
Title: lvgs-feature-match-2-garrison-v-schuller
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Jun 6, 2000

Game 2 Feature Match: Brian Garrison (Pheonix) vs. Ryan Scheuller (California)

Garrison was DS playing a standard Ralltir Ops deck against Scheuller*s LS Throne Room Mains.

Garrison started Bad Feeling Have I and Scheuller brought out Swamp and Farm.

Scheuller activated, deployed a Nudj with the swamp*s gametext to cancel the DS force icon, dropped Goo Nee Tay from hand and moved the Nudj to Farm. He drew no cards, saving four force signalling a Obi/Luke draw.

Garrison had an explosive draw, droppin Dagobah Cave, Hoth Plains, DS War Room and Security Precautions from his hand. He then deployed Imp. Arrest Order and brought out Spaceport Docking Bay with it and Forest with the Obj. text both to Ralltir.

Scheuller, impressed, went to deploy the other Nudj from his deck but it wasn*t there and Garrison got to verify his deck. Schueller payed nine force to deploy Obi to the docking bay and Altered BFHI.

Garrison activated twelve force on his second turn and drew. Scheuller drained for one, played Obi*s Hut, the nudj to the swamp on Yavin 4 then dropped Melas and Burr to the Docking Bay with Obi. Garrison again played conservative, pulling out the Desert with the Obj, played the meditation chamber and drew. Scheuller drained for one and passed.

On his fourth turn Garrison decided to begin the game. With four sites on Ralltir, he put Tempest 1/Igar at the docking bay against the LS characters, Temp. Sct. 2/Ozzel at the forest, Tsct. 5/Watts to the desert and Tsct. 4/Cabbel to the Jungle and the Objective FLIPS!!! He alters Goo Nee Tay but Schueller Senses.

Schueller*s normally proactive deck is now faced with a position it cannot easily control. He plays Yoda*s Hut and begins to deploy EEP Luke, but realizing that the Walkers can react, decides against it. Instead he runs from Tempest 1 and moves Obi/Melas/Burr away to the forest.

Garrison drains for three, searches for Vader with the objective and deploys him to the forest as well. Schueller, still searching for answers, drops EEP Luke at the Jungle and draws. Garrison drains for one and one and searches for an ATST Pilot. Garrison gears for a showdown by deploying Tarkin to the forest against the Obi team and Tempest Scout 3 with pilot against Luke.

Garrison initiates at the Forest with Vader/Tark/ATST against Obi/Melas/Burr. DS destiny is 3 plus 4 from the Objective. He cancels the LS draw with Tarkin. Schueller forfiets Obi and looses a card from the reserve deck. Garrison then initiates at the Jungle putting two loaded ATSTs against EEP Luke. DS destiny is 3+4 again, LS destiny is 1. Total power is 19 to 6, Schueller looses Luke and 6 cards.

Schueller, clearly behind, signals for Projection of a Skywalker and plays it on the docking bay to cancel the drain. He then plays Tawss at the desert and moves melas/burr there away from Vader.

Garrison drains for 1 and 1 and searches for Monnok which gets sensed. He moves Vader/Tarkin to the desert. Schueller tries to get back in the game on his eigth turn. He signals for Battle Plan, then deploys another EEP Luke to the desert. The LS initiates battle and senses Garrison*s react of moving an ATST. Luke shoots Tarkin but in the crucial moment misses. LS destiny is canceled via Tarkin and when the dust clears Luke is forfieted with two other cards. Schueller retreats to the jungle.

Garrison drains for one, then searches for Tempest Scout 6. He deploys it plus DS-61-3 to the jungle and initiates against the remaining LS characters. Schueller draws a zero for destiny, after bonus Garrison has a 4. Power total is 15 to 5, the LS looses both characters plus four cards. The LS board is now clear.

Schueller, back against the wall, drops Tantive 4 with Chewie piloting to Ralltir. Garrison has the answer, however, and after draining for three plays Bossk and Zuckuss in their ships. He initiates battle and clears the ship off the table. Schueller just draws on his turn. Garrison drains for three and takes no actions.

With one last gasp Schueller deploys Orimarko to the forest and battles. He senses two reacts but looses the battle 16 to 5 after Garrison*s destiny 4. Orimarko and 7 cards.

Garrison drains for two and that*s game by twenty plus differential.