
Title: cincinatti-ohio-4-22-00
Author: Frank "FrankLamanti" Lamantia
Date: Apr 22, 2000

Date: 4/22/00
TD: Heath Scheiman
Location: Acme Games, Cincinatti Ohio
Players: 10

After States, I'm looking for a tourney to help boost my rating a bit more (states left me at 1802 and a tournament that I played in a few weeks ago got me to 1833). I see one in Cinci and decide that I wanna go to it. I make a new light deck because I hate Throne Room, and its back to Falke for me. Keep the same dark deck, it rocks out.

After an hour drive, I get there and sit around until the tournament begins.

Game 1 (Dark) vs. Chiawei Gee (1639) Dagobah X-wings
He starts Rebel Fleet, I start Imperial Arrest Order. First turn I deploy 3 locations and draw. He cancels Visage with Transmission Terminated. On his turn he deploys S-foils and Yarna and Yoda with his objective (and Hut) and draws. So I know an X-wing beatdown is coming in space. I deployed Secret Plans and started circulating around my Shocking Revelation (tech) and scoping out what cards were in my force, as well as moving Death Star over near Dagobah every turn. Pop out Vader, a walker at a 2 drain site and another walker at another 2 drain site. He responds with PoaS on the table and one to make that drain +1. I'm draining like a mother on the ground and I got Bossk in tooth at Dagobah ready to land to the hut and whip on Yoda (I got a walker and everything ready to go). Doesn't work out like that... he deploys 3 X-wings at Kessel and I have no choice but to move back over. So I do that and then on his next turn he drops Corulag, and Kiffex. One X-wing to Corulag, 2 to Kiffex and one to his Coruscant. Moves one of the two at Kiffex over to the Death Star. hmmm damn hes draining for like 9 now. I Twi'lek for Battle Order and deploy my CHYBCoward... but the bad thing is, he still occupies to battlegrounds (holotable and Kiffex). I convert his Coruscant (haha) and deploy Boba in ship to Kiffex, along with Nemet. I battle and draw a 0 for destiny. CRAP. He loses 3 cards instead of the X-wing and I know a beating is coming next turn (he has 2 on Rebel Fleet, and I'm assuming he has one more in hand). On his turn he drains for like 9 on his turn, ouch. But luckily, he doesn't have any more X-wings in his hand so I only get pounded for Nemet and 6. On my turn I deploy Tarkin on Boba's and battle. Draw a 5, but Yoda subtracts so he only loses one X-wing. Right now, he doesn't have many cards left, about 7, so I move over to Death Star to prevent a 3 drain there. He can only pay for 2 drains and then next turn I drain him out. Close game, reminds me of the game against James Booker at states.

Win by 6.

HIGHLIGHTS: Dark remains undefeated

Game 2 (Light) vs. Johnny Crawford (1639) Hunt Down with Dueling
I start Wise Advice and he starts Security Precautions. I take Visage for about 8 cards before I find one of my Transmission Terminateds. I get all of my systems out and I decided not to deploy Obi or Luke (because I can't find my anti-duel cards). Hes draining for alot on the ground and I decide just to flip HB. I am holding 2 Rebel Barriers as well as some ships, so anything he deploys I'll take out. He deploys Boba, I Barrier and he incorrectly probes Tibrin. I track around the 4, deploy 3 ships against him and battle. I draw the 4, my power is like 15 to his 8. But, stupid me, he takes no battle damage where he has a probe card. I lose something, he doesn't because hes immune. But on the brightside I do draw my super Falcon combo. He drains for 4, I cancel them both. He drops Bossk in Tooth (Bothuwui) and Dengar in PO (Bothuwui) and probes, and moves all of his guys to Alderaan. I get OMDH set up, deploy Order to Engage and Signal for Legendary Starfighter. Hey Johnny, guess what, you're screwed. Battle me and lose 2 until the game ends or don't battle me and lose 3 until the game ends. Pick. So anyways, he decides to battle me and take his chances that I'm not holding the LStarfighter. I am, I draw like a 12 total and I lose Wedge, he loses everything (all of his starships). Drop the Starfighter and its my game. He drains on the ground, I cancel, and I retrieve.

Win by 30.

LOWLIGHTS : Winning by a ton. After the game, I showed him my HB and he exclaimed 'Oh it was Corulag' real loud... that might cost me later in the tourney.

Game 3 (Dark) vs. Matt Scott (1846) Falke HB
heh, last tourney I played this deck against him and destroyed him. He's playing it now. I just think its kinda funny. Matt also got 4th at states... so it'll be a good game.

Anyways, I've played the deck for so long that I know how to beat it. Drain hard. Deploy a fleet at Alderaan as well as Tatooine. You win the game. On his first turn he drops 4 systems... I almost crap my pants. However, I execute my plan perfectly, Vader with a Walker at Endor: Backdoor, a few ships out to his Tatooine and his Kessel. Drop Secret Plans and Come Here You Big Coward. He drops like 4-5 ability 3 dudes at my Jundland Wastes as well as Luke. hmm. Well anyways niether of us are paying for Battle Order anymore and its a straight out drain race. I use 4 to pick up Vader (I'm gonna apply the beating at the Wastes) when he gives me a better idea. On his turn he drops Bron Burns, Orrimaarko and I think Crix Madine to the Forest Clearing where I have Igar in a Dune Walker. Mmm kay, drop Blizzard 2, Vader and Tarkin, Trample Crix Madine, choke Bron, cancel your destiny, total is 34 to 4. I win.

Win by 24.

HIGHLIGHTS : Beating a dude that is rated so high, helps my rating.
LOWLIGHTS : None - my deck working perfectly.

Game 4 (Light) vs. Robert Atkinson (1610 or there abouts) Dark Deal objective
He flips over the ECC Dark Deal objective. I start Battle Plan, him Any Methods Necessary. We both draw a lot early, I want to make sure he makes the first move. I draw my 2 Rebel Barriers and say what the hell, I drop Gold Leader in Gold 1 to Tibrin. I figure I'll be fine. On his turn he drops Ozzel, some Endor Stormtrooper and Zuckuss to 3 CC sites, and a unique TIE to Bespin: CC and drops Dark Deal, moving Ozzel over to the troopers site. I drop Captain Han in the Falcon with Jereon Webb there, Tawss Khaa to Zuckuss' site and Obi and Luke to Ozzel/trooper site. Battle, battle, battle... win em all. Clear his side of the table. I gotta lose EPP Luke, but thats all. I draw and get another one, so its all good. He drops Vader with saber and duels Obi. WTF? Ok I lose Obi, man its been forever since I've seen that card in a non-duel Hunt Down. So anyways, I never flip but I do win by a good amount.

Win by 30.


Game 5 (Light) vs. David Ortiz (1559) ISB drop and drain
I start Battle Plan and he starts Imperial Arrest Order and immediatly starts dropping DBays. Well I get my crap out and honestly its not looking good. He Ghhhks any battle damage, so my only way of damage the entire game was a drain of one at the Yavin DBay and Uncontrollable Fury. Order to Engage helped a LOT too. He plays Scanning Crew, but I grapple it and it is its first and last appearance. Battle my Super Falcon and lose 2 every move phase for Legendary Fighter or not battle me and lose 3. I flipped and the very first system he probed was Corulag (hmmm... thanks Johnny). He wasn't playing Security Precautions, but it still hurt. I was retrieving with a YT-1300 making the runs and the super Falcon was too. They just traded spots every turn, until he draws up.

Win by 21.

HIGHLIGHTS : Winning with my lightside, I'm very confident that my dark won't lose.

Game 6 (Dark) vs. David Ortiz (1559) Profit
Well I'm 7-0 against Profit, this game is no different. I start IAO and Boba and Jabba at the AC. My first turn I drop 3 locations and move Jabba and Boba over. He cancels Visage. hmmm crap. So anyways on my second turn I drop Vader to the Defensive Perimeter and Zuckuss in ship with DS-61-3 at Endor. He does nothing. On my turn I drop a walker at the Defensive Perimeter and another one at Jabba's Palace backing up Fett. He retrieves and flips, moves Han and Orrimaarko over to JP and drops Order to Engage. I drain for 4, drop a crapload and battle. He plays Narrow Escape. ARGHHHH. So I go searching for my Blast Door Controls, and I found em. On his turn he drops a bungload and shortly there after, I decide I'd rather take 3 a turn than battle there, because he has stuff like Fallen Portal and its killing my guys off. But on the brightside, I do Trample Han, so his objective is dead. So every turn I move away and lose my 3. I set up at Kashyyyk and drop PotF on Endor. I'm getting him for 7 a turn and he's getting me for 4 (OTE and a drain of one). He runs out of cards and I win.

Win by 12.

HIGHLIGHTS : Winning the game and the tournament
LOWLIGHTS : Blast Door Controls not where I wanted it to be.

So I take the tournament, going 6-0 +122. After Decipher updates my rating, I should be nearing 1883.

Final Standings:
1. Frank Lamantia 6-0 (+122)
2. David Ortiz 4-2 (+96)
3. Corey Jackson 4-2 (+41)
4. Jake Meiser 4-2 (+24)
5. Chiawei Gee 3-3 (+61)
6. Matt Scott 3-3 (+41)
7-11 : Don't know.

Also, I trade 5 packs of WB Premiere for a Foil TK-422 and a WB Tarkin + Executor for Tempest Scout 1-5 and Tempest 1. I kinda ripped myself but I have triples of both Tarkin and Executor and I didn't own any of the stuff I traded for. I pull a PLO in my prize so I talk out with a crap load of stuff that I needed. And that ends this weekends adventure.

-My dad for the ride
-The people I played
-Acme games for holding it, Heath Scheiman for running it.

-My Algebra 2 teacher for the insane amount of homework I have to work on tommorow.