
Title: lvgs-feature-match-3-patchel-v-buskirk
Author: Michael "Dvader" Girard
Date: Jun 6, 2000

Game 3 Feature Report: Jon Patchel vs Ben Van Buskirk

Patchel was lightside with a Tatooine Mains deck featuring Toshe Station while Van Buskirk had the San Diego ISB Ops deck featuring 16 effects.

After some debate over his opening strategy Patchel started Obi*s Hut and Aim High. Buskirk started ISB and Coruscant and Twileked for Oppressive Enforcement.

Buskirk plays first and drops Death Star and Hoth Plains with Imperial Decree and Come Here You Coward -- a card both players felt was crucial in the matchup.

Patchel started strong as well, deploying Rend. Point and Obi and his saber to the hut for an early drain. He then plays an Alter on Buskirk*s Come Here You Coward which is not yet immune. Buskirk momentarily forgets about his Oppresive Enforcement and places the card in the Lost Pile. He then immediately picks it back up and puts it in the Used. Patchel protests that Buskirk had already Lost the card and calls a judge who rules that the effect is placed in the Used Pile. Patchel claims that this ruling is huge as he has a huge problem with the card.

Buskirk spends his second turn playing the Wampa Cave and Twileks first for There Is No Try and then again for Coward which is back in his deck. He deploys them both. Patchel activates, Coward prevents the drain and he draws. Buskirk plays Imperial Arrest Order, Coruscant: Square and draws.

Patchel tries to end the stalemate by Altering Coward again (loosing three force to the Try)
and drains for one at Obi*s hut. Then he goes aggressive by deploying Tantive 4 to the Death Star and ends. Buskirk twileks for Coward again and plays it and deploys Zuckus in Mist Hunter against the Tantive. He battles and draws destiny of 1 which clears the system.

Patchel deploys Toshce Station with BoShek there and moves Obi there. Buskirk again plays slow, deploying Crush the Rebellion and Reactor Terminal on his turn. Patchel drains for two and adds Master Luke at the station. On his sixth turn Buskirk activates, puts two back in his used pile and draws, still deploying nothing. Patchel does the same, drains for two and draws.

Buskirk*s seventh turn blows the game wide open. He deploys first strike, and then drops DLOTS, Tarkin and Blizard 2 with Evax and Igar to Toshe Station and initiates battle. The LS takes the first action of playing glancing blow to make Vader*s power zero. Buskirk then chokes Obi with a tracked 7 he terminaled the turn before and draws his other tracked card for destiny, a six. Tarkin cancels the LS destiny and Buskirk wins the battle which clears the site. The DS strike force move to Obi*s Hut for a big drain.

Patchel is activating only 6 force at this point and his only action is to deploy a pointless R3PO to the Hut. Buskirk takes his turn, drains for three and draws. Patchel then deploys Mos Eisley and the Cantina but no characters and draws. Buskirk again drains for three and passes.

Patchel makes a move on his turn and deploys EEP Luke, Chewie and Melas to the Cantina, threatening a shuffle. Buskirk drains at the hut then deploys Battle Order followed by the Endor system. He puts the Executor with Chall Beckham piloting there and flips his objective to cancel the LS shuffle drain.

Patchel moves a character over via the Mos Eisley text and drains at both sites. Buskirk points to the Objective and says *minus one* but accepts when Patchel proves that his agent inside Blizzard 2 does not meet the text. Patchel then adds Anakin*s Saber on Luke and Jeron Webb at Mos Eisley, keeping his forces split between there and the Cantina.

Buskirk drains for five at the Hut and Endor, then moves Bliz 2 to Toshe Station, leaving Vader and Tarkin to secure the drain. Patchel drains and then puts EEP Leia at Mos Eisley, still doing nothing to counter Buskirk*s devastating drains. Buskirk takes his turn, drains and draws.

Patchel*s situation is getting desperate and on his twelveth turn drains at the cantina and then moves Leia, Melas and Webb to Toshe Station. The game well in hand, Buskirk drains for five again, initiates a pointless battle at the Station and clears the site to which Patchel conceeds.