
Title: minneapolis-mn-1-8-00
Author: Jim "Stimmed Jim" Li
Date: Jan 10, 2000

So I get home on Monday after work and start reading the listserve mail and found that everyone and their mothers wrote tournament reports, and so I figure I should write one too. This was my first tournament in Minnesota in about 6 months and after begging and pleading to get 8 people for tournaments in Pittsburgh, its good to come back to a 33 people one 5 minutes from my house.

My decks were extremely un-original as I’m finding it harder and harder to come up with time to design and playtest decks. My DS is almost an exact copy of Clint’s Hunt Down, not much to say. My LS is an CC Celebration deck with Path of least resistance and nice ships.

So I show up and greet some old friends and wait for the tournament to start. A few little kids showed up with 2 decks between the 4 of them, fortunately some of us older players helped them out with deck ideas and cards. I gave one kid my elom deck that isn’t really good but its better than nothing, and I offered another kid my clackdor speeder/ops deck and he tells me he doesn’t want to play it. Hehe, I’m insulted but hey its his choice if he thinks he can come up with something better.

The tournament starts and I get paired up with the kid that I gave my elom deck to. So I start with Empire’s New Order. He starts Obi’s Hut / Audience Chamber and soon drops Tessek, Elom and KFC there. I know that he didn’t have any obis or lukes ( I only have so many and can’t put them in all of my decks :-) ) so when I flip Hunt down I know its staying flipped for good. I drop choke vader with stick at the audience chamber, chokes Tessek, slashes KFC and hits him for some damage. The largest loss he caused was when he hit vader for 6 or so damage with eloms, but I soon retrived those back with ENO and drain him out, win by 36.

Second game I play Light against a guy who was playing Corulag Ops with random aliens. I start Hidden Base and Battle Order, first turn I pull out Dabogah/Yoda’s Hut and get ready to signal for TPTIFF, but I lose it off the top to the first drain. I’m feeling unlucky but I get some EPPs to fight him on Corulag, and bacta tank comes up big. I signal for an order to engage but I can’t find that either, so I get set up on Bespin with Celebration and guys at 3 sites with Path in hand, I feel safe and starts piling up guys at corulag sites. He has 4 sites out at corulag and with my squad and harc seff I cover up 3 of them, so I’m retriving more per turn than he is draining me for. He drops tons of troopers and trooper assaults me, but after the dust settles I shoot 3 of his guys and lose only Red Leader to the tank, that was pretty much his last shot and I drain him out later. Win by 19

Game 3 LS vs Graham Neal

So I played against Graham a bunch of times during the weeks before the tournament so when he saw the hidden base start he knew exactly what I was playing. He was playing Big Blue Hunt Down with a plethora of anti-Jim cards. I’m wishing I was playing the opposite side ‘cause Hunt Down doesn’t lose... ever :-) I get second turn spy + tawss at holotheater and move tawss over to meditation chamber. He gets Vader at mediation chamber and Bubble boy at kashyyyk. He battles tawss and hits him with saber, I think about staying at the site and taking out vader with a destiny, but I figured that I wanted vader on the Executor and he would hit me for a lot of battle damage if he drew a nice destiny, so I path Tawss and lose him. He contemplates and decides to drop presence on the meditation chamber so that he could use the flipped side text of Hunt Down even though it means vader will be trapped there the rest of the game unless I deploy luke or obi at a battle ground. I draw up ‘till I get a few ships to battle Bubble Boy and quite a few CC sites with characters and path, and I feel like I got the game won ‘cause once I get set up he couldn’t fight me that well in space and he couldn’t touch me in all the indoor cloud city sites but all of a sudden he plays monnok used and all my good ships and characters are put back in my used. He drops a walker and pilot at an endor site and devastator + pilot at bespin and drains heavily while I draw for my characters and ships, but in the end the monnok killed me and I couldn’t get my guys in time, lose by 20.

Well that was my first loss in minnesota in 8 months (forget about the fact that I haven’t played in minnesota for about 6 months :-) ) but I’m not too bummed because the DS doesn’t lose.

Game 4 DS vs Scott Hamman

Scott starts with MWYHL and I decide to start with IAO. I drop Vader early at the Forest Clearing and guessed that Scott was playing a beat down deck so I drop a walker with pilot along side vader. I also get out a couple of ships in space. Seems like Scott couldn’t find a good place to attack me and drops 2 Tatooine sites, one of them with Luke Han and the other one with Ben + random scrubs. I feel like having some fun and battling so I draw vader up into hand and drop him down with Luke/Han, I clash luke and battle, retriving the clash with First strike, he has another scrub with han so he gets destiny but I clear his site out and vader stays. I finish him off with drains at the endor site and in space. Win by around 20.

Game 5 LS vs Shawn Blanchard

He starts with the ECC objective and drops early lando with scrub. I get out some nice sites with activation, converts his lando with my ECC lando, drops pucmirr along side lando so I get 2 destiny and hit up his scrub for some major damage. I decide to keep my guys together in 2 major groups and set up space and celebration. He tries to fight me off in space with executor but I got like 3 corvettes and other random ships there so he loses executor real quick to cover the damage. He decides to deploy Dark Deal eventurally. I get out TPTIFF targeting Bespin, but then decide to just cancel dark deal by deploying more guys. I now have 3 locations under control and he draws up before I can retrive next turn, win by 20s.

Game 6 DS vs same guy in game 2.

He starts with Dagabah and careful plannings for swamp and jungle. I twilek and search my deck for CHYBC, I can’t find it the first time through my deck and I’m scared I forgot to put it in the deck, but the second time through I find it and I’m confident. I get vader/saber/site in hand first turn so I drop him. I get out Kashyyyk and a couple of ships there. He deploys 2 clouds to Kashyyyk since deploying them to dagobah would be pointless. He is apparently trying to jedi test also but after a while its obvious he wasn’t getting anywhere testing so he deploys GlinG1 to one cloud and random y-wing plus pilot to the other. I have Bubble Boy in hand with Lat. Damage but I decide to wait and see if I can draw the Bus in the next couple of turns, I can’t so I just drop bubble boy and lat damage and hits his random y-wing for a few damage, and the rest of my drains finish him. Win by 20s.

So I finish second to Graham who lost once also but somehow manages to beat up little kids more than me, I get some bad rares and play some pickup games after the tournament. At this point I feel like I suck at Star Wars ‘cause I’ve never lost to graham before and he killed me this tournament, but then I play Herb Macy, a high 1800s player and beat him in 6 straight games, so I’m feeling happy and leave the place :-)