
Title: bristol-connecticut-2-22-00
Author: Andy "RexBanner7" Klema
Date: Feb 22, 2000

Andy here again, with my first TR in a while. I don't know why this particular tournament deserved one, I guess I just felt like writing. Anyway, I was supposed to go to this tourney with a friend, but he went to NYC with his family (where's your commitment man?), so I went alone. Played my Rumors deck and a Profit deck that I was trying out. They're both on my member page if anyone wants to look. Anyway, onto the tournament.

Game 1: LS vs Aaron Penna's Sinear Fleet Systems

I know this deck, so I know what I have to do against it. I start setting up on Tatooine. While he draws for systems and starts deploying TIEs. I take my time since I can retrieve my 10 force, and I get everything I needed set up. I flip when he finally makes me lose 10 force, and I'm doing about 8 damage a turn while he's doing around 5. Then he gets out Endor and starts tracking Dark Manuvers to Counter Assault my drains, so I know that I'll have to take the fight to him. I drain carefully, tracking his destiny as well as mine. All in all, the threat of Counter Assaults weren't that big as I had Obi-Wan holding Mos Eisley with Chewbacca doing the shuffle into the Cantina, and Master Luke holding the Moisture Farm. I come down on his lone TIE with Tantive + Wedge, but after All Power to Weapons and Dark Manuvers, he only has to lose about 5 force (drew bad destiny). He comes back with Dreadnaught + 4 TIES + Dengar in Punishing One. I react with the Spiral, and he has no All Power to Weapons. His destiny is a Dark Manuvers which becomes an 8 with Dengar, so Wedge goes to the tank, and the Spiral dies a firery death. After this, I get out Order to Engage, and run like a little pansy girl to a system where he's weak. The game ends like this, as my objective damage + drains + OTE damage kill him off.
FW +22

Game 2: DS vs Steve Loveland's Endor Mains

I hate these games. Steve is a newbie who lost his first game, but due to who played what side, we ended up playing. My deck does what it should, and I'm draining for about 8 by turn 3. He gets somewhat established on Endor, but he can't do anything about my space drains, and he can't get enough power to knock me off the ground. Drains do him in quickly.
FW +33
4 (+55)

After the game I went through his deck with him and asked him questions to get him thinking more strategically. He did win two games later (in his first tournament), so hopefully he'll be back.

Game 3: LS vs Steve Brentson's Scum and Villainy

Well, I knew that it would eventually happen. Oh well. This was a terrible match-up for me. Steve converts every site of mine by the end of his first turn, leaving me with 3 force and very few options. First turn I lay down some sites, Wise Advice, and draw. He holds down the chamber with Mara Jade, Dr. Evazan, Jabba the Hutt, and about 2-3 Outer Rim Scouts. First Signal I get fetches Bo Shuda, but I can't draw either Order To Engage or a Signal to complete the combo. He sets up with Boba Fett and 2 Outer Rim Scouts at the Judland Wastes, deploys All Wrapped Up, and draws. I come down on my turn with Ben Kenobi and EPP Luke. Here's were I make a mistake that would cost me the game. Completely forgetting about AWU, I swing and hit an ORS with a 0 and a 6. He hits Luke with Fett, but draws a 0 for destiny. I go to fofeit and revive Luke, but instead he captures him with AWU. Doh! If I swing at Fett, that doesn't happen and I'm in the game. Next turn, Zuckuss and random alien come down and kill Ben with attrition, who goes to Zuckuss. Game over really. I do get out Artoo + A Gift and Boussh, and eventually Order To Engage, but he isn't budging, I can't flip my objective, and I can't find anyone to fight with (all captured). I lose.
FL -18
4 (+37)

Game 4: DS vs ???'s Tatooine Mains

He starts Tatooine, with no starting interrupt. Riiiiiight. He gets out Obi's Hut turn one and draws. I set up in space since I can't find my walkers for the ground. Next turn, he deploys EPP Han and Chewbacca to Endor. Well crap. I Monnok him lost soon thereafter, and get rid of 2 Smoke Screens, but also see that he's holding a Life Debt. He deploys Obi at his Hut with his lightsaber and Lightsaber Proficiency, and Revolutions it. I can't have that, so I come down with Blizzard 2 + fodder. I do him some damage, but can't draw high enough to get rid of Obi. I draw and get Iggy. He battles back on his turn, and succeeds in knocking off my fodder. On my turn I activate, and look at the remaining 3 cards in my reserve deck with IAO: a 2, 2, and a 5. Sweet. Down goes Iggy against Chewie and Han. Captures Chewie before he can play Life Debt, then draws the other 2 to knock off EPP Han. Knowing that my last card is a five, I battle Obi (after adding some more fodder), draw my five, and Obi is history. This is all happening while I am draining in space, so after his ground resistance is gone, I set up Rumors and drain him out quickly.
FW +22
6 (+59)

Game 5: LS vs Steven Gillispe's Rumors deck

Well well, my deck! I know how to beat this, but get a terrible draw. I slowly start to set up, and he does the same, having trouble getting out systems. The turn after I put Leia and Luke out on Tatooine, he puts Igar on Tempest 1 on Endor. Stupid mistake, because I could have took that out easily, especially since I was holding Skywalkers. After I flip, he's still doing more damage than me, so I have to take to space. I set up with at Kashyyyk with Lando in Falcon and Gold Leader. He moves his ships over to block my drain, so I try elsewhere. Tantive 4 + Spiral come down to Endor, but the Spiral gets kissed back to my hand. Crap. Now I have to move my ships over, but he successfully Gravity Shadows my leader. Next turn, he comes down with Bossk in Tooth, and I have no Houjix. Game over, but I don't mind losing to good play.
FL -13
6 (+46)

Game 6: DS vs Steve Brentson's TJ deck (Hit and Run)

I don't know why I had to play him since he was undefeated, but oh well. For some reason I start Imperial Decree, and keep forgetting to Twi'lek for IAO. This hurts me as leaders with high destiny keep taking out my pilots and ships. Nevertheless, I am still controlling Endor, and getting in about 4-7 damage a turn with my drains. His Anger Fear Aggressions are popping up, but by refusing to draw destiny against his leaders, I avoid their damage by battling the next turn. Still, Draw Their Fire and the AFAs are taking their toll, as are my drains, and we are both down to a minimal amount of force. He comes to the Vengence with Gold and Red squadron ships + X-Wing Cannons. He attacks, Power Pivots, Vengence and 5 please. Ouch. On my turn, I Lateral Damage the Red Squadron and attack with Tarkin on the Avenger, but don't have enough to draw destiny. This however, is the turning point of the game. He has been recycling his 5s and 6s with DTF and floating 5s (Shocking Info), so I expect him to draw high. He draws a 1. We both can't believe it. He has to lose both cards and 1, I lose Tarkin. This frees up Kashyyyk for me, and now I'm getting in my drain damage heavily again. The game ends with me draining for 4 at Kashyyyk and 3 at Kiffex (Presence of the Force).
FW +11
8 (57)

Well, with terrible diff, I come in 4th, and get some Revised Dagobah for my trouble. Not bad pulls, nothing really to report though. Josh Radke did a great job of directing, and I'm looking forward to the next one on March 11th. See you all later.