
Title: amterdam-21-may-2000
Author: Johan "Johan" van der Meer
Date: May 25, 2000

Last Sunday, the first Dutch Championships were held in Amsterdam in the 'European go center'. I went together with 3 other 'reservoir dogs' a guy from the shop we usually play at.

My dark side was quite heavily tested: RalOps IV, derived from Ralltiir Operations III (look it up, notice the date it was submitted) and Ral Ops II which I played last year at the Open in Antwerpen. Looks alot like AT-ST Rops, basic idea is... well, you all know Rops...
Light side was Super-Revo (concept blatantly copied from dek tek) , 6 Revo's with Obi-Wans, EPP Han/Luke/Leia, SAC, Tunnel Vision etc... No duel and number defense.

Game 1 -- RalOps vs Stefan de Vos's MWYHL-Yoda/Hut+battles deck

Stefan is an European Youth League player, and very good player for someone his age... I start BFHI and set up Ralltiir pretty quickly. He came to Ralltiir, but Imperial Barrier combined with penalties to his destiny draws from my sites, my battle destiny bonus and reacting At-St's won me the ground battles. Meanwhile, a drain for 2 at Kashyyyk and 2 with Mara+Saber on the ground (at a safe distance) wore down his life force.

FW (+20-ish)

Game 2 -- Super-Revo vs De Ruiter's Corulag Operatives/Biker Troopers

First turn Revo on Corulag + 2 2/0 sites... He flipped about 3rd turn, but things went badly for him after that as he couldn't prevent Obi-Wan + Saber + Smokescreen +Draw Their Fire from slicing though a high # of Operatives. Eventually Gold Leader goes to Corulag along with Battle Plan...

FW (+30-ish)

Game 3 -- RalOps vs Pieter Heerma's (Mr. Blonde, Harlequin) Super-Revo

Great.. now i get to play vs one of my own team-mates! We both knew each other decks perfectly... the only reason i won was because i was scared of revo decks and had 2 Evaders and started Crush. Also there was one battle where EPP Obi and EPP Luke battled Darth, they both missed and battle destiny was 0. EPP Vader hit Luke, my was 5... I still had to lose Vader and 8 more. In the end, drains along with At-St pilot attrition booster won me the game with but 9 force.

FW (+9)

Game 4 -- Super-Revo vs Pieter Heerma's Anti-Profit

I can't believe this. It's bad enough to have to play your own team-mates once, but TWICE !?... Pieter didn't have any Revo-Protection, and a consequence I managed to take a form hold over the Audience Chamber after many, many battles. Thanks to Batca Tank and Mantellian and superior activation I won with 17

FW (+10-ish)

Game 5 -- RalOps vs Maarten Rossou's Ewoks-that-twice-beat-my-Musicians

I started Battle Order, managed to get a 2nd turn flip and 3rd turn Boba/Slave to Kashyyyk and 3 guys at 3 1/1 sites. (Het Ralltiir Gebeuren..) Drain of 5 every turn the whole game. Meanwhile he was happily on his was to setting up a drain of 4 off the top of my Reserve deck. I didn't agree, so EPP Vader and Tarkin in Walker go to Endor to make the Ewoks suffer. At least, that was the idea. Upon initiating battle, Maarten played Careful Planning, moved over a whole lot of Ewok Scouts for free, and played It's A Hit!. In his turn, he deploys more Ewoks along with EPP Obi (he was barriered), Threepio_the_GOD, Mech Failiure and Uncontrollable Fury. He initiate a battle and I lose everything and 15 more (but in the process I chopped an Ithorian). I stay away from Ralltiir but deploy Bubo to eat the Elom with the 'Mosep' function...
Late game Maarten played Nar-Shaddaa and deployed Civil Disorder so I have to deploy useless characters to Ralltiir, but in the end the constant drain of 5 wore him down.

FW (+10-ish)

Game 6 -- Super-Revo vs Johan Haneveer's HD High-destiny Duel that packs 3 Evaders

This game didn't go too well. For some reason my concentration completely faltered... Haveneer started Presence o/t Force on Throne Room, deployed Mara his first turn. My 2nd turn, Obi with stick got rid of Mara. At this point I had a Clash of Sabers in my hand but forgot about the one gametext that was the killer. So Vader with Saber comes to Throne Room to drain for 4, along with Kiffex and a ship to drain for 2. I also made some other big mistakes (forgetting drains, thinking it was a fake duel deck when all the signs of a serious duel deck were there), and Johan Haneveer professionally ended it quickly...

FL (-26)

So in the end I was pretty darn close to getting first place, but end up placing 3rd... I suppose i may not complain, going 5-1, but i still have a bad aftertaste from the tournament... I hope i'm a little sharper with the Regional and the Continental.

As for my teammates, Koen Meijssen and Pieter Heerma both went 4/2, Arjan van den Broek and Frits both went 3/3. Johan Haneveer won the tournament followed by Maarten Rossou. They skipped the final round and instead played in the Young Jedi tournament which was held after the National.
All in all it was a good day, had some good games and learned much. The tournament was run by Gepko Sterringa, he ran it pretty darn good!

Johan van der Meer
Mr. White