
Title: washington-state-championships-long
Author: Joe "arebelspy" Olson
Date: Apr 23, 2000

Hey. Joe Olson here reporting on Washington States.
So I was getting my decks together about a week or 2 beforehand, and I read one of Scott 'CRingwell' Lingrell's Tournament Reports, and I thought 'Hey! Juz's Revenge! That's a pretty good deck.' So I started playing around w/ it, and play testing it. I also had a 7 Revo Throne Room deck. I was deciding which to take. For DS I was in the dark (that's rare, have 2 LS and no DS decks!). So I play tested w/ Asteroid #s, Hunt Down, Rallops, etc. I finally decided on Dark Deal. But wait! ISB ORS would be good too. So I email my friend Keith and he hooks me up w/ some more ORSs and I look at Nicholas “Olas” Burke’s ORS deck that I beat by 16, and lost to by 1 at the Seattle Grand Slam (him and a friend were playing it). I modify it heavily, and then I'm set for dark.
Now light...I e-mail Charles 'Teacher' Hickey and Mike 'SuperSkrull' Mikaelian and they both advise me not to play Revo. Ok, Juz’s Revenge it is. I cross the Revenge w/ a hit and run EPP to strengthen it (had to dump the ships.) Background: At the last tournament 1 week before states I went 2-4 and got 21 out of 27 people. Ouch. I considered skipping states and staying home to play counterstrike. But, I normally do way better, and I tell myself I must do well. So off I go.
My prediction to win is Charles Hickey. Charles tells me that the Snook is his prediction. So I get there and we have 44 people there. “Good”, I think, “I’ll get to start off w/ a scrub.” How wrong I was. BTW my rating was 1686, but had yet to be updated for the 2-4 tourney, so I was more like 1650. I’m 14 years old.

Round 1
Game 1 (actual game 1)
My LS (Juz’s Revenge) vs. Walter Zylowski(1832)’s Tatooine Occupation.
Phew! I had just stuck in an Endor Celebration (mmm…foily) at the last minute. Background: I have played him the last 2 tournaments and been dark both times (w/ my Court of the Abyssins) and lost both times, so I’m not optimistic. So we start off and I get down a destiny 4 droid and Artoo and 8D8 and insert AFA and Odds. He deploys 4-Lom w/ Rifle, Jabba the Hutt, and Dr. E. Total destiny of 7 to my 15. He loses 8 when #s pops. He’s draining for 1 at the A Chamber, and SACing everything, and I can’t find a Wise Advice or DoDN for the life of me. I draw up over 40 cards (!) and traffic control a lot of it back. SAC protection out. He sticks Blizzard 2 and Mosep at the Jundland wastes. And sticks occupation on Tatooine with no ships there, probably hoping to draw out my ship (GL in G1 in hand). Nothing doing. I play Endor Celebration. EPP Obi and Tawss Khaa come down and clear the site @ the A Chamber. Tawss comes back from the tank and starts draining at Jabba’s Palace. I insert he loses 8 (my 11-Tawss for 2, Droid for 4, and 8D8 for 5, to his 3-Mosep), can’t pay for drains (w/ Battle Plan + Wars Not Make One Great out). Inserts (AFA and NTMtO) hit him for like his whole deck. EPPs did a little damage, but I nailed him for 30+ cards. He didn’t like that. Knocked a good player out of contention, unless he wins all the rest. Ah, well.
Highs: The deck works. I beat a player I have never beat before (and the 1st Tournament I ever went to, last June, he won). So t was cool beating him.
Lows: Not much. Once we tied on Odds, and he didn’t have to lose any.
Result: FW (+19)
Cumulative: 2(+19)

Round 1
Game 2 (actual game 2)
My DS (ORS’s) vs. Zach Jones(1372)’s Ewoks.
Ah! An easy game. He is someone younger then me, about 10, who is low rated, I always beat, and is playing Ewoks. This was one of the games where there isn’t much to say. I start Battle Plan, him Careful Planning, Chirpa’s hut, and the Rebel Landing Site. I want to put ABC targeting Endor, but the planet isn’t out. I stick 5D6 on his planet. I control Tatooine, w/ about 3 sites I’m draining, Tatooine occupation out, he pays to drain, and I don’t. I retrieve a ORS per turn, I once-per-game. I win. Boring. And quick. We were (I think) the 1st ones done.
Highs: Winning. Getting 1 easy game (my only one the whole Tourney).
Lows: Zach had no chance.
Result: FW (+33)
Cumulative: 4(+52)

Round 2
Game 1 (actual game 3)
My DS (ORS’s) vs. Peter Sundholm(1785)’s QMC retrieval.
I saw the end of his last game playing this deck (b/c I killed the Ewoks so early). I saw him retrieve >20 cards in 1 turn, his whole lost pile. And me w/o a secret plans. I knew I would lose this one. But I was trying to get his differential down. Good luck to me. He makes some jokes, and says he has never played ISB w/ that deck. Good. I start Bad Feeling, him Battle Plan. My opening hand RULED!!! I get Lars Farm, Tusken Canyon, Jabba’s Palace, and Tatooine. Pull A Chamber from reserve deck. He says something about me playing PB3. Not me. He gets down Obi-Wan and a Bacta Tank. I keep killing off Obi, and he tanks him. But it takes 14 force to re-deploy him. So I take control of Bespin, Tatooine, and a few sites. He keeps sending EPPs and Obi and Tawss to attack me. Kills a few ORSs, I deploy some more, retrieve 1 if I remember. He OOCs Jabba (dang!) and I’m thinking “Crap.” I get 8D8 to CC. He sticks Tawss on CC, retrieves about 16 w/ off the edges (draws a lift tube that a ASP-707 put there- Tawss’s destiny 2, retrieve 4. Did that on both our turns twice). So I battle away his guys, then drain. We could have gone on for a while him retrieving 8, and losing 9. But he knows I will win, and is nice enough to dislike timing out. He activates all but one, draws them up, and then remembers Ability x3 that I put out earlier. Attempts to lose the 1. I ask if he will let me once per game to retrieve (I have 6 ORS out, and 5 cards in lost pile). He lets me, and I improve my differential by 5. I must say, I love playing Peter. He is easy going, jokes a lot, and is the friendliest opponent I have the pleasure of playing. He also normally beats me (I have never beat him). He tells me after how he screwed up. Instead of taking Obi out of the Tank once, he could have dumped Spiral and Tantive on my Fett in Slave 1 w/ and ORS passenger. Drawn a six put on top w/ ASP droid. Taken over Bespin, started celebrating, and retrieve his whole lost pile, then send lost EPPs after me. He screwed up, and I felt bad.
Highs: Winning a game I should have lost. He’s a cool guy (Joking, etc.). Letting me once per game even though I shouldn’t have been able to (Thanks, Peter).
Lows: He totally screwed up. I felt bad.
Result: FW (+28)
Cumulative: 6(+80)

Round 2
Game 2 (actual game 4)
My LS (Juz’s Revenge) vs. Charles Hickey(1952)’s Rallops.
Great. The deck I have never beat (well he gave up once, but should have won), and my prediction for Champ. Crap. He starts IAO (telling me how EVERY Throne Room plays Nabrun…I don’t J). I deploy a Nudj, then draw. He deploys Kashyyyk from hand and a 1/1 generic site (desert) from reserve deck. He draws. I deploy Artoo, a destiny 4 droid, insert #s. He goes “Yes!”, gives me a high five. He wouldn’t like it so much in a little while. I also dep. Bacta tank. End turn. He sticks Blizzard 1 and Vesden out at the Swamp. CRAP! Opening Hand Vesden! What are the chances on that? 1:56? Yep. Sucks. I deploy EPP Luke. Try to battle. He reminds me of the game text on the Swamp. Crap. Little later, get Leia out she dies to the Tank. He has Blizzard 1 w/ Vesden out at a site. And Tempest Scout 3 w/ an AT-ST pilot out at a different site. I have Leia in the Tank. I get 10 force. I pull Leia from the Tank, deploy her for all 10. He smirks at me. “What, no Battle Plan?” he says. I throw down Battle Plan from hand. He gets pissed. I battle, retrieve 1, he loses 1, TS3 can’t react (it’s a scrub AT-ST, that and 4). I draw a 5 (the Endor Celebration), Vesden Covers (IAO). BAM! Vesden is gone. He gets more pissed. Little later he deploys Mara, no saber, against Leia. I shoot, miss, draw a 2, he draws a 1. I lose Leia, he flips. But wait! We forgot the Draw their fire. He reminds me of this, and he wants to go back. I would have lost the card off top, so I get a different destiny. The Signal, a 5. He forfeits 1st (Mara), I lose Leia, he doesn’t Flip. #s and AFA’s are popping. Most the time #s pops we tie, b/c I have 2 EPPs out. He starts draining at Kashyyyk. Later, after he’s lost a lot, so have I, he deploys Dark Lord, battles. Retrieves 1, I lose 1. I swing. Miss. Draw a 5 (Trans. Term. or Signal, I forget). He draws a 0. Ouch. Vader dies, Luke lives. He never flipped, but got me down in drains on Ralltiir and @ Kashyyyk. He was mad he lost to inserts (cheese), and 3 things went wrong, Lost Vesden (I had Battle Plan), Went back then lost Mara and couldn’t flip, Vader drawing a zero. Sucked.
Highs: Doing the best I have ever. I’ve never done better then 3-3 (in 2 round Tourneys I have gone 3-1 though). So now I’m guaranteed a 4-2 finish. Cool.
Lows: Playing Cheese. Winning. Having Hickey pissed off.
Result: FW (+11)
Cumulative: 8(+91)

At this point Josh Sands and I are the only undefeated. We will play.

Round 3
Game 1 (actual game 5)
My LS (Juz’s Revenge) vs. Josh Sands’(1657) SFS.
He started SFS start, me throne room. I deploy Artoo, Droid, and Insert. Nice. His turn he Twi’leks for a resistance. Crap. He Lat. Damaged GL in G1. Beat it up + 15. Once he didn’t occupy 3 battlegrounds and lost like 8 to inserts. Whoop-dee-doo. I get in about 5 damage by killing a TIE scout w/ Rl in R1 DTF out, so he can’t Ghhhk. He Lat. Damages it. Game over. It sucked. I played like NO space, he got resistance right away. Rats. Ah well, what can you do?
Highs: Getting him down, when he should have retrieved his whole lost pile, beat me by about 40.
Lows: Getting Lat. Damaged…Twice! Him countering my deck FULLY. Me dumping the Starships out of it.
Result: FL (-22)
Cumulative: 8(+69) Heh. 69. Ok, sorry I’ll get back to the Tourney.
At this point between games Josh Sands is the only undefeated, and I am the highest 4-1 that just played LS. Keith (my friend who lent me his ORSs) tells me Josh Sands hasn’t played in a while because no one wanted to play him because he cheats. Interesting. I start thinking back. Maybe that 1st Turn Twi’lek for Resistance was the Twi’lek he started w/. Maybe the Lat. Damage was the same one. Then I realize I’m being all unfair and paranoid. I’ll just watch him this game.
Round 3
Game 2 (actual game 6)
My DS (ORS) vs. Josh Sand(1657)’s X-Wing Swarm starting Holotable.
I deployed sites, Tatooine, etc. Got 1 ORS at each site. Flipped. Drained 10 a turn. I saw him puck up cards off reserve deck into hand. I knew he was cheating. He controlled Tatooine and played it’s a hit two turns in a row to cancel force drains. I thought “There is no way he has that many It’s a Hits”. I watched him recirculate it from used pile. He stuck it into HAND. I corrected him, and he said it was a mistake. I went over to the TD and asked him what to do if my opponent cheated. He (the TD) came over and watched the rest of our game. I drained the crap out of him, he lost to search and destroy, I retrieved an ORS per turn, once-per-gamed, etc. I win. What a scrub. Has to cheat.
Highs: Winning. Catching the opponent cheating and getting the TD over to watch our game so he stopped cheating.
Lows: Having an opponent cheat on you is never fun.
Result: FW (+21)
Cumulative: 10(+90)
So I win. I feel bad for all his previous opponents who had to play him. Mike Mikaelian altered SFS 1st turn, and still lost by 3 to Josh Sands. I bet Josh cheated there, too. Mike should have won that game. Sucks dude.
So I pick a foil Falcon for my prize. Plus the “surprise” prize (my 1st Tourney win every, and no trophy, no glass. Dang.). I better get my prize in the mail soon. Who ever is collecting the names and addresses of the winners, email me (arebelspy@aol.com). I think it was Bruce somebody. Well, that’s it, it’s over. Time for Props and Slops.

Me (for winning) :)!
Scott Lingrell for creating Juz’s revenge.
Nicholas Burke for creating the ORS deck.
Keith Watabayashi for lending me his ORSs.
Mike and Charles for telling me Revo is ass. Good tip.
My Great opponents for the 1st 4 games.
Peter Sundholm for being the most easy going, joking guy I know that plays Star wars. The best opponent (plus he’s quite a challenge).
Peter Sundholm (hey! He gets 2 props! Lucky him) for letting me Abyssin Ornament to retrieve 5 force when I shouldn’t have been able to.

Josh Sands for cheating!
Charles Hickey for not winning (my prediction went down the drain).
Doug Harvilla for doing so poorly (he was my prediction for 2nd…He had bad luck...if he believed in that. Better luck next time, Doug.)
Keith Watabayashi for not trading me his ORSs! :)

P.S. Any webmasters who wish to use this Tournament Report, in whole or in part, may do so.