
Title: yet-another-tennessee-report
Author: Jim "NewJedi00" Sells
Date: Apr 10, 2000

Well here is my first go around at a tournament report, so don't react too bad.
Well to the tournament. It all started about a week prior to the tournament when I looked at the web site trying to figure out where the darn thing was. I found a terrible description and decided that I would ask Josh who is are local Squadron Member. After getting yet another terrible answer (how did this guy ever become a squadron Member) I decided to ask the store personel. They only knew that it was on Briely Parkway. Geez great directions. I figured if I couldn't get good directions how were the out of towners ever going to find it. I eventually woke up Saturday and called all the Days Inns and found the right one. Simple huh?
Ok so I go pick up Jon Chu cause Clint wouldn't. If you know me then you would know I should never bring anyone to a big tournament and my string of bad luck held out once again. I will tell a little bit of history. 2 yrs ago I took Chris Wooten to Virginia beach he beat me to win the Regional. Then I took Steven Lewis with me to SC, he won, Clint to Origins, he wins, now Chu, but I will get to that.

Ok Game one, finally
Bill Gordon's Throne Room vs My slightly modified for the worse RALOPS
Bill comes to Raltiir early with Obi and an Oola, I don't think much of this cause I have DR. E and Mara in my hand and the ability to go get out AT-St pilots for my walkers. Little did I know how Oola would wreck me most of the game. They game seesawed back and forth but with about 5 min to go Bill definatly had the advantage. I had one card left and wanted to draw it up when they called time. I asked if I could draw it up but Josh would not let me, another brillant play by the Great Squadron Member LOL
So bill wins a timed game by like 14

Game 2 (0 -14)
Ben Vaughn's Gangster deck against my Throne room deck. Ok this is the kinda guy you have to love after playing a good first round. Ever seen clueless. Need I say more? The big battle happend when he put a bounty on my han w/ blaster and started a battle w/ just Bossk with riot guy against han and chewie with guns. He misses the gun shot and I play Life Debt and hit boosk with a shot from Han. I draw like 14 for my attrition. Bamn game over. This kid just keeps on laughing as I kill him, it's great.
I win by 29

Game 3 (2 +15)
Steve Lewis's Hunt Down against my Throne Room. Ok this is what really sucks I have never beat this deck, plus it's being played by one of the greatest players to ever play the game (don't comment unless you have played him) So the game starts out I cancel his Visage on the first turn I get a God draw against him Momaw and Harc to the Holotheatre. I never lost anything from Visage. The game goes back and forth and I know I am going to lose. I drain him a ton at his Kiffex and my Kessel, this eventually won me the game. Steve made one big scrublike mistake (just ask him) we only had one battle ground site, Med chamber with presence. I dropped luke w/ saber and some no name there. He moves over Vader thinking I will just kill him with obsession. But forgets to add V's Stick. I start a battle and he tries to choke Webb, my Scrub, misses, I smoke screen and bye bye Daddy V. It took him too long to get another Vader.
I win by 6 and another tough game.

Game 4 (4 +21)
Jonathan Chu's cheesie Throne Room vs my Scrubby Ralops
Ok Chu gets a great draw, he drops 8d8 and R2D2 and inserts and says go, I pop the odds, bye bye 10 cards. I think I am alright I have a hand full of characters and resistance. I drop 2 guys at the Swamp Mara and dr e to the forest and 3 guys to another site. Bamn Obi and Luke w/ sticks come down, gift of the mentor, and Chu bends me over for like 28 force. Next turn he inserts again, and I lose the game by drawing up. I was ticked and almost left. But I calmed down
Chu wins by 36 and a raping.

Game 5 (4 -15)
Ok my Ralops Deck vs Morgan Crigger's Astroid Sactuary Odds deck. I have played against this deck before and I am packing a CHYBC and Resistance, I get both of them in my opening Draw, Game over.
I win by like 32

Game 6(6 +17 Ouch this Differential Sucks huh?)
My Throne room which has been the champ for me all day against Matt Henthorn who I also play all the time. It is a much tougher game then I wanted, I wanted a scrub to pump my diff. but it wasn't going to happen Matt played really well but in the end I won through superior SAC.
Final was 8 + 23

My final result was like 14th and I officially suck. I guess when you lose to 2 players ranked in the 1900's you shouldn't be mad, but my therory is if you can't beat the good guys then your just as bad as a scrub, my only redeeming factor was my win over Steve, who hates to play me in Big tournament. I still have to laugh at Clint who lost to a guy he hates playing, and Congrats to Matt Crigger a virtual nobody who played great and made it to Second.