
Title: williston-park-new-york-01-08-00
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Jan 9, 2000

Yes, it's already time for my second tournament. I get there much later than last time, about 10 minutes before and I didn't bring any tradeable cards so it didn't matter. I had brought a modification of my Tatooine Insurrection Light deck by switching Tosche and Obi-wan's Hut for Local Uprising and Farm. My ISB from last tourney did ok but I still didn't like it, so I brought a Ralltiir Ops deck I made the night before. Both decks were valiant attempts by Anthony Garcia at helping me build decks, but my card base is terrible. I had talked with him online the night before and we playtested and stuff the whole night. All the deck ideas he thought I should use, I couldn't because I didn't have most of the cards needed. I got matched up first game with Dennis Shea.

Game 1: My DS Vs. Dennis Shea's Hidden Base
He starts with Rebel Fleet and I start IAO. I don't get to flip cause he sent Tantive with Hobbie to Ralltiir pretty early. I got a Dreadnaught with DS-61-3 on it and battled, we each lost a pilot to attrition. Then next turn he deploy a bunch of ships, system, etc. He beats down on my lone Dreadnaught and I lose the rest of my space fleet as battle damage. He flips and I'm only getting one of my drains through out of 3. He's draining for like 7 or 8 while I'm draining for 1. I lose by 27.
Full loss 0(-27)
Highlights: None
Lowlights: This game was all drains with one battle. Very boring.

Game 2: My LS Vs. Bill Power's Carbon Freezing Deck
I played the same deck last tournament and I had like 4 guys frozen including EPP Luke, and had them all moved to Interrogation Room and was drained for 9. This game I start Local Uprising with Tatooine and Farm, I also start Insurrection. He starts usual CCT stuff and plays Any Methods Necessary to pull ECC IG-88, his pulse cannon, his ship, and JP: Dungeon. I give him so 2/2 SE pilot to start. I get 3 2/2 Rebels and EPP Luke on his IG-88, Dr. Evazan, EPP Fett, and some Ugnaughts. I swing and miss, he captures a 2/2 guy. He plays Jabba's Through with you to draw 3 battle destinies and I lose rest of my guys and he captures them with All Wrapped Up and he has Binders on IG-88. Next turn I get a Orrimaarko and Obi-Wan to Carbon Chamber only to have them get captured too. He freezes a bunch of my guys and begins the trip to Audience Chamber over the next 2 or 3 turns. I get Monk and some 2/2 Rebel to Docking Bay where he sends IG-88 escorting 6 captives along with 4-LOM. I drop a Corvette to Tatooine to help out my power but Bossk in Hound comes down and kills me. Then he battles, missed capturing the Monk, but ends up capturing all my guys there too thanks to All Wrapped Up and Binders. He brings them to Audience Chamber and flips. He also has Dungeon out and next turn he will move them to Dungeon to retrive 16 (2 for each captive). I draw up to save my differential from going over 40. I lose by 22.
Full loss 0(-49)
Highlights: Attempting to put up a fight and drawing up in the end.
Lowlights: Having 8 characters captured. Need I say more?

Game 3: My DS Vs. Bill Power's Asteroid Sanctuary
This was one of two asteroid decks being played that day. He started Roche and Yarna, I start IAO. He gets Big One and 2 asteroid sectors to Roche and gets a Y-wing to Big One along with Asteroid Sanctuary. I flip early and search for Come Here You Big Coward with objective text cancelling Sactuary. He deploys some more systems each with Big Ones, asteroid sectors, sacntuaries, and Y-wings everywhere, at systems and Big Ones. He play This Is No Cave to move a Ywing to an asteroid cave and he fulfills Battle Order which I got out. He gets asteroid sectors to Ralltiir and Flips my objective back. I'm losing 3 to sanctuary and losing to drains at Coruscant, Kiffex, Asteroid Cave, and Big One. I had 1 life left, I could've drawn up, but I didn't. He played All Wings and retrived 7 and put his hand back thanks to Traffic Control. I lose to Bill again by 22.
Full loss 0(-71)
Highlights: Flipping my objective
Lowlights: Not drawing up (I could've lost by 8 instead of 22)

Game 4: Bye
Final Score: 2(-71)

Well, I finished 7th out of 9 and got a Kitik Keed'kak, Djas Puhr, Han's Heavy Blaster Pistol, Fear Will Keep Them In lIne, 5D6-RA-7, Charming to the Last, Lone Pilot, 2 Corvettes, and 2 Noble Sacrifices in prize support. This tourney I had alot more fun than last one and I'm plannig on making a CCT deck for my next one in two weeks.