
Title: terre-haute-indiana-3-18-00
Author: Matthew "Teknologik" Wright
Date: Mar 19, 2000

Alex Alcalde (Gold 31 I think) hosted this tourney. It was just another one of the once a week tourney’s hosted by one of the 5 local TD’s on Thursday, I went over to my friends house and helped him to make him deck. I made him a pretty good ISB deck for his cards.
I made my decks about 2-3 hours before the tourney. They were
DS Martin Akesson Raltiir Ops
LS Mind What you have learned beatdown

I got there around 12:15 and started at 12:30. My rating before the tourney is 1831

Game 1 Round 1

My DS Raltiir vs. Dave Bouffard's Throne Room Mains (1882)

I start with CTR while he sets up throne room w/ usual stuff. That what was probably why I lost. He deployed Yoda's hut and drew. I got my site and drew. He deployed goo nee tay down second turn. This goes on for about 3 turns until he deploys epp obi, melas and tawss khaa. I couldn't
challenge that with what was in my hand so I deploy dlots to the swamp and alter his goo nee tay. He deploys vandem willard undercover and stays on raltiir for the rest of the game due to bad draw. I put up a decent fight and get zuckuss in mist hunter to kashyyk w/ battle order on the
table. I couldn't flip the objective because of all of the epps on raltiir, and he outdrains me on Cloud City at downtown plaza and carbonite chamber. FL by 26

Highlights: getting to play a good player
Lowlights: starting with the wrong effect

Game 2 Round 1
My LS beatdown vs. Ryan Fears Jabba's palace non unique alien deck (1408)
This game was just sick. I started with Draw their fire and he started with T:JP. I deploy yoda and draw. I signal for traffic control and deploy it. He deploys 2 non-unique aliens. I deploy epp luke and battle. Retrieve my signal. He can't draw destiny so Luke stays. For the rest of the game I do what I did in the last sentence for the rest of the game. I rebel barrier his guys with ability. I deploy epp obi and epp Han. Only characters besides yoda on table. I had no cards in my lost pile. FW by 50

Current standings. 2(+24)

Highlights: draw their fire and traffic early in the game. No lost pile.
Lowlights: beating anybody by that much for differential.

Felt bad and gave some of my prize support to him.
Game 3 Round 2

My LS beatdown vs. Chris Feilding's Huntdown (1540)

He starts with bad feeling. I start with goo nee tay. First turn he deploys cantina and draws. I can now deploy yoda to hut first turn. I do so and let him go. (He had a really horrible draw last game with like no vader in a 25 card hand.) He apparently got a bad one this game. Second turn I deploy Epp Obi to cantina. I grimtaashh used him and let him take his turn. His is really mad that he can't find a vader. He draws some then I go. He deploys Vader next turn and battle. He misses and draws a 0 for destiny. I hit vader and draw a five. He is real mad. Over the next few turns he deploys executer and a ds 61 to kashyyyk but i immediatly follow with a red leader in red 1 with a landing claw. The turning point in this game was when he deployed Mara Jade (Barriered) DLOTS and ds 61 4. He battles. I miss vader and draws a 2 or something but i was immune. He had to lose ds 61 4. Next turn I sorry about that mess Jade, deploy Epp luke, Orimmarko, and tawss khaa. I hit vader and he has to lose a lot of force. He gets a DSSD out to endor but i landing claw that also. His last ditch effort was Jabba the hutt and ds 61 2 at the defensive perimeter. I tracked some fives and battle with Epp Han, Epp liea, and Jeroen Webb. He pretty much doesn't care and draws up. FW +26

Highlights: Getting both landing claws when i need them and drawing high destiny.

Lowlights: none

Current Standings 4(+50)

After this game I go walk around and see that the top 3 players including me are all light side. Both undefeated's are on light side. Weird parings by Alex. About this time the shmuck shows up. Nick Stiener. He didn't want to play because his rating would go down (2016).
Everybody at the tourny was below 1900.

Game 4 Round 2

My DS raltiir Ops vs. Chris Fielding's Weird mains deck (1540)

I start with bad feeling because I know that it is a beatdown deck. He starts with Goo nee Tay and rendezvous point. I just get 2 2-0 sites down and prepare to flip. he is just drawing and hoping for sites. I deploy an AT-ST pilot from Reserve deck and deploy 2 chicken walkers at the opposite sides. The other walker also has a at-st pilot. I deploy Vader in the Middle and Alter his goo nee tay. He comes down with orrimaarko and battles. I forget to react but I still win the battle by drawing high destiny with the objective. The only other thing he does is deploy tantive,red squad, gold squad, and melas on the tantive to raltiir. He never gets to control a site so it never flips back. He shuttled down Melas and I beat him down. I then deployed Zucuss in mist hunter and Bossk in hounds tooth. I clear the system and move over to kashyyyk.
That is basically game. FW + 28

Highlights: Playing this deck the way it was meant to play
Lowlights; Playing the same guy that I just beat before while he was really angry.

Current Standing's (6+78)

Game 5 Round 3

My LS Beatdown vs. Chad Hedrick Court Deck (1578)

kThis game started out normally. I get yoda first turn and draw a couple. I now have epp han, luke, and obi. He get jabba and greedo. I deploy and battle with tawss khaa. He drew a 3 and I drew a 2. He loses greedo and I lose Tawss( Forgot about yoda, but that's okay). I deploy EPP luke, Harc Seff, and Epp obi to his sarlacc pit to cancel his drain at the audience chamber. Next turn he deploys sarlacc. (Oh CRAP) He tries to eat epp luke and fails.Whew. But there is still one more chance to eat one of my mo-fos. I start to play nabrun, but he says 'all wrapped up is on the table.' free ooto gooto solo. I can't risk it because of 2 bounty hunters at the Audience chamber. So sarlacc gets another chance. He attacks obi. He draw a 2 and I draw a ...ZERO. Obi is placed out of play and he yells that to the other players there. It hurts me a little but my hand was full of epps. I move over and barrier the people he puts down. I deploy epp han and orrimaarko. I clear the site and he has to lose 12. His last stand came when he deployed Zuckuss and ECC 4-Lom. I barriered them both. I sorry about that mess 4-Lom and deploy epp leia. I battle zuckuss alone and he just gives up. FW +34

Highlights: Playing somebody I knew and having a whole lot of fun with a great player.
Lowlights: Having Obi eaten by sarlacc. If I just would've drawn a 1 he would've surived.

Current standings (8+102)

The 2 undefeateds finally play. If the one i wanted to win won. I probally would've got second. But i have to play the guy who just one and is still undefeated.

Game 6 Round 3
My DS vs. the excact same deck in game one(Erik winings 1770)
He starts the same stuff but I know that there aren't any revos so I start with Bad Feeling Have I. I get a crappy hand because I didn't get any locations. I managed to flip it very late in the game. he deploys Mechanical Faliure on the at-st and tried to clash vader. Cancel with CTR.
He battles with EPP obi, Epp han, and A new hope Chewbacca. I can't draw destiny worth anything so he hits vader with his LS and fires at Jade. Miss but he plays slight weapon malfunction. Clear the site and he loses Chewie. He flips it back and he deploys carbonite chamber with some guys there. I get to flip again and kill the guy and the cantina but lose all of my guys. I deploy IG-88 to EPP Han and EPP Obi. I checked my destiny with IAO and there was no way I could miss Han with the gun. I battle and capture him but he chops him up. He loses obi and han is alone. Next turn he deploys epp luke and harc seff. I get out battle order with zuckuss in MH and a dreadnaught at kashyyyk. He deploys tantive to Death Star and then I do something he doesn't expect. I move the Death Star to Parsec 1 and then move Zuckuss in MH there from Kashyyyk. He battles and loses the tantive. I keep chasing luke around but he manages to evade me long enough. FL -8

Final Standings
1. Erik Winings 12(+159)
2. Dave Bouffard 10 (+89 or something like that)
3. Matthew Wright (8+ 94) ME
4. Steven Lane (8 +24 or something) I helped make him the decks that he played. He only lost to the top two people)
5. Chris Feilding (6 +10 or something)
6. Chad Hedricks
7. Matt Tallman
8. Andy ?????
9. Andy Hopkins
10. Ryan Fears
11. Matt Purdy
We got our prizes and Andy ????? got a tarkin and Ryan got a darth Vader. So for 2 consecutive weeks, there has been a vader and tarkin in one of the boxes. I forgot the differential and some of the places in the middle. This tourney would've been a better report if I would've remembered my pad and paper.
Me, Steve, Matt P., and Matt T. went over to Matt P.'s house to get 2 N64 controllers so we could play 4-way goldeneye. He only gets one because his dog took a leak on the other one. So we go to my house and my brother is glued to the computer and he doesn't even notice me. I asked him later and says that he didn't even see me. What an idiot. Any thief could've walked in taken all of our stuff, but luckily, it didn't happen. So I get one and we proceed to Steve's house. ( All of us live in the same neighborhood except Matt T.) It was annoying though because there were 3 Matt's in one car and in one house. We played teams and my team won both times because we picked off the guys separately. We go into another room and start to trade and make decks. I help Steve make a court deck and a MWYHL deck for the next tourney.
I will try and write a report for the next tourney if I remember to bring paper and write this crap down.