
Title: uk-portsmouth-11-7-99
Author: Michael "Troop1023" Kessling
Date: Nov 13, 1999

I meta gamed very little for this tournament. I went in aiming to have some fun. There were only 9 people there, so it would be a small tournament with 2 other really good players there: Mat Allen and Scott Latham.

LS deck: HB/CC Cele/Mains beatdown
DS deck: Endor Ops/Only Ominous Rumors

Game 1: My LS VS A new players ROPs

I was just slobbering over playing ROPs. He starts puling sites, and I get Dag the hut and bespin w/ the guest quarters in 3 turns. My force pile is huge, and I have all my mains after tunnel visioning 2 times. I beatdown 2 troopers w/ DTF out. No force= 30 force loss. I moved 1 away w/ Obi. Next turn: nabrum. Wash, Rinse, Repeat on the Stormie who ran away last time.

FW by 34.

Game 2: My DS VS Scott Lathams Mains

He starts Obis Hutt and Mos Eisley. I figured it would go for massive drains with the shuffle. I was right. I started BFHI. I get out Ominous and Kashyyk out early. Many systems follow. Coruscant, D*, Kessel, Nal Hutta. I have a large space force floating around. I have control of the bunker. He spins it and infiltrates with some mains. I flee to the Landing Site, and he follows. I walker the site. Battles insue, and he has some mains to my empty Bliz 1. He then grimtasshes me when I have 7 cards. 3 Dnaughts GONE! I was thinkning it is over. I drain. Draw...EVADER AND 3 guys! I spin back the site. I attack his 2 random rebels, and he loses 1. Repeat next turn. He now comes to space with a Tantive and a Corvette. I Lat. Damage the Tantive. We chase each other for a while, and eventually all he can do is fight. I drain him out, barely. I am very worried about the DS deck.

FW by 7

Game 3: my DS VS Mat Allens Mains

I start BFHI, to his Hut/Station. Ben 1st turn. I set up kessel, and vesden. He follows with Spiral and Wedge against my Dreadnaught. BZZT no BD for him! I lose 3. Next turn BIHT. He loses Wedge. Then he alters BFHI. Chewie, Melas, Revo on kessel. Ouch! I know i am in trouble. I get 0 des to his 1. Lose dnaught. I flee. he chases. I get some needed ships, guys and systems. Bassicly the same game as last time. I battle in space 2 times after he deploys DTF and i completely forget about it. I knew then it would cost me the game! We continue chasing. He revos bunker and beats down. I evader 4 times. Sense all of the, but Oppressive saves them. Finnally on the 5th try it spins back. He has a loaded Spiral still. I take a chance. Lat. Damage it. NO ALER! This wipes him out in space. I spread thin, and start draining. We are both paying for Battle Order. I put Vader on Bliz 2 and move it to Obis Hutt. He Nabrums all his guys. I am now losing 3 to OTE. This is bad. Now i have a drain +2 at 2 systems though. He kills Vader and Bliz 2. Nabrum...he has it all active. I tell him it fails. He gets mad. I dont care, I wanna win. He deploys against a lone DS guy with KFC and some other power 2 guy. I lose some. DOnt have enough to deploy bast in my hand. Cant move. Lose 3 to OTE. Game.

Lose By 2!!!

Game 4: My LS VS Mat Allens HDADTJ balance w/o duel

He thinks I am playing Brenstons Beats. He goes to space, and doesnt deploy on the ground. I try to combat in space but my Tantive w/ Spiral and Wedge cant fight Bossk and some Dnaughts. I put out Obi and SOS to CC. Vader tarkin YAB on obi. Battle luke hit, destiny of high. I lose Luke and some more. Ouch. he bats Obi in 2 turns. I get some mains to his endor. Elis Vader/Tarkin walkers, more ouch. He drains me out...

FL by 19

Game 5: My DS VS a realy cool guys Bothan Ops

I start Battle Order. He grimaces. I get Vesdan to the Bunker, and drain in space. i dont think he has anything good. Bothan Spy, EPP Obi. Some more spies. He wins by 14 or so. I am still draining, so I am not worried. He moves out of the bunker. He cant set up ops, since he is topdecking them over and over. He drains for 1 or 2, me 5 or 6. I beat down an op/spy.

Win by 15 or so.

Game 6: My Ls VS Game 5's HDADTJ/duel/musicians

He starts Sec. precuations. I start Wise Advice. I have Glancing Blow in starting hand. ALl my mains come to hand quickly again. I set up 5 and 6 desinties. Activate a ton. Go against DLOTS and some musician scrubs with the full EPP/Obi/Chewie onslaught. he duels luke. Glancing cancels his 5, he draws a 3. I draw a 5 and a 5. Play Gift of the Mentor. Clash Lyn Me. Win by a ton. Drain him out in his Cantina.

Win by 25 or so..Dang Visage!

I come in 2nd, and mat allen comes in 1st. He lost to Scott in game 5. It was fun. Prize support hadnt arrived. I played for rating points then :P.

Michael 'Troop1023' Kessling