
Title: pittsburgh-comicon-4-29-00
Author: Jim "Stimmed Jim" Li
Date: Apr 29, 2000

The day after my birthday, the Pittsburgh ComiCon rolls around and I'm haven't played in a tournament in a while so I show up with my Scum deck for Dark and my Throne Room Mains with sac for light. I don't know how the throne room deck was gonna do 'cause I made it on a whim the night before... at 3 am... after a night of celebrating my birthday at my frat... so you can guess what that means. :=) A total of 24 players showed up which is really good for this area. There were a few new players but there was also a guy from Tennesse and the West Virgina State Champ showed up so i was looking forward to giving him a whopping :-)

Game 1: DS vs Rob (1500)

Rob was a new kid who probably just learned to play the game. he starts with Endor and Back Door, while I start with Tatooine and JP, so I'm getting 9 force on turn one. out comes Audience Chamber, Jabba and Gailid. I get guys at both Tatooine Sites, while he tries to set up some minor scrubs on Endor, so I drop down with Zuckuss Chall ORS etc and battle and retrive some, lose characters, rinse and repeat. so after a little while of this he doesn't have many characters left and I drain him out. win by 35. 2 +35

Game 2: LS vs Clay (1800)

Clay was from Georgia and starts hunt down with duel. I get both nudjs on turn one but couldn't find a site. second turn I deploy Tawss and Jeroen Webb to cancel visage and deploy a twix site. His turn vader comes down and both my characters are gone. With Vader at the Holotheater, this was a perfect time for me to get a jump and put some characters down at his Endor Forest Clearing, but i have trouble getting characters, I draw looking for them, so he monnoks me lost and gets 2 senses, 2 EPP Leias and 2 Ben's Sabers. eventurally vader makes his way to the Endor Docking Bay and Master Luke w/ Saber comes down with EPP Han but he weapon levitates Luke's Stick and uses Boring Conversation to cancel Don't Get Cocky, and my destinys are 1 and 2 so he doesn't even have to lose vader and a potentially huge beatdown with Glancing blow turns to nothing. he eventually sents up tarkin with Vader and I get out Ben at Tatooine JP. I nabrun next to Vader/tarkin with Ben + harc Seff and runs away from them for a while, but then Iggy and 4 lom, both with gun comes down and captures Harc. so I'm running low on force now and eventurally he gets Vader w/ Tarkin at Endor Docking Bay and a couple walkers at Forest clearing so ben has no where to run and he drains me out as Ben tries to take out the walker with destiny and ships to feed to Savrip. lose by 15. 2 +20

Game 3: DS vs Jon Saunders (1600)

Jon starts QMC with Bespin and Casino. I get Jabba out at AC and Bane out at Jabba's Palace and start draining away. I get out a BH ship with ORS at Bespin and he comes at me with two Red Squadron X-wings and a regular x-wing and s-foils, but i barrier an Red Squadron and after destiny i have to lose like 3 force, i then battle him and lose the ORS. He gets out Tawss Khaa on CC so I drop First Strike, Iggy with gun, battle i retrive 3, I miss Twass with capture and draw a low destiny so I lose Iggy but it's okay 'cause next turn I battle him again in space and retrive Iggy, and a couple turns later Iggy comes down again and capture Twass. I beat down his x-wing squad again with Bubble boy and The Bus, and then move them over to Tatooine to setup occupation. He deploys Boussh to my Jabba's Palace so i move everyone there over to Audience chamber and he can't follow because of Ephant Mon. so I keep draining at tatooine for one, Audience Chamber for one and making him lose 1 for occupation. whenever I start getting force in my lost pile I just battle him a couple of times to retrive stuff. eventually i deploy Jabba's cruiser and ORS to his clouds and beat up his X-wing, and then i moved the Cruiser and the Bus over to Bespin to cancel that force drain and i drain him out, win by 28. 4 +48

Game 4: LS vs Nathan Brown (1700)

So nathan drove all the way from Philly to play here. he starts with the DS endor objectives and I'm thinking I have never played Om. Rumors before so i'm not quite sure what to expect. I get Obi and his saber in hand so I drop them at the Endor Docking Bay first turn. second turn I get a twix site and a savrip out, and both the nudjs are out at this point. his turn he drops walker with some guy that makes their immunity +2, along with evax as forfeit fodder, he battles Obi and I just lose Ben from hand to savrip. I drop Masta Luke and battle with Gift of Mentor, I get total destiny 7 so he only has to lose evax and he gets a 4 so I have to lose Luke, at this point things aren't looking too good so I nabrun Obi back to his Hut during my move phase. He starts draining for 1 at the docking bay and starts getting ships out at Endor while searching for Rumors. I get out Jabba's Palace and move Ben there to drain. He gets out another 2/2 pilot as passenger on the Docking Bay Walker for fodder. I drop Master Luke, EPP Han and EPP leia, battle and play skywalkers, I think he loses everything while I lose han. next turn he drops another Walker and pilot battle and i play skywalkers again so he loses everything again while I lose Leia. I give Master Luke daddie's saber and I'm draining for 4 a turn while he's getting 2 a turn at Endor 'cause he doesn't occupy any Endor sites. He feels the need to go for somemore drains and gets out Bubble Boy and Dreadnaught at Yavin 4, so I drop Tantive Wedge and Han and battle, killing the dreadnaught, while I lose wedge to bacta tank. His turn out comes Avenger and Zuckuss in Mist Hunter and battle again, he doesn't lose anything and I think I lost another Ben from hand. so on my turn out comes Lando in falcon, wedge from the tank and leia, he has to lose most of his stuff and runs the remaining ships back to Endor, so I'm sitting on those drains and finish him off, win by 8. 6 +56

Game 5: DS vs Sean (1550?)

Sean starts with Profit so i get out Jabba and Ephant Mon. I laugh as i convert his JP with mine, and first turn i pull out audience chamber and convert that too, he never draws another site and activates 4 a turn for the rest of thhe game. I get out CC engineer at Prison and ORS at Droid Workshop and pulls gailid from reserve to start draining. He gets out Masta Luke, Figrin and Artoo at Jabba's Palace so I recycle a 6, drop Iggy with gun and battle, capture luke and make him lose both figrin and Artoo. The highlight of the game for him was with 7 force left he gets out EPP leia and Some One Who Loves You han and retrives 10 before running them all away from my main mob at Audience Chamber, but it worked to my advantage 'cause I'd let him drain and lose from hand and retrive it by battleing to boost my differential, win by 34. 8(+90)

Game 6: LS vs Ed Wearn (1880)

Ed is playing ISB and starts with Den of Thieves. I get out a few twix sites and start drawing while he deploys Jabba's Palace and pulls out Audience Chamber. I get a pretty fat hand and all of a sudden remember Ed is packing a Monnok in his deck so I quickly throw out Masta Luke at his Jabba's Palace so that I can Sense stuff. He makes a move and gets a bunch of different aliens at the Audience Chamber, so I drop EPP han and leia there, drop a OTE and move masta luke over. His turn he gets even more aliens and battles me, I play don't get @#$%y and Skywalkers, while he cancels han's text. I get 6 destiny and along with EPP shots gets rid of a good share of his aliens, while he still out powered me so I used the savrip I deployed earlier and lost some useless ship to satisfy attrition. Now it's my turn so I activate one and uses Gift of Mentor to fish out Anakin's saber. I drop that on Luke and battle again, with another Skywalkers, bounce some musician back to his hand, while he cancels han's text again, but my destinys is enough to clear everyone except Fett, while I lost leia to the tank. His turn he deploys Miyoom and moves Fett over with her. I don't know if he has Oota Goota or not so I don't take the risk and just deploy Obi with Fett and Miyoom and battle, move miyoom over with Luke/han and miss Fett with swing so he only has to lose fett. his turn he deploys 2 ORS at hoth 3rd marker, a probot at Y4 war room and a ORS at Throne room, fliping his objective, but it took up all of his force so he had no active. so on my turn I nabrun Ben over to Hoth 3rd maker, drop Tawss with ORS, i battle with Obi and makes him lose both his ORSs, battle with Tawss and makes him lose an ors, and then battle Miyoom with Luke/han but he just ghhhks. he drains me with Probot at war room and on my turn I get out R-3P0 along with the probot. he tries to beat up tawss with 3 ORSs and something else, but I just lose something to the savrip and comes back with leia and beat up his wimps. I start getting some major drains through, especially after altering Den of thieves. win by 23. 10 (+113)

So I end up finishing 2nd with Clay, the guy I played in game 2, winning the tournament. overall it was a good time and it's nice to see a good turn out here in pittsburgh, along with getting my mara jades signed by Shannon.