
Title: seattle-washington-5-6-00
Author: Keith "Gen" Watabayashi
Date: May 6, 2000

I've decided to name this tourney report 'Mystery packs are DAMN cool, and Joe Olson can kiss my ass.'
I thought I had my decks picked weeks ago, TDIGWATT with At-St pilots and ORS, and Speeder ops. However,
the week before the tourney I build this pretty solid Occupation DS, and the night before the tourney
I built this funky HB with OPMDH that flips, a combination of Falke and Lush. (Sorta). I get there and
everyone is set to go Charles 'Teacher' Hickey (the TD) says some crap that he thinks is important but
no one really cares. (Such is the level of respect Charles gets;). And here we go.

Game 1: My HB V.S. Sean Estes Probe Droid ISB.
Sean starts Coruscant:Imperial square and IAO and I start HB suff with Insurrection.
Sean drops C:DB and draws. I drop a couple of systems, H:DB and draw. Sean drops Endor:FC, Endor:DB
and draws. I drop a system, Redemption+Melas to Chandrilla, and draw. Sean drops Tempest Scout 1, AT-ST pilot,
Piett, fetchs 2 probe droids, and draws. I drop my last system, get Luke set up for OMDH (just in case) and say go.
Sean drops EPP Vader, a AT-ST, two probe droids to C:DB, transers to Endor:DB, and draws. (Indeed I was confused at the move).
I drop Boshek to Tantive at Tibrin, and draw. Sean finally flips and moves away his Coruscant crew to Endor, and moves the
people on Endor to the Forest Clearing, and draws. I drop a Spaceport DB to Coruscant, Orrimaarko there, then I move
them to the Imperial Square. Sean drains, then drops Igar+Tempest 1 to Corusant along with some probe droids then battles,
draws low but still clears out Maarko I drop EPP Obi to Tatooine DB, then draw and say go. Sean deploys Security Precautions
and says go. I drain and flip, Tawss with Obi, then complete a OMDH for 8, say go. Sean drains, puts all his people on Endor and
says go. I move Luke back to Tatooine, and draw. Sean drops BiHT and FiS1 to Luke, battles. I react with Spiral and he loses Bossk,
I lose spiral and one more from reserve, Captain Han. My turn I drain, use Tibrin and get back Han, deploy him to Falcon and a OMDH.
Battle, Fett dies. I retrieve 9 from OMDH and say go. Now here is where a HUGE mistake was made. Sean plays something called 'probe
telementary, and tells me OMDH is out of play. I examine the card and let him do this, then learn later that he was supposed to grab
NON-UNIQUES!!! ARRGHH! Oh well. He drains, retreives, my turn. I drain and say go. Sean never probes the whole game, and never spreads
out. Against Hidden Base that is fatal, and I win by 8. (Although it should have been a HUGE win).
Full win by 8

Highs:Sticking a docking bay on Coruscant then draining for 3 at the Imperial square.

Lows:Screwing up on Probe Telementary.

Game 2: My DS Occupation V.S. some-guy-who-won't-let-me-use-his-name MWYHL ship mains?
I start Tatooine and Jabba's Palace, he starts MWYHL and Insurrection. I have a awesome
opening hand. ECC 4-Lom, Djahs, Jundland Wastes, Vader, Sense, it just ruled. Anyway, I drop
Djahs+4-Lom to Wastes, grab AU and say go. He goes through for a site and pulls...THE JUNGLE??!!
At this point I feel pretty confident. He draws and says go. I drain, drop Mara and her Saber to the
AU, draw T Occupation, Evazan, Tarkin, all the hunter ships except Zuckuss and Vade's sabe. Coool. He drop
Boshek and 2 of thos SE pilots to Jabba's Palace, my turn. I drop Vader, Tarkin, Occupation, Evazan, stick, and
BiHt and DiPO (I had some force saved). I battle, operate on some guy, Boshek is left with 3 options:Mara beat,
hunter beat, or Vader Tarking beat:). Instead, he drops some backup, battles, all his guys die. I drain and
Occupation, hitting hit him for 9 force! I say go. he drop Dantooine and SE Leia there, an Arcona at Jabba's
Palace, TK to Mara, my turn. I drain for 2, Occupation, drop FiS1 to Tattoine, the Arcona reacts away. He
does nothing, my turn. I drain and Occupation, FiS1 goes to Dantooine. He drops a Corvetta and GLi1 to Fett,
but can't battle. I drain, occupation, battle with Fett. I draw high he draws low, Fett and Gold Leader stay.
He deploys D:Swamp, SOS, and Yoda to the Jungle, and says go. I drain, Occupation, a final battle against GL
wins it for me.
Full Win by 36

Highs:My opening hand rocked.

Lows:His deck confused me, even for a newbie.

Game 3:DS Occupation V.S. Steven Harpster's ASP Y4 start.
I start same as last game (duh) and Steven starts Y4 War room,
swamp and farm. I get Mara in my opening hand, grab AU, drop
Mara to the war room and get her Saber, his turn. He drops 2 ASP
droids, a Nudj, and a arc welder on one of the ASP droids. He
complements himself (as Steven often does) and Revos the war room,
good move. My turn, I drop Vader+stick and Evazan to the AU, and say
go. Steve just draws and says go. I drain and move Vader/Evazan to the
Lar's Moisture farm, his turn. Steve re-revs the War room, snickers, and
says go. I drain, then snicker and Elis Mara to the Jundland wastes and
Steven laments (yells is more like it) about me ruining his plan. I drop
Exand the Empire on Moistuire farm, Tarkin to Vader and Evazan gets on a
speeder bike. Occupation goes down (unattended) and it's his turn. He drops
EPP Leia+Obi to Mara, battles. I react with Dr.E and miss the swing on Kenobi
(DAMN) then sense his Jedi Presence. EPP Obi is left. my turn I drain, Occupation,
then Igar in Tempest 1 comes down and whacks Obi. Steve deploys EPP Leia to the War
room, (after sending the arc welders on top of his reserve deck) and plays On the
Edge twice, retrieving 10 force. I drain and Occupation, his turn. He deploys another
Arc welder, and I finally notice that Arc Welders have to deploy on a R-Unit. Steve gets
a horrified look on his face, swears, then inserts AFA. Well, in short, he never comes to
Tatooine again, has no ships in his decks, and his inserts don't do enough damage.
Full Win by 29

Highs:I am beginning to like Occupation, and Steve is a pretty cool and fun to play.

Lows:Steve getting embarresed and making a mistake like that, I felt sorry for him. (But
not so sorry that I wasn't going to kick his ass :P).

Game 4: My LS V.S. Nick Jone's Huntdown SAC.
Nick starts HD stuff and Security Precautions. I start the same.
Nick's deck is known for huge force drains very quickly. I get a
crap openining hand with 4, 4 of my 6 systems, in hand. Crap. Nick
drops Jundland Wastes, my turn. I drop Alderran and Echo docking bay,
then draw a Trans term.YESS!! Nick swears, then drops Vader+stick and
flips. I drop my 4 systems, Han at Tatooine, Boussh to Vader, draw. Nick
drops another Cantina, then draws. I drop a <>DB to Chandrilla, EPP Obi to
flip his Obj. then draw. Nick drains, draws. I drop Han at Tatooine on Falcon,
Nick's turn. he attempts to Sniper Leia, I sense, he alters, I sense, he controls.
Bastard! He succeeds, Leia dies and I get drained. He drops POTF and draws. I don't
really want to, but I flip and put Tawss+Nadon and E:Holotheatre. Nick doesn't drain,
draws, my turn. I complete a OMDH for 9, draw. Nick drops Executor and I Hyper escape
Melas and Tantive away, he goes to Roche. I drain, he probes successfuly, and I lose
my just retrevied 9. I wedge him down to 12, but a huge drain of 4 and 3 is too hard to
deal with.

The highs:Good game with lots of strategy.

The lows:Nothing much.

Game 5:My DS Occupation V.S. Joe !!!(SCRUB)!!! Olson's Matt Lush OMDH.
He stars HB and Insurrection, I start the usual.
Joe and I always joke about how we never play each other, and it's about
time. This whole game was just me trying to keep up. Joe's deck had 5 senses,
3 alters, and 4 controls, my own SA looked pathetic. He was also packing 4
tunnel visions, so by his 5 turn he had out the Super Falcon, EPP Luke+Ben
combo, and was retrieving 9 every other turn. I did my best to keep up, but
Savrip just killed me. Djahs against Orrimaarko at the Cantine: It takes Joe
about 7 turns to draw a 3, but I draw at least 3 every time, Savrip. I drop
DiPO and BiHT to Falcon, Savrip again. Ben and Luke took over the palace, and I
was dumb and didn't draw up when I should have.
Full loss by 41.

The Highs:Playing Joe, the WA state champ. I think Joe is not a better player than
me, but he is ten times the deck builder I am. (Plus a HUGE scrub copycat;)

The Lows: I'd like to tell Joe where to shove his Savrip.

Game 6: My LS V.S. Michael (Not even going to try spelling last name) Yavin Occupation
I start my stuff, he starts Yavin 4, jungle and desert.
Mike and I exchange turns of drawing, until I drop EPP Obi to the Desert. Mara comes down,
Obi dies. I drop another Obi and Orrimaarko, we tie, and Obi is now in the tank. AT-ST pilot
at the Jungle, Mara gets a toy, my turn. I get set up for OMDH, then Mike alters it like a punk!!
I battle Mara, Maarko dies because my destiny has turned against me. Mike drains then drops Occupation
and ZiMH. I cancel Occpuation with E celebration, then start dropping ability 4 scrubs to Yavin. I get
battled off, and a laterally damaged transport dies a horrible death, followed by me. (I never got off 1
OMDH the whole game)!!!!
Full Loss by 18
Final Score: 6(+2)

I go 3-3 and come like in 9th or 10th out of 23. Not bad, not great. Now, remeber the title of this report?
Well, Hickey used the prize money to draft rares out of boxes of SE, along with some donated WB premiere and
a Mara Jade. Also among the prizes were 3 'mystery packs'. Intresting. By the time I got to the prize table I
saw all the best stuff was taken (DLOTS, BEN, ORS)...or was it? I grab a mystery pack it is the ultimate Luke
set. Master Luke, Anakin's Saber, The Force is Strong with This one, I must be allowed to speak, an Lightsaber
profiency. Cool. very cool. You rock Hickey, and so do your Mystery packs!!

That's it, hope I didn't offend anybody (except Joe) and I will catch you all next tourney!
Keith 'Gen' Watabayashi