
Title: hatfield-uk-naboo-regional-part-2
Author: Mike "Kessling" Kessling
Date: Jun 5, 2000

In case you are wondering, I hit enter on accident. So this will be Part 2. I have some coffee and the games start.

so my decks are:

LS: Throne Room Mains

GAME 1: My LS against Chris Paynes COTVG

He starts SEC PREC. I get obi and some 2/0s out and he gets ZIMH first turn. I drain, he gets out kessel. I drain and draw again. He comes down with Jabba and Boelo and battles, I lose Obi to a 5. I come down with Luke and Han EPPs and battle to clear his guys and I lose Han. I back up Luke, he drains in space and a little on Tatooine. I beat down on nothin. He drains for 3 or something every turn while I do more damage through spreading and taking over Kessel.

FW 23

Game 2: my DS against Ian Carter*s MWYHL Training

he starts battle order. I flip first turn. He cancels Visage. I play MM next turn and get out Holonet. Next turn get out Visage redeoploy it. Get out IG88 and Dr e and Mara and the holotable. Search and Destroy and he is runnin out of options. I clear everything he comes down with, and I duel Luke and rape wedge. He loses.

FW 32

Game 3: My LS VS ???s HDADTJ duels/dbs

He gets out IAO and DS DB first turn. Mara first turn. I come down 2nd turn with Obi and he plays PASOA after I initiate. I lose Obi. I kill Mara with Luke and Han. I take over the executor with spies. He tries to set up but I keep wiping his stuff out with minimal losses. He doesnt duel and I keep my stuff for anti duel the whole game. He doesnt do anything to hurt me, i over deployed a little and drew too many. I also got too anxious in killing his things in hindsight.

FW 24

Game 4: My DS VS Gary Carmans YOP deck

I start Battle order against his Bothan Ops/Yarna. Cant flip first turn cuz he started the DB. He goes. Lost Organized Attack x2. Deploy 8 ywings and take off. RIIGHT. He drains and I counter assault, draw really bad destinies and he loses 5. I keep the pressure on with Vader. He flips 3rd turn. I lose a lot to drains but counter assault for 8 again. He retrieves with AWRI and gets 8 or 10 I dont recall. I beat down some of his ops. Obi comes down into a ywing. I tustle in space some with him. He messes up and fails on his wind chimes retrival. obi leaves his wing and he reinforces space. Inserts came in my deck sometime in the game but i tortured both. I draw my last 4 cards...Circle is now complete. 2 destinies left. I duel. I win. He loses 9 and the game.

FW 2

Game 5: My LS VS Ian Cooks HDADTJ duel

He starts HD and BFHI. First turn i cancel visage with jereon and romas. I drain and get some 2/0s out. He comes down with EPP Vader and we clear the site. He gets a 2/1 Endor site. I invade the Executor again with bothan and tawws and orrimarko to the Med chamber. He gets out the holotable and a monnok as well as CHYBC. I nabrun Orrimarko and drain. I get out mains to Endor. More mains by me. He gets out Bliz 2, Arnet, ozzel, vader to the endor site. YAB on obi. I kill Ozzel and the walker and arnet. I get some more mains draining on Endor and take out a big chunk on Vader. I drain a lot and he doesnt do much. Never duels me.

FW 32 or something

GAME 6: my DS against some guys HBX

I get a horrible draw and flip 2nd or 3rd turn. I cant find a ship anywhere! He spreads out in space and comes down with tk422. I get search and destory out. He is losin 2 a turn and 2 to a drain. He flips. It takes me forever to find and he is wearing me down with a drain of about 6. He retrieves and I think I am gonna lose! But I probe right at Roche to win the game. He cancelled both of my counter assaults with Its a Hit.

So I am in the final. During the day me and leonard smith had some convos with Alex Tennent about why the US is worse the said than the UK. I disagreed....

So I am playing Michael Riboulet in the final.

I talk to Gary Carmen and he said both LSs will win for sure.

Game 1: My DS against his LS YOP deck.

he was on tibrin. I thought I would be in a lot of trouble. I flipped 2nd turn. Drained some, but he couldnt get any ops it appeared and visage was hurting him. He took a long long time to flip and i beat him down with mara and vader and took over pretty much. viasge and counter assaults did him in.

FW by 21

Game 2: my LS against his Kiffexs Ops deck with lambadas

It is almost the same deck but he stays in space and I cant find my ships. I get wrecked when I come to space by lateral damge becuase he controls my alter!! I cant kick him out and i dont go to ground early enough and he retrieves alot with Ornament and Short range fighters. His deck was good, you would have to see it.

FL by 25

So I lose and get a huge stack of packs. pull a ben kenobi and general solo. ride home i had a bad heacache. i am gonna take another break untill DragonCon if I get to go..Long story in that area. I will post my info on Trandosite I think soon. if rod will let me...

Michael Kessling