
Title: kingsport-tennessee-4-29-99-brody-s-tr
Author: Brody "Short_Punk" Hughes
Date: Apr 29, 2000

This is my first Tournament Report so go easy on me. Mom and Dad took me to the tourney (I'm 14 I can't drive yet) at Wayne's in Kingsport. The Tournament Director was Shawn Dow. We had an exceptional show-up. Top players from the area showed up. These included Eric Erwin, Steve Sochalski, and Randy Koruschak. Jon Tomayko and Brian Rippetoe rode up from Knoxville. This with the skill of our players made this a very tough tournament. First game I was supposed to get a bye, but a late show up came in and I didn't have to get a bye!(Though now I wish I had.)

The decks I played were:
LS-Rescue The Princess (No, you're not insane, that's what it says.)
DS-Hunt Down Brody's Way, Ver.2 (Check it out on my page and rate it!)
My rating before this tournament was 1530.

Well, enough about this stuff on to the games.

Game 1:My DS vs. Jamey Cross'(1433) Shmorgasboard(sp?) Of Fun
Jamey is a relatively new player, this was just his ninth sanctioned game and he wasn't sure on all the rules yet, but the only way you learn is to play. Well he started Kessel, and I with the HD stuff and Bad Feeling Have I. I got a lucky hand, I had an EPP Vader, 2 PotF, Bossk in Bus, Dr. Evazan, Kashyyyk, Torture and Reactor Terminal. I deployed Presence on Kashyyyk and Presence on the Meditation Chamber (I had thirst for blood and wanted to battle).Turn 2 I dropped Vader and the Doc at the Chamber and flipped. (I hadn't been mentioning Visage losses because they weren't conclusive.) He dropped about 3 locations from hand and was getting a pretty fair amount of force as was I. We botyh drew a few turns and saved, I drew a few BH ships, I droppped Evax on the Bus with Bossk, and dropped Dengar in Punishing One. Well, next turn he dropped Red 5 with Farmboy piloting and R2-D2 and an X-Wing Laser Cannon, he battled and then used 1 to target Punishing One, he drew a site. I drew my two destiny, Battle Order(5) and Torture(6). He drew a 2. I lost Punishing One and he lost everything and that got it. We had a few more small skirmishes nothing big though. I never got to battle with Vader though! That kind of made me mad. I kept some pretty consistent drains throughout the game. The 3 at Kashyyyk was very helpful he lost a crap load of mains to my drains there. I just drained him out.
Conclusion: FW-33
Total: 2(33)
Highlights: Kicking Farmboy's @$$!
Lowlights: Forgetting Visage twice and not getting to battle with Vader. Also having to beat a new player.

After this game I traded around a bit and bought an EPP Obi. I got an Obi-Wan Kenobi in the pack! That's like the 3rd main I've pulled from a pack so I though it was great. I bought a BB Premiere Starter Deck and got a Kit-Kat and Obi-Wan's Cape.

Game 2:My LS vs. Brian Rippetoe's(1905) Ralltiir Chicken Ops
He started the Objective (Of course) and IAO. I used Don't Tread On Me and pulled out all three. I got a lucky hand this game too I got a Bothan Spy, I'm Here To Rescue You, all EPP's, Nabrun, and an Undercover. First turn he pulled Swamp and Docking Bay. He dropped Forest from hand. He deployed DS-61-3(Japanese Version) and an AT-ST Pilot and drew the remaining but 1. My turn. I dropped the Spy at Yavin IV DB, and Undercovered him, and Han With Gun at the War Room. He then pulled out another site, the Jungle, and dropped an AT-ST Pilot and Tempest Scout 5. He dropped Mara and her stick with Han at the War Room, we battled. She swung at Han and hit with a 3 and 4. I shot at her and boom! a Shocking Info. No drain for you Mara. Well I lost Han and two. I moved my spy to D* DB. My turn. I deploy Goo Nee Tay(thinking he was playing mains, nope) Bacta Tank, and a Savrip. I drew a few and OOC Mara's Lightsaber. (All this time I was Shocking Info here an there, trying to practice my card counting.) Well the Bothan Spy helped to free Leia and I moved them all over to the War Room, taking damage from his drains the whole time. I deployed a few mains, and well nothing much happened from there. I couln't retrieve because time I got there I was dead. CHYBC didn't help much either. I lost, I should've sandbagged first game and only win by ten or so.
Conclusion: FL-19
Total: 2(14)
Highlights: Actually getting to Rescue Leia.
Lowlights: The whole game, very monotonous, forgetting to add some Ralltiir protection.

Game 3:My LS vs. Adam Pearson's(1714) Ralltiir Chicken Ops... Again.
He started IAO and I the same as last game. He deployed 3, get this 3 sites from hand a DB with IAO and pulled the Jungle. I got a crappy hand. My only character was a Bothan Spy. I dropped him with Undercover and began to move him over praying to draw another Undercover, the whole time expecting Adam to play Hutt Smooch which he is ominous for. I freed Leia while he was draining me. He broke my Bothan Spies cover and deployed DLOTS, stick, and Evax. He layed the @#$% whip and I lost 16 force. I finally got Leia moved back and broke her cover, the whole time taking heavy damage from drains. I finally got another Bothan Spy and attempted D* Plans. I had already lost my other Undercovers, so he didn't get to be. I got him to the D*DB at which time he deployed Igar in , yep, you guessed it, Tempest 1. He layed the @#$% whip again and I lost 13 force I didn't have 14th so I lost. Not a fun game.
Conclusion: FL-31
Total: 2(-17)
Highlights: Once again freeing Leia.
Lowlights: Losing to one of my best friends, whom I've only beat once and played millions of times. Losing in general.

At this point in the tournament I was beginning to get very discouraged so I went and bought a pack of WB Dagobah, hoping for an Executor, (although WB is ugly it's better than nothing) low and behold, guess what I pulled? Found Someone You Have. Everytime I buy a pack of Dagobah it is that card I get. I now have 4 out of the 7 packs of WB Dagobah I've bought.

Game 4:My DS vs. Shadrack Raymond's(1500) Profit
This was Shad's (as he will be called from now on, that's what everyone calls him) first ever tournament, although he had a lot of good cards. He started alien Han, so I was expecting a Bo Shuda Uh-Oh deck. It wasn't. I started EPP Fett and Boelo. I also started Bad Feeling. I get a great hand. I don't remember every card I got though. First turn, I covered up his Palace, and pulled out Audience Chamber. He dropped Owen Lars and a Chadra-Fan at the Palace and a few sites. I deployed Iggy and gun to Chamber and pulled out Jabba the Hutt. I deployed Battle Order, I then Elis'ed to the Palace and battled Owen and the Chadra-Fan for free. I drew my three destiny and canceled his. I got a 1,2,3. He got a 5! Too bad Boelo is the dad. He lost 20 from this. I drained for a few turns here and there. I dropped Endor and Zuckuss with his buddy in Bus. I finally got a Vader a few turns later and dropped him, his saber, and Tarkin, to the Audience Chamber. I believe he had given up on freeing Han by now so he was just focusing his drains. I Elis'ed Vader and Tarkin to Yavin IV Jungle to set up a drain of 3. He dropped a guy and controlled the Audience Chamber and freed Hanand retrieved his 10 force. Well, I Elis'ed over my hit squad from the adjacent site and beat him down. He lost 13. I drew and dropped and drained for a little while and finally got an Elis again. (I only play with two, another small revision I made the morning before the tourney). I also got Bubo. He dropped Orrimaarko and the Jedi pack Leia and told me my turn. I dropped Bubo, attacked. Ate Leia. I then Elis'ed over my hit squad containing Jabba, Boelo, Iggy, EPP Fett, and I dropped Ardan to the Jungle to join Vader, his saber, and Tarkin, all vs. poor little Orrimaarko. I battled for free. I drew my three destiny IAO(5),Torture(6), and There Is No Try(4). He drew a 3, I canceled. Total power:27, total destiny:18(Vader adds one too each). Total everything:45, him 4. 41 force. Game Over Man.
Conclusion: FW-29
Tournament Total: 4(+12)
Highlights: LAYING THE SMACKETH DOWN EVERYWHERE! And also continually getting my Elis(es).
Lowlights: Having to beat a guy at his first tourney by a sizeably large margin.

Here were the final standings from what I remember:
1st Brian Rippetoe
2nd Thomas Ledford : there was a
2nd Ben Terry : tie for second
3rd Eric Erwin
4th Jon Tomayko
5th Steve Sochalski
6th Randy Koruschak
7th Brody Hughes (me!)
8th Chad Rogers
9th Adam Pearson
10th Jamey Cross
11th George Rogers
12th Justice Hughes (No Relation)
13th Paul Kimbler
14th Shadrack Raymond
15th ????????? : one of these
16th ????????? : was Ric Hardy
17th Andrew Bledsoe

Well, after the tourney me and Adam played a friendly game. He beat me.

Props: Me for freeing Leia both games!
People coming all the way from Knoxville.
Brian for not beating me so bad.
Me for ending with a positive differential.
Randy for hopefully not dropping like 50 points.
Shad for not coming in last at his first tourney.
Pulling an Obi from my EPP pack.
Getting a Lightsaber Prof. and GotM for Prize Support.
Shawn Dow for having the tourney.
And finally Wayne for letting us have it there.
Slops: Having to play a few new guys.
Having to beat a few new guys.
Losing to Adam.
Losing to Brian.
Not getting a Tournament Sealed Deck Box.

That's all for my first tournament report. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Sorry for any spelling errors, I had to type this in Notepad, I got a new computer that doesn't have Microsoft Word.