
Title: stitches-florida-gs-p1-march-400
Author: Mike "Iceman" Fitzgerald
Date: Mar 6, 2000

This is the first part of my Tournament Report...instead of
making it 7 pages long I've decided to post it in two pieces
and expand on it here and there. This also refers to the
song by Orgy and the laughs and fun I had this weekend.

Well I had been looking forward to the March 4th Florida Grand
Slam since Neal Razi and David Akers mentioned it at a little
card party I had in late January. I had been playtesting decks
off and on for awhile trying to come up with fun combonations
and good decks. Dark Side was like anything I picked up worked
-- ROps , HDADTJ , Courts , even ISB , the problem I
had was finding a Lightside and I waited until the night before
to mess around with it and finalize my thoughts. Merritt Island
was a nice 1 hour and 40 minute cruise from my hometown of Jupiter
at 80 mph. My crew this time was Daniel Blackford and Lee Edwards.
From what I had been advertising and hearing there was gonna be a
lot of high ratings there and a lot of good players there.
Anyway on to the deck intro : Nine Inch Nails was what I
played on the way to the 'Slam so I figured these titles
corrolated to my decks pretty well.

LS - 'The Fragile' - Hidden Base Mains...Beatdown and misc.
stuff that I wanted to try out.

DS - 'The Wretched' - Switched name of Musician deck...wanted
to make it more menacing.

The tournament was run by Squadron Members Charles Lund and
Mitchell Velasco and was run very smoothly.

Before the tournament I went out to lunch with Mitchell Velasco
who is my buddy and I haven't seen in TWO YEARS along with
Dan Blackford…talking about decks and stuff which was pretty
cool because at these big tournaments you want to say hello
to people you haven't seen and sometimes there isn't enough

Game 1 : ' The Fragile ' versus Andreas S-'s Endor Operations...

Start : Me - Hidden Base stuff and get Wise Advice. HIM- Endor
Ops stuff plus Any Methods Necessary for Death Star Prison and
some stuff I can't remember ( didn't matter ). He deploys Ephant
Mon to the Bunker first turn and draws. We both draw like crazy.
I spit out Systems here and there to control his activation. He
deploys M'kae on the Devastator at Kiffex with a Tractor Beam.
I make a huge mistake that costs me the game. For some reason I don't
get Draw Their Fire... I attack with Millenium Falcon , EPP Leia ,
Cpn Han , Jereon Webb and Tantive 4...he plays the tractor beam junk
to capture my Falcon . WTF ? Duh... anyway I draw my tracked 5 to blow
his stuff up ( and captured loaded Falcon in the process ) ... this
was huge because I would've smacked up Dev and played Legendary
Starfighter and he'd been hurting badly from that but I didn't so
I don't. I put down Obi-Wan Kenobi w/ Tawss Khaa at the Docking Bay
and deploy Battle Plan to try to slow him down. I also play Descent
Into the Dark and Catch most of his Senses and Alters while he is
setting up destinies with Terminal and my Dark , ugh. The sickest thing
was we both had like 30 card hands but whereas his deck would've really
been crippled by Grimtaash mine would've had no problem with Monnok. Anyway
Super Falcon comes back out and destroys stuff while I try to Few Manuevers ,
Frozen Assets , and Draw Their Fire my way around Tractor Beams. He gets in a
few good drains with Endor Ops and he catches It Could Be Worse. He also catches
my On the Edges. He also Sensed them once or twice for bad recycling. Basically
he brings down EPP Vader , Mara Jade with Stick , and Tarkin to smack Obi and
Tawss and I lose 8 after them. That was basically game. Loss by 16.
Record : 0 ( -16 )

Highlights : Nothing really
Lowlights : Playing dumb

Game 2 : ' The Wretched ' v. Ira Myers Harvest-ish deck...

Start : CotV with Surface Defense . Him : Mos Eisley and CP for Farm.

Well this game also starts out pretty slow too. I start deploying stuff
to fortify the Audience Chamber. He deploys the Harvest setup
to the Farm very quickly and after he has 4 cards in lost
Pile he plays a Harvest... I Hell to Pay it. After getting
a sizeable force at the Audience Chamber I decide to tempt a
Nabrun and he Quite A Mercs it. I drop EJP Dengar ( heheheh - sorry ) ,
Lyn Me , Sy Snootles , and a few heavy hitters out to battle
the Harvest Crew. Scum and Villiany is up and I start launching
an all out campaign on the Tatooine Landscape. Dengar caps
Owen and Beru , Mara Jade w/ her stick finds that Ben Kenobi
has a certain kind of magnetism to him-- a Blaster Deflection
of some sort. So I drop the Harvest crew -- he played another
Harvest to add Battle Destinies but I forfeited out the wazoo.
Next turn I get 4-LOM down there and cancel Ben for a turn or
two at most ( Put That Down and Blaster Deflections ! ) which
is enough to send his characters running to Mos Eisley. A Musician
herd shows up and out powers the Harvest Crew 27 to 3. All of them
die and he loses 3 after that. I lose a few guys here and there but
when he tries to jump me he can't match my power. Leia and Orrimarko
tried to defend the Farm but Brangus , 4-LOM , and the phasing Jabba
( I say that because I deployed him probably like 5 times ) ...come
to the farm and get rid of Leia. Orrimarko can only run the next site
over. He puts out Tawss Khaa to the Sarlaac pit and is done.
Elis seals it. Win by 22 . Record : 2 ( +6 )

Highlights : This was an Excellent Game...battling all the
way through...very tough played.
Lowlights : This is but a SCRATCH of the actually little
nuases that were happening , I wish I had this game on video
tape because I would probably watch it over and over again.
The recycling Jabba thing was kinda sick though...but only
Jabba can recycle so much ... Luke can recycle better ;)

Game 3 : 'The Fragile' v. Ira Myers ROps deck..

I start everything and Battle Plan. He starts Ralltiir Ops
and is puzzled as to what to start so he doesn't start anything.
He gets Dagobah Cave out and the sites. I drop 2 systems from
hand , 1 from reserve , and a Dagobah Site from Reserve. BANG !
Turn 2 I'm activating 13 Force and am pumped. He flips pretty
early. I save up and Tunnel Vision...and Tunnel Vision. He deploys
CBHYBC and Bad Feeling Have I. So my first main(s) force is Obi
and Luke w/ Gift of the Mentor. 'Imperial Barrier you say ? Uh.. cancel Barrier , that cancels Barrier ...yep'
... I battle DTF , he reacts a walker over , I hit Cabbel or
someone like that and clear the site with attrition...this
would be somewhat of a recurring theme. He has his objective flipped
and is basically pumping all his force towards being able to draw
destiny at all his Ralltiir Locations. I keep tossing Luke and Obi to
knock out something and draw destiny...Tunnel Vision , wash , rinse ,
repeat. Then I decide I need to start retrieving my mains back so I put
EPP Leia on the Spiral at Rendezvous Point and move it to Tatooine ,
play Descent Into the Dark , A Few Manuevers on Vader's Shuttle ,
On The Edge for 4 , He grabs my On the Edge , and I pay 2 to play
On the Edge again...get back 3 more including mains that I needed.
He attacks my EPP Leia on Spiral with Zuckuss but draws a bad destiny
( Even with ROps ) so the Spiral Lives ! Zuckuss must be choking on
his ammonia based atmosphere because here comes Captain Han , Jereon
Webb , and the Millenium Falcon to help the Spiral. Battle
commences I draw my 2 Tracked Destinies...Boom boom...Zuckuss
in Hunter goes down along with 4 more... Spiral goes down...
Legendary Starfighter HAS LANDED! Aooooga ! Aoooga ! Attention
Imperial Fleet : Captain Han Solo has said you must destroy his
ship or it will destroy you. The Navy makes a few more attempts
but tracked destinies attrition them down. Obi makes yet ANOTHER
APPEARANCE on Ralltiir for 9 force and takes out Tarkin. The Navy
knocks Captain Han Solo out but it appears he was only below deck
perhaps paranoid of Lateral Damage. Tracked Destinies and more ships
blow up. So the way it stands now I have Hidden Base Flipped...I
control Tatooine and he is at Bothawui and Corulag along with 2
Ralltiir Sites. I have EPP Leia at his Forest after Obi sucked up
the attrition. So it is Swamp ( Vader ) - Forest ( Leia ) - and
Prefect Office ( Tempest 4 ). On my turn I activate and play....
can you feel it...can you ...can you possibly guess ?
Tunnel Vision. And I can't help but laugh a sinister and menacing
laugh as I take my card into hand from Active Force. I pay 9 Force
for EPP Luke for at least the 8th time this game. Battle...Knock
off the Walker... Move Leia away from Vader ( who moved to Leia's
site on his turn ) and Flipped Ralltiir Ops back ! It took me about
12 Obi/Luke Strikes to do it but I did it...Grand Slam Home Run Baby...
now he's in trouble. I'm draining for only 3 but I have DTF out , he's
losing 2 for Legendary Starfighter and Hidden Base is providing the force
choke to mess him over. This choke is on the mark and finishes him off.
Win by 12. Record : 4 ( +18 )

Highlights : heh... I can't help but sit back and have fun
with Ira. He is such a funny guy and a good guy to play versus. I really
didn't expect our games to be such slugfests and I thought he had the
upper hand in this one...I mean whatever I threw at him he just had more
ability 4 combos to get objective enhanced Destiny. I think I snatched this
win out from under him.

Lowlights : Having to play him least I invited
him over to have some recompense for the nastyness I did to him.

Coming in Part 2 : Games versus Decktech Citizens : Leonard
Mitchell , Hugh Shelton , and CLINT HAYS ! Along with the
wrapup stuff.
