
Title: pittsburgh-pa-2-6-2000
Author: Eric "Brutus_9" Steinhauser
Date: Feb 6, 2000

Another tournament down at Starbase One in Pittsburgh. I'm feeling pretty confident about this one after having seen what was big at last week's tournament. I'm playing a high-destiny HDADTJ for the DS and my 'Profitable Odds' deck for the LS.

I get to the tourney a little early and buy a couple of packs of reflections (Blizzard Scout 1 and a Death Squadron Star Destroyer) along with a foil Uncontrollable Fury which goes right into my Profitable Odds (taking out an Xwing). I trade the DSSD to some kid for a foil Visage and Establish Secret Base, then trade another kid some random rare for another Broken Concentration, thinking I'll put it in my deck for anti-MWYHL. I think better of it and keep in the Cave - Failure combo.

Game 1 -- my LS vs. Nick's Court/Hunter deck
This one didn't go as well as I had planned. He starts with Jabba and Dengar at the Audience Chamber and starts deploying some more Tatooine sites. I search for Bo Shuda my first turn ... and it's not there! He looks through the deck and is like 'what the heck are you doing?' I just smile and draw. I get to look through his next turn as he Twi'leks for nada. Bo Shuda comes down next turn and I plop down 8D8, Wioslea, and a Chadra Fan. Insert NTMTO and wait. I hit him for 11 force loss a couple of times and drain for 5 over at Kessel and Kiffex. He sets up a couple of drains with his bounty hunters and Jawas (!!!!), and I'm searching for A Gift. Finally it comes out, but not soon enough to give me some more differential room. A third NTMTO kills him off.

2 (+12)

Highlights: Knowing on my second turn that I can spread thin in space and insert without fear.

Lowlights: Not getting Artoo 'gifted' soon enough.

Game 2 -- my DS vs. Brandon's Profit Beatdown.
I wasn't totally sure what Brandon was doing with Profit, but I go ahead and deploy Mara and Boba Fett to the AC. First turn I get the Landing Platform and put EPP Vader down. He's not deploying much, and Visage is tearing into him. I see 2 Lukes go into his Lost Pile and I'm thinking I've got it made. Tarkin joins his buddy Vader at the Back Door, and Dannik and Jabba go to the AC. Boushh shows up with Vader and Tarkin, and then Uncontrollable Fury hits Vader. You Are Beaten takes care of that, and I start moving. Stupidly I move Mara and Dannik over to Tat: JP looking for a steady drain.

Then the beatdown comes ... Master Luke, Chewie w/ Bowcaster, random.LS.dudes to the AC. I flip back, he battles. Luke bounces Fett back to hand, and I'm left with virtually nada! I lose like 12 force and am not happy. He retrieves 10 force for releasing Han, and I start losing to Visage again. I'm down to like 12 life force or so and he's got like 25. I pick Vader back up into hand and next turn drop him back to the AC. Vader's Obsession, Epic Duel, Focused Attack ... I draw a 6-5-6, he draws 3-2. Luke crosses and he loses 5 force. I then initiate a battle, chop Chewie, knock KFC back into opponent's hand, and get a good destiny. I have to lose both Vader and Luke, but that's OK, since he loses about 6 force. He drops Ben Kenobi over at Jabba's Palace and tries to fight Mara. Haha, Mara kills him easily, he gets a site for Battle destiny and has to lose 2 force along with Ben and some other rebel. Dannik eats his soup, but it's too late for me, as I can't get Vader back down. Loss by 8.

2 (+4)

Highlights: Whomping Luke in a duel and then using Master Luke's GT to bounce an alien! Eating Ben Kenobi's soup, placing both Luke and Ben out of play.

Lowlights: Getting hit by a beatdown when I could've avoided it. Oh well, live and learn.

Game 3 -- my LS vs. Bryce's CCT.
I have no rebels in my deck. Bryce is disappointed that he can't freeze me for 8 force. Oh, well! His objective is basically worthless now except for the 1 force retrieval, which is basically irrelevant. Not much to talk about, I get Wioslea, 8D8, and a Chadra Fan in my opening hand. Bo Shuda the AC, plop 'em down, Signal for a NTMTO, and inflict severe damage. 8D8 gets A Gift second turn, which basically shut his drain capacity down to zero. Order to Engage and Anger, Fear, Aggression lay in some serious hurt, but he still neglected to move from the AC. Guess he didn't want me retrieving anything. Win by 39.

4 (+43)

Highlights: Excellent opening hand, running the deck like a machine with OTE and inserts.

Lowlights: None, really. Wish I could've gotten 40.

Game 4 -- my DS vs. Steven's Deactivate the Shields
This one was really over before it started. We're playing for a high place, and I'm just glad I'm playing DS. Opening hand includes 2 Vaders, Tarkin, Mara, and a counter assault. I eat some visage damage while I pack up for the beatdown. He gets General Solo and random.rebel to the Landing Site and starts setting up to pull off the epic event. Lukes go flying off the top of his reserve, so I'm a little disappointed that I won't be able to pull two Luke duels off, but that's OK. I build up force and go take on Gen. Solo's crew. Choke random.rebel, draw a 6 destiny, hmm .. that's power 16 to his 4? OK! Mara, Saber, and Iggy go to Orrimaarko and the Bunker, where Iggy misses, Mara hits, and I get a 4 destiny. Site's cleared, he draws for Explosive Charges ... nothing happens. Chewie tries to make an appearance later, but he's beaten down. Dreadnaught and Bus hold a POTF-Endor down for 3 a turn and Visage just eats through his deck. He has no hand for the last 1/2 of the game. Win by 30.

6 (+73)

Highlights: Total domination, Vader/Tarkin beatdown crew showing their stuff.

Lowlights: Counter assault kept pulling even with him in the early game for no result. Bummer.

So I go 3-1 with a nice differential. I don't know if the LS deck can make another appearance next week (people might start packing Torture / Resistance) but the Dark Deck needs just a bit more tweaking / better play (!).

I end up getting third place behind Jim Li and Dean DeGrazia, get a pack of Reflections (Princess Organa) and some Endor (crap). I give the uncommons / commons away and go home happy. I'm still hoping to play Jim or Dean in one of these tournament games, it always seems as if we're on the same side or an early loss kills my chance. Next time, maybe.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!