS Deck - West Coast Strahd - Version of Drazin with some modifications, instead of going with heavy characters, it is direct damage heavy. Since playing this deck I have learned that it is actually a good thing to have a decent amount of cards in your lost pile so you can work with them. There are also a couple dead cards that need to be worked out.
LS Deck - Good Cards deck - This used to be my HB start/Bespin Celebration deck but I could never get the retrevial to work right. So I scraped the HB start and Celebration aspect, started with MWYHL instead, it is better considering I have more card slots to work with. I got beat by an ISB deck that just kept regenerating characters so I made this more character heavy with tech stuff like light side lando, jeron webb, redemption/bacta tank (this is soooo good, especially against ops), and two order to engage (holy shnikies this is tech).

Game One DS vs. Greg Allen's HB/KesselRun
First words out of his mouth was, crap I only have one rebel, captain han :-) How fitting. So I begin my magic, get out lando and drazin. begin sabaccing. I get three planets the first three tries not bad. He get ralitirr and kessel going. I just continue to put the headlock on Captain Han and eventually the Fears and multiple Sabaccs do him in.
Full Win by 18.

Game Two LS vs. DJ Andrews Ops
Well, DJ is a pretty good player. He is just a little cocky and kind of whiney when he loses. I just drape him the whole game with characters. I had at least one character at all but one of his sites on his operative planet, and the redemption orbiting regening lost characters. Order to Engage did him in, it was pretty bad when a Mains and Toys deck and get characters out quicker then an ops deck can. All he complained about was how I built my deck to beat his....what a baby.
Full Win by 30something.

At this point I was ranked second right behind my good friend Jeremy Lamere, so it was he and I for game three.

Game Three DS vs. Jeremy's 'good deck'
First turn I just get some force out and draw, the top ben kenobi..good, my life for a dark side out of commision. His first turn, epp ben to carbo chamber move to tower. I drop jabba battle, we both lose the characters. His turn, epp ben to carbo chamber move to tower. Jeez, what the hell. My turn I drop vader and drazin battle. I lose both, he loses ben. Next turn he drops epp leia moves in. Dang it. I pull lando from deck, drop vader, play sabacc. I win he loses something. we battle she misses lando, I hit her, she draws a zero I win and he loses plus five cards. Next turn he draws. This is my chance, I drop drazin and special delivery, get back some heavy hitters (jabba/fett). He draws (my life for a monok). For the next few turns he drops savrip at holotable (must take out of deck or put something in to protect that drain), han/harc at chamber, and draws. I continue with two sabaccs a turn (trooper/Cloud City) and fears. I am now getting a control, special delivery, fear back every move phase. I get jabba back after I draw an extra control. Take care of han and harc. He draws up so I can't continue retreiving via Cloud city sabacc with an expand the empire on the casino (very techish...thanks Tim).
Full Win by 20something

So I am in first place right now, and only the second time in my career I beat Jeremy Lamere in a tournament, I am feeling pretty good.

Game Four LS vs. Jay Webb's Borrowed ORS deck.
Well, Jay got to Chris 'ORSman' Shaner on friday night and got about 18 ORS's from him for this tournament. We both draw up for a couple turns. Lay a couple sites, draw up. He attempts a lockdown on jabbas AC, I drop wedge, epp han, obi. Take out jabba, plus two ORS's and scum and villiany. In the next few turns he walkers two sites outdoors and is draining for six. I pull han out of the tank drop him and leia and take out a walker and lose han to the tank again. Wash rinse reuse next turn and that is game. Once again, I out charactered a character heavy deck. This deck ain't so bad after all, it is in this game I relize I didn't take out the celebrations so I am playing with two dead card slots...oh well.
Full win by 35

Game Five LS vs. Michael Sinclair's Endor ops
Great the other member of Team AZ Gamer, well I guess it was time to make a statement. First turn he drops tarkin to bunker, I drop obi (lose a force for perimeter patrol) and attempt to move in, jeez I am such a scrub. Next turn Chokeman and stick come pay a visit, he misses I smoke screen, then out of commision, well at least I won't have to worry about any vader anymore this game :-). He garrisons at Kiffex. I set up leia at a CC site, and tantive 4 with han, luke and wedge, ultimatum to cut that drain to two instead of four at kiffex. He saves next turn, great I know he has a lat damage. I drop gold leader and shuttle han over. He lat damages the tantive, drops the big e and battles...hehe. I have a power 7 from gold and han. My two destinies are a four and a five :-). He mutters something about how lucky I am, I am force to remind him that my deck style calls for about a fourth of my deck to be recirculating high destinies. I get tarkin out of the bunker with webb and chewbacca. I drain him out, the first time I won all day on a drain out. pretty cool.
Full win by 20something.

So I single handedly put out AZ Gamer from the team competition. My teamate was Brian Garrison, he started off bad but was coming on strong. So we had a chance.

Game Six DS vs. Chris Shaner's HB/Kessel Runs
Great another one of these? I set up early with drazin and lando. first sabacc nets me a ralitirr...yes. Well he plays smart and the first system he grabs is tibirn so he can get it back. I beat him out of CC a couple times. Steal a couple more yt-1300's and fear a couple kessel run's off his deck. He gets kessel run off once. I play a fear, he looks at his deck, loses two from hand. I play limited resources, he loses more. I special delivery for a cc sabacc, fear, and the limited resources. I smile and say go. He looks at me and smiles back...'Girard that deck is EVIL' I just about had a heart attack laughing. I play limited resources, fear and he draws up.
Full win by 20 something

So that is tournament, i win the set of shiny cards. Team Late of Roach and DJ just edge out Me and Brian. This was what I needed to get me back on track for my trek to Dcon and one of those seats at worlds. I say good bye to jeremy cause he is moving again. You hear that sound....that is the sound of my rating going back through the roof. And above all, I finally get over my hangover....don't ask :-)

Michael Girard
FLGold 120
legal stuff: yes you may post this on your website. Just send me a link to your site if you do.