
Title: olympia-washington-4-1-00
Author: Charles "Teacher" Hickey
Date: Apr 4, 2000

Greetings everyone. Thanks for reading my report. Peter Sundholm ran this 3 round event in Olympia this past weekend, and we had a turnout of 11 players. Endor notibles Walter Zylowski, Derek Snook, and Myself, Charles Hickey were in attendence. So it looked to be a few interesting games toward the end, if all the pairings went as expected. I ride down with Snook, discussing past T.V. shows such as A-Team, and debating what kind of bunk to play for states.

So, we arrive in Olympia, looking forward to the games, and Mongolian Grill afterwords.

My deck selections for the day were, Rallops for the DS, and Profit for the LS.

Onto the games:

Game 1: Profit Vs. Tom Thomas Ralliter ops.
Tom chooses not to start anyone in the chamber, which is fine with me. I get set up very quickly, rescuing Han, and having him with Ben Kenobi on Tatooine. Masta Luke and Boush go wreck some Havoc on Ralliter, and I stop him from ever flipping. Drains and direct loss do him in.
FW by 27

Highlights: Taking control early, having evasion when I needed it.
Lowlights: Beating Tom, he's a cool kid.

Game 2. Rallops vs. David Kitzman throneroom main, no nudj.
Well, I start Imperial Arrest Order, cause I know he's Nambrum Boy. Woo, did it pay off. I activated, and got my hand set, then with 20 force saved, I deployed and flipped. This game was in my control from here on out. He never contested, cause he deployed everyon to CC, deciding to Nambrum, but forgot about I.A.O. I invade Yavin, and drains do him in.
Fw by 21 4(+48)
Highlights: Not much, it's a bad throneroom deck
Lowlights: Canceling Frozen Assets with Main Course, and putting the card in my lost pile.

Game 3. LS vs. Ghery Pettit Huntdown
Ghery chooses to start no Aliens, and that's fine with me. Goo Nee Tay really slows him down, and I get Han rescued turn 2-3 with Ben Kenobi. He set's up a drain of three with Tempest 1 and Mara at an Endor Site. So I drop down a Mechanical Failure to Ewok Village, and go. Ghery Drains 3, and I surprise Assault, but only make him lose 1. Bummers. So, Ghery fortifies the Walker with Ozzel and Dr. Evezan. So, during my turn, I nabrum Boushh to the fortified site, and Sorry Ozzel. I then Double Agent Mara, but fail. Next, I deploy Masta Luke, and Battle. I weapon Lev Maras sabre, and bounce Dr. E. I draw a 5, and it's one that I retrieved from my flip, so I knew I had another 5 coming, so Leia Capped Mara. So, Now it's just Luke and Leia against the damaged walker, and I play Skywalkers. TP=19, to ghery's 0. This was game.
FW by 30 6(+78)
Highlights: Deck worked perfect.
Lowlights: Ghery is in a slump.

Game 4. DS vs. Walter Z's hidden base Kessel run deck.
I get some sites early, and flip with out him contesting me. I skirmish him a bit in space, but once I get out location^3 and Ability^3 with Search and Destroy, Walter is losing 5-6 force a turn cycle. I pound the last of his forces, and the direct damage is his death.
FW by 15 8(+93)
Highlights: The changes I made to compensate worked perfect.
Lowlights: None, but I thought he was playing numbers early, so I dug for Vesden

Game 5. LS vs. Derek Snook's 'Suck This Profit!'
Well, I'm activating 4 force, to his 10+, I get no characters or locations, and he get's set up. This was an uphill battle the entire game, with Force denial, and Secret Plans. So I can't wait to release Han, he has like 12 people in the Chamber, and I know he's sitting on Hutt Smooch. Well, I finally walk Lei in, and spring his ass. But My evasion is not showing up at all until this point, and he's content with the chamber and occupation. I make him lose some, and he does to me. Han gets Eaten By Bubo, cause my Fallen Portal missed, and it just crapped pout on me. So, I start fofietig dudes in the chamber, just to make him lose to No disentigrations. Well, I lose, but this is a game I could have won, if I had gotten a location earlier, and some evasion cards. But a good damn game nonetheless
FL by 15 (8+78)
Highlights: I finally got to test Profit against Tatooine Occupation
Lowlights: Profit lost, ARRRGHHHHH

Game 6. DS vs. Derek Snook's Hidden Base deck.
Well, I get set up, with an Early Search and Destroy, and Start contesting him in space with my Flips. I get drains in, and kick him out of the good systems, and have decree going in effect. Dereks drains are reduced to crappy, and I have the location and Search and Destroy Going. I probe, and he loses like 2 foce. (alot of systems on table)
FW by 14 10(+92)
Highlights: Revenge against Snook :-)
Lowlights, nothing, except him capping Zuckis in Ship. . .Again. (but I knew it was comming this time!)

so, I finish in second, behind Walter Zylowski, who decided to win his last two game by huge differential, while I played against Snook.

Hope you enjoyed the Read.