
Title: 2-26-00-tuscon
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Feb 29, 2000

So it has been awhile since I last wrote a tournament report cause lately I have been playing like a billie (note - that is AZ slang for playing like a jabroni). So I finally got my act together, built some decent teched out decks and decided to head south for a tournament in Tuscon. I took my boy, Brian Garrison, cause hes gots to practice cause AZ States is in like three weeks. So after some driving through the ghetto of Tuscon, we end up at Kards 4 You. The store is nice and it is very clean. I unloaded some reflections and some chewies for about $175 in store credit...not bad if I do say so myself. So the tournament started.

LS Deck - What else it's BRENSTONS BEATS (or if your Brian Fred it's Descent into the Cheese)
DS Deck - Vegas style/No Drazin - A variation of the CCT/Sabacc deck I was playing late last year, played it at the Wildcard, but I made some changes to it.

Game 1 DS Vs. Zachary Lafleur
He gave me Premier Han (yes, my interrogation array will go off). So he is playing Alderaan ops, but he isn't as focused as he should be. He is trying to play speeder ops, but it's not working. I get Lando set up in the Tower with Ephont Mon and Corporal Prescott (tech card). I am sabaccing about twice a turn (CC and trooper) and retreiving three because I have Expand the Empire on the Casino. Nothing better then gambling in a little corner inside next to a prison door where you can hear the screams of Han getting it put to him with an Interrogation Array. Needless to say, I deployed the same EPP Vader three times and he couldn't handle the Exx bounty hunters
FW +33

- Not bad for taking a crack at an old deck. Game took forever though.

Game 2 LS Vs. Aaron Steele
This guy started Court. He dropped Myo and two abyssins there first turn. My first turn I saved and got out almost all my force advantage sites. Half way through his turn he reminded me to lose a force cause I didn't have someone on tatooine. I reminded him to remind me, and that it wasn't my card, well needless to say he never reminded me ever again. Next turn EPP luke/han came down and cleared out the AC, next turn it was Leia and a spy taking care of Myo, who ran to the dungeon. I drained for the whole game. The game ended by me activating everything, dropping Descent into the dark the turn before and saying go. He drained with 5 Abyssins and I surprise assaulted. A lot of people were standing around and were just astonished by that combo. I drew 5...destiny 5's. hehe
FW +32

Game 3 LS Vs. Scott Vales
Now I know this guy. He is playing Hunt down with two vaders, numbers (droids) and holotable drain. Well I am sick and tired of numbers (i had to play three numbers at my last tournament). His first turn he inserts but nobody on the table. My turn I drop a bothan spy to the holotheatre and there it would sit for the game. I pitched the cantina (one of two battlegrounds in my deck) to the first visage damage. Next couple turns I get mos eisley out and epps there but I can't drain at the holotheatre cause of CHYBC. My third turn I have a stacked 6 (dont forget the droids) and I blow up his holotable. Needless to say he was not to happy. So I go through his two vaders and he evaders. Well here we are at a standstill with 14 cards left in both of our decks. I hate true ties. So I am searching for something to do (he doesn't want to do anything cause he knows I am holding a nabrun and I got rid of his numbers). I sit there and read every card on the table. Well by this time we are the only game left. He offers to take the true tie now, I say no way cause I can find a way to win (he has u3po blocking the drain at mos eisley). Then it dawns on me. I deploy GLG1 to R.point move to dagobah. He goes ok, passes his turn. My turn I land at the swamp and it sinks to the used pile....Das right, who's the pimp...Mike Girard's da pimp. So he has to start doing stuff. He deploys epp vader with about five droids there and draws. Next turn I do nothing. His turn he says force drain for zero but he is going to play projected telepathy on his drain (to get back a card). I say hold on a sec. I play Surprise assault and do about nine damage. Yea!!! so I get some cards back cause he keeps playing defensive fire for some reason (he is holding a limited resources, but I am smarter then that grasshopper). I get the timed win.
MW +20

Game 4 DS Vs. Patrick Gimber
This guy was playing Dagobah drain. second turn I played CHYBC and that was game. I caught We're Doomed the second time he played it and that was game. I beat off anything he tried to deploy to CC and won about 5 starships (2 Z95s and 3 xwings). There was nothing he could do. But it was a fun game none the less.

FW +30

I win the tournament and give everybody beats. Gotta love ego boosts. :-)

Michael Girard
FLGold 120

BTW - Thanks to Enrique Huerta for filling in...you da man.