
Title: williston-park-new-york-2-20-00
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: Feb 20, 2000

Well, I get to the store, Grasshopper's Comics, a little early, buy the Master Luke EJP and the Boussh one, and buy some more deck protectors. We only have 9 players so turn out was pretty low. I hope I can take advantage of this and do good today. For DS, I'm using a RallOPs w/troopers, blasters, Blast Points, Scanning Crews, and Limited Resources. For LS, I have Dagobah, Careful Planning for Swamp and Jungle, and Test 1, Encampments, Ithorians, Baragwins, Anger, Fear, Aggression, and Suprise Assaults. There's also a Uncontrollable Fury in there for added force loss for opponents.

Game 1: My LS Vs. Dennis Shea's ISB/IAO
He starts Coruscant and IAO, I start Dagobah, Careful Planning, Swamp, and Jungle. On his turn he gets out lots of drain 2 sites and ISB guys to the two Rebel Base docking bays and a few to the drain 2 sites. On my turn, I deploy Yoda's Hut from reserve and draw up most of my stuff. He drains and I Suprise Assault some of it and It Could Be Worse some. He stacks my It Could Be Worse however with They'll Be Hell to Pay. He gets out a unique Star Destroyer with an Outer Rim Scout on it to Coruscant and puts an AT-AT to one of his drain sites and deploys EPP Vader somewhere. On my turn, I deploy Projection of a Skywalker on one of his sites, deploy DOS, Yoda, and Test 1 to his Hut, and deploy Uncontrollable Fury on Vader. I draw up alot. On his turn, he drains and I Suprise Assault one of them. He moves his guys from the site with Projection on it over and then he loses for Uncontrollable Fury. On my turn I attempt the test, fail, deploy Encampment, and get out Figrin D'an, some Ithorians, and some Baragwins. I insert Anger, Fear, Aggression into his deck. I move the Ithorians over to the two generic sites and I draw up some. His turn, he drains, I Suprise Assault one of them. He loses for Uncontrollable Fury. My turn, I drain for 4, retrieve some with Figrin and the Baragwins. I complete the test. Draw up more. His drains are now maybe 1's at 4 or 5 places. I cancel another with Suprise Assault. He gets out Bubo and eats my Ithorian at Swamp. On my turn I retrieve with Figrin and drain 2. IT goes back and forth like this with him eating my Ithorians and me Suprise Assaulting him. Well, it ends when I have 5 life, he has 6, but Anger, Fear, Aggression comes up and he loses 4 to that and 2 to Uncontrollable Fury. I win by 5.
FW 2(+5)
Highlights: Beating a pretty good player and learning how cool Uncontrollable Fury and Suprise Assaults are.
Lowlights: Bubo eating my stuff......

Game 2: My DS Vs. Steve Sferlazza's Profit
He starts with Han Solo at Audience Chmaber and Jabba's Palace along with some effect I forgot, I start Ralltiirand Bad Feeling Have I. We both draw up for a few turns but I got Ability, Ability, Ability and Come Here You Big Coward out somehwere along and I had Scanning Crew'd his hand several times. He eventually flips (doesn't retrieve thanks to CHYBC). He spreads out with mains and I flip sometime along. We are both draining each other. He gets a Worrt to my Ralltiir sites and is eating my guys left and right. Then I drop an Elite Squadron Stormtroopers to both the Audience Chamber and the Jabba's Palace and they both with Scout Blasters. I battle but he Senses my Blast Points and my Trooper Assault. I manage to hit Han with a blaster though. He gets Tawss Khaa out against my Imperial Leader and I lose alot. He then just drains me out. I lose by 23.
FW 2(+5)
Highlights: Scanning Crews really slowed down his deck
Lowlights: stupid Worrt and Senses made a mess of my troopers

Game 3: My DS Vs. Buck Lee's DBO (Yes, DBO, you heard right)
I flip pretty fast. My Scanning Crews are taking out his Rebels and His drains are all -1. I eventually drop two Elite Squadron Stormtroopers with Scout Blaster on one of them on his Orrimaarko and Chewbacca. I battle and add 4 to my battle destiny. I clear the site and I lose 1 trooper. I get AAA along with my Defensive Fire/Limited Resources combo going which makes him lose alot. Near the end I put back about 15 cards from my hands with Reactor Terminal and win by 31.
FW 4(+13)
Highlights: Scanning Crews were good again and AAA along with my Limited Resource/Defensive Fire all did what they were supposed to do. -1 drains for him killed all his drains.
Lowlights: none

Game 4: My LS Vs. Chris Liotta's CCT
He starts with Any Methods to get some stuff and I start my usual. I give him a Rebel Trooper (put in the deck specifically for CCT). He gets out Port Town District, CC Docking Bay, Audience Chamber, and Casino with Lando, Lobot, and Mara at the Casino and 3 Ugnaughts, Ugloste, and Jodo Kast at the Carbonite Chamber. I complete the test quickly and get out Projection of a Skywalker to Holoboard. When he freezes my trooper, I ICBW it. I insert Anger, Fear into his deck and it comes up pretty quickly. He hasn't been draining me all game until about his 5th or 6th turn.
He finally does and I Suprise Assault him at the Carbonite Chamber. My 4 stacked 7's and a 6 to his 9. He loses 25. I lose some Ewok Catapaults from hand for his drain at the Casino. On my turn I retrieve my Catapaults, retrieve one with Figrin, and put back around 22 cards with Traffic Control. Drain for 6 and it's over. I win by 44.
FW 6(+57)
Highlights: Suprise Assaulting his 4 Ugnaughts and drawing 4 tracked 7's and a 6
Lowlights: none at all

Well, Dennis Shea wins, I come in second, Bill Power comes in third, and Steve is in fourth. Yes, after my last four tournaments not even having a positive differential and now coming in second, it's pretty big to me. I get foil Princess Leia, foil Rancor, Corellian Corvette, Lone Warrior, and an Obi-wan's Saber in prize support. Congrats on Dan Sotelo for having another great tournament. My rating will go up from a 1444 to a 1486.