
Title: monrovia-in-my-house-4-29-00
Author: Joe "JoeCool144" Fox
Date: Apr 29, 2000

Well now, I felt like I was going to have a lot of fun today, the tournament being at my house and all. It was just a small tourney with my friends. i have the tournament software from decipher, so we just ran a fake tourney. I was playing LS Throne Room beatdown, and DS Throne Room (Dagobah start) beatdown. Similar decks. Eventually all my friends got here and I put Episode 1 in the tape player and we started playing.

Game 1. My LS Throne Room VS. Ryan Kincaids Deul Hunt Down
He started the Usual Hunt Down Stuff and I started Throne Room Stuff. He also started Crush The Rebellion to go against my revos. He knows I play revos because he lives down the street and we play all the time. Anyway, I have a nudj in my hand, so I deploy it to farm and get the nudj from reserve via swamp. I draw a few and say go. We both lose from visage. He activates and draws up. I play transmission terminated just for fun, and by the look on his face, he doesn't have another visage in his hand yet....he plays with three, so I know I should keep Jeroen Webb in my hand. I draw 1 up, its tunnel vision so I get out obi. For a while he justs deploys sites and I Just save up force and tunnel vision for a while. Eventually he he deploys Tarkin, Fett w/ Blaster, and DVDLOTS to lars farm and visage to Lar's Farm. Next turn I deploy Jeroen Webb to Theatre to cancel visage. I then attack his guys with EPPs and obi. It was actually a fair match. He had a I have you Know and your powers are weak old man for destiny.I had a few destiny adders so I played them. He tried to choke han and missed by 1. I hit vader with a stick, but tarking cancels the 4 I drew.I think he ends up just deciding to lose everyone there and nothing else. I lose Luke with saber seeing that I have anis saber and Master Luke in hand. The rest of the game its just drain and fight. Eventually though I fight him out and he loses.
FW +17
Highs: My deck working well.
Lows: Playing someone I play everyday.

The people who are done playing the first game are all getting ready for the next pairings and watching Phantom Menace. Everyone is having fun. My Little brother drew who is only 11 actually won his game too. Only by 7, but its still a win.
Game 2. My DS throne Room VS. Stephen 'Nigel' Kennedys Profit.
I start Dagobah stuff and he starts profit stuff but with EPP Han as captive.( I geuss he was going for a first turn realease or something.) I start Mara Jade and Fett w/ Blaster as starting aliens. First turn I get out a sleen and a twix site, I think it was imperial city. For a while nothing goes on, but I do get EPP vader t o audience chamber, and he isn't getting a lot of force. I eventually get two scanning crews. I have a few force left, so I say what the heck. I play one and see master luke and ben kenobi!!!! I get rid of ben and then scanning crew luke also. The rest of the game is just me draining at jabbas palace with maras saber their too and presence of the force. Once he tried to release han, but my forces where too strong.
FW +21
Highs: Lots, it was perfect.
Lows: None
Andrew Clark is in second with (+29) and Luke Temple is third with (+27).

Game 3. My LS VS. Luke Temple's Ralltir Ops
I start Normal stuff and so does he. Nothing at all goes on except sites being deployed for a while and force being saved. Eventually he starts deploying like mad and taking over ralltir. I deploy some guys and starts fighting. What I didn't know was that he had his own little ambush in his hand. Troopers, trooper assaults, Dark Jedi Presence, DVDLOTS, stuff like that. The whole game was fighting, almost all force loss came from fighting. There were very few drains. He had to have like 30 characters though, because eventually, he fought me out and laid the beat on the last guy I had there. It was close though.
Highs: Fun game
Lows: Losing

Game 4. My DS VS. My little brother's Tatooine fight deck.
Well, first off, I always beat his lightside, so he knows he is in trouble. Second I helped make his deck. It wasn't much of a game really, I deployed to some of his sites and drained with sabers. Mara and Vader simply took over. There was little fighting. I think ben and Luke came down once, but I canceled bens text with 4-lom, hit luke and draw a 5 for destiny. It was over after that.
FW +20
Highs: Winning of course.
Lows: Playing my brother.

Well the tournament was great fun, and a lot of people just stayed after and played fun games. We watched some movies and everyone had fun.

Top 3 Standings
Joe Fox (me) +51
Andrew Clark +42
Luke Temple +40